Data Sheet
SV35.4 Series
Eco-friendly 3.5-inch hard drives designed
for surveillance digital video recording
320 GB • SATA 3Gb/s
Key Advantages
The only hard drive designed specifically for surveillance environments,
where 24x7 reliability is key
40 percent lower power consumption than previous generation enables
higher reliability for eco-friendly surveillance systems
Uncompromising reliability supports flexible DVR design, with case
temperatures up to 75°C
20-mm form factor provides more ventilation in a multi-drive environment.
EMI compliance with minimal emitted vibration for improved system
Best-in-class acoustic performance means virtually silent operation
Higher areal density for cost-effective DVR applications
Enterprise-class reliability for 24x7 video surveillance applications
ATA-7 streaming commands allow for data reads and writes tailored to
either video, data or a combination of both, guaranteeing smooth, reliable
video streaming as well as high-integrity database updates.
Enhanced caching capabilities enable superior video recording quality.
Best-Fit Applications
Video surveillance digital video recorder
Video surveillance network digital video recorder
Direct-attached and network-attached JBOD video surveillance storage
SV35.4 Series
Eco-friendly 3.5-inch hard drives designed
for surveillance digital video recording
The Seagate® SV35 Series™ drive enables security industry manufacturers,
integrators and installers to accomplish more with less, greatly improving
their surveillance solution offerings in reliability, power, performance, vibration
and acoustics.
Designed specifically for surveillance environments, where 24x7 reliability
is key
Enterprise-class reliability for 24x7 video surveillance applications:
>1 million hours MTBF, <1 percent AFR
Enables high-resolution video streams for intelligent video applications
or analytics
Enhanced caching capabilities for improved performance
SATA interface supports up to 3Gb/s bandwidth, increasing video data
rates (480 Mb/s)
Best-in-class acoustic performance for virtually silent operation
Lower power consumption enables eco-friendly surveillance systems
Reduced power consumption and heat generation enable systems to
run cooler and last longer.
Uncompromising reliability supports flexible DVR design, with case
temperatures up to 75°C
20-mm form factor provides more ventilation in a multi-drive environment.
EMI compliance with minimal emitted vibration for improved system
Higher areal density for cost-effective DVR applications
ATA-7 streaming commands support reads and writes tailored to both
video and audio data.
Unparalleled Seagate technical and marketing support infrastructure
dedicated to video surveillance customers
Field engineering and business support teams available in person,
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
Model Number
Interface Options
Average S eek (ms, typ ical)
Cache, M ultisegment ed (MB)
SATA Data Tra nsfer Modes Su ppor ted (G b/s)
Track-to-Track Seek (ms, typical)
Power-On to Rea dy
(sec, max, @ 2 5°C and no minal vol tage)
Volta ge
Voltag e Tolera nce (in cluding noise )
Configuration/Or ganization
Byte s per Sec tor
Guaranteed Sectors
Reliability/ Data integrity
Nonrecovera ble Read E rror s per Bit s Read
MTBF ( hours) /Ann ualized F ailure Rate (A FR) 40°C
HDD Ca se Temp
Contact Star t-Stop Cycles
(25°C, 50% r elative humidi ty)
Power Management
Maxim um Startup C urrent (12 V typi cal, amp s)
Opera ting Mod e (typical, W )
Standby/ Sleep Mode (t ypical, W)
Opera ting (a mbient min °C)
Opera ting (d rive case max °C )
Nonoperatin g (ambient min °C)
Nonoperatin g (ambient ma x °C)
Temperatur e Gradien t (°C per hou r max) ,
Relative Humidity
Opera ting (n on-condensing, %)
Nonoperating (non-condensing, %)
Wet Bulb Temp eratu re (°C m ax) , Operating /
Shock , Opera ting : 2 ms (Gs)
Shock , Nonop erating: 2 ms ( Gs)
Acous tic, Idle (ty pical/ma x bels)
5 to 22 Hz, D isplacement L imited, Opera ting/
Nonoperatin g (Gs)
22 to 35 0 Hz, Operatin g/ Nonoperati ng (Gs )
350 to 5 00 Hz, Operat ing/Non opera ting (Gs)
Height ( mm/in)
Width ( mm/in)
Depth ( mm/in)
Weight ( g/lb)
One gigaby te, or GB, equals one billion by tes and one terabyt e, or TB, equals one trillio n bytes
when refe rring to hard dr ive capacity.
320 GB
ST3 320410 SV
SATA 3Gb /s
5V ±5 %
12V ±10%
1 sector p er 10E14
>1 million/<1%
5 to 90
5 to 95
1.9 /2 .1
101.8 5/4.0 10
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Scot ts Valley, Califor nia 950 66, Un ited St ates, 83 1-438 -655 0
ASIA /PACIFI C Seagate Tech nolog y Intern ation al Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 , Singa pore 56 9877, 65- 6485 -38 88
EUROPE, MIDD LE EAST A ND AFRI CA Seaga te Technolo gy SAS 130 –136, rue d e Silly, 927 73, Boul ogne- Billa ncour t Cedex, France 3 3 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2008 Seagate Techn ology LLC. All right s reserved. Pri nted in USA. Seag ate, Seagate Technolo gy and the Wave logo are re gistered trade marks of Seagate Tech nology LLC in the Unite d States and/o r other countrie s. SV35
Series i s either a tradem ark or a reg istered tradem ark of Seagate Technol ogy LLC or one of its af filiated compani es in the United Stat es and/or othe r countries. All o ther trademark s or registered tr ademarks are the p roperty of the ir
respec tive owners. Whe n referri ng to hard drive capa city, one gigabyte, o r GB, equals one bil lion bytes and one te rabyte, or TB, equ als one trillion by tes. Your computer’s op erating system may u se a different st andard of measur ement
and repo rt a lower capacit y. In addi tion, some of the list ed capacity is us ed for formatti ng and other functi ons, and thus will n ot be availa ble for dat a storage. Seagat e reser ves the right to chan ge, without notice , product offer ings or
specifi cations. DS1652.1-0806U S, June 2008