Seagate SV35.2 - Series 320 GB Hard Drive,SV35.2 Series Product Overview

Product Overview
SV35.2 Series
160-GB to 750-GB hard drives for SDVRs
Hard drives engineered for digital video surveillance.
Better performance, higher reliability, greater capacity.
Key Features and Benefits
Increased Surveillance Digital Video Recorder (SDVR) Performance
Improved data transfer rates (read/write speeds)
Optimized for recording of multiple, simultaneous video streams
Engineered to maintain high video data integrity
Designed for 24x7 operation and high write duty cycles
>1,000,000 hours MTBF in 24x7 video surveillance applications
Fewer moving parts
Lower power consumption and reduced heat generation
Greater Capacity
Industry-leading capacity—750 GB
Industry’s widest range of capacities—now including 320 GB
Tailored for the video surveillance industry
Technical and marketing support infrastructure dedicated to
video surveillance customers
Second-generation SV35.2 Series drive—dedicated to evolve
with emerging video surveillance industry requirements
Backed by the Seagate 5-year limited warranty
Best-Fit Applications
Video surveillance digital video recorders (SDVR)
Video surveillance network digital video recorders (SNVR)
Direct-attached and network-attached JBOD video storage
Small-footprint video surveillance digital recorders
SV35.2 Series
160-GB to 750-GB hard drives for SDVRs
Maximum Capacity
Industry-leading capacity—up to 750 GB— stores massive amounts of digital video:
217 continuous days (640x480, 10 fps)
24 continuous days (720x480, 30 fps)
Increased Reliability
Advanced power management features include
lower startup current, which enables the design of low-cost power supplies. The capability to power down when not in use saves power and enables more efficient system cooling.
Intelligent workload monitoring senses specific
workload profiles that can stress key systems and then takes corrective action.
With an MTBF of over one million hours and
an annual failure rate of less than 1 percent, SV35.2 Series drives can withstand the intense duty cycles common in digital video recording for security and surveillance.
Improved Performance
Video security drives are designed primarily for streaming video.
Increased video data rates (480 Mb/s) enable
higher-performance video recording.
ATA-7 command set support enables read/
write profiles to be tuned to video-specific applications.
Rotat ional Speed ( RPM ) 7200
Video C apacity (2 4x7 operation ) 720x4 80 @ 30 fps* 640 x480 @ 10 fp s*
Star tup Power, 12V Line ( amps) 2.0
Reliability (MT BF/AFR ) >1 million ho urs***/<1%
Interface ATA/100 **, SATA 3Gb/ s
* Compre ssed ** Ass umes 2-MB host b uffer per str eam *** At 2 5°C ambient wit h HDD case withi n 15°C above ambient
up to 24 day s up to 217 days
Industry-Leading Innovation and Support
The SV35.2 Series drive is the first hard
drive engineered and optimized for video surveillance, now with perpendicular recording technology.
Backed by the Seagate 5-year limited warranty
Supported by a team of dedicated Seagate
surveillance resources
SV35.2 Series drives are compatible with UDMA-2, -3 and -4 chipsets and offer SATA options for the ultimate in high-performance data transfers.
Technology and Security Drive a Growing Market
Digital video surveillance systems now enable sophisticated software capabilities that automatically preview and flag security events in seconds. High-resolution image capture is moving the quality of stored video from grainy and marginally useful to crisp and incredibly detailed images. At the heart of these capabilities are massive hard drives.
New Customer Requirements
The SV35.2 Series hard drive represents the commitment of Seagate to a new category of technology and customers. The Seagate Design Service Centers are committed to providing integration and educational information to the surveillance customers and to growing the combined knowledge and capabilities of storage products for digital video recording in the surveillance sector. Technical and advanced application design advice is available through design centers in the U.S. and Singapore. 1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Scot ts Valley, Califor nia 950 66, Un ited St ates, 83 1-438 -655 0 ASIA /PACIFI C Seagate Tech nolog y Intern ation al Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo K io Avenu e 5, Sing apore 5 69877, 65- 6485-38 88 EUROPE, M IDDLE E AST AND A FRICA Sea gate Techno logy SA S 130-136, rue d e Silly, 927 73 Boulo gne- Billa ncour t Cedex, France , 33 1-41 86 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2007 Seagate Technol ogy LLC. All r ights reserve d. Printed i n USA. Seagate, Se agate Technology and t he Wave logo ar e registered trad emarks of Seagate Tech nology LLC in the Unit ed States a nd/or other co untries . SV35 Seri es is eith er a trade mark or re gistere d trademark of Sea gate Technology LLC or on e of its affiliated c ompanie s in the United State s and/o r other countrie s. All othe r trademarks or re gistered tradem arks are the prope rty of their res pective owners . One gigab yte, or GB, e quals one billion b ytes and o ne terabyte, or TB, e quals one trillio n bytes wh en refer ring to har d drive cap acity. Acc essibl e capacit y may vary depen ding on ope rating environm ent and format ting. Quantitat ive usage ex amples for variou s applications a re for illus trative purpose s. Actual quanti ties will va ry based on vario us factors, incl uding file s ize, file for mat, feat ures and a pplicat ion software. Se agate reserve s the right to ch ange, wit hout noti ce, produ ct offerings or s pecific ations. P ublicat ion Numbe r: PO0036.2- 0710US, Octo ber 2007