Specif ication s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimensions Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimension s
Len gth (in/mm) 4.60 6 in/117 mm 7.32 3 in/186 mm 8.60 6 in/218 .6 mm 47.9 92 in/1,2 19 mm
Width (in/mm) 3.15 in/80 mm 5.41 3 in/137 .5 mm 6.59 4 in/167 .5 mm 40 in/1,0 16 mm
Depth (in/mm) 0.58 3 in/14.8 mm 1.53 5 in/39 mm 6. 008 in/1 52.6 mm 47 .638 in/ 1,210 mm
Weight (lb/ kg) 0.373 lb/0.169 kg 0.6 39 lb/0.2 9 kg 2.9 76 lb/1.3 5 kg 574.6 57 lb/260 .66 kg
Quan tities
Boxes per Master Carto n 4
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 175
Pallet Layers 7
System Re quirements
Xbox One®, Xbo x One S or Xbox 36 0
Supe rSpeed US B 3.0 po rt (requ ired f or USB 3.0 transf er speeds, or backward
compat ible with USB 2.0 p orts at USB 2.0 transfe r speeds)
What's I ncluded
Seag ate Game Drive fo r Xbo x portable HDD
18-inch (46cm) USB 3.0 cable
Quick sta rt gu ide
Region Model Nu mber Capacity Colour
Limited Warran ty
UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC Notes
EMEA STEA2 000410 2TB Black 2 763 649111 055 763 649098 370 107 636491 11052
Halo Wars 2
Specia l Edition
EMEA STEA2 000403 2TB Green 2 7 636490 73360 763 649007 1911 107 636490 73367 —
EMEA STEA2 000417 2TB White 2 763 649119 297 366061 940196 3 107636 491192 94
Xbox Game Pass
Specia l Edition
1 Formatting ma y be required.
2 Compatib ility may vary depending on user’s ha rdware configuratio n and operating s ystem .
AMERICAS Sea gate Tec hnology L LC 10200 South De Anza B oulevard, Cup ertino, Califo rnia 9 5014, Un ited States, 4 08-658-10 00
ASIA/ PACIFIC Seagat e Singap ore Interna tional Hea dquarters Pt e. Ltd. 7000 An g Mo Kio A venue 5, Singapo re 5 69877, 65-6485-3 888
EUROPE, MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Seag ate Tech nology SA S 16-18, ru e du Dôme, 92100 Boulogn e-Billancourt, Fran ce, 33 1 -418 6 10 00
© 2017 Seaga te Techno logy LLC. A ll rights re served. Sea gate, S eagate Technolog y and th e Spiral logo are tradema rks or reg istered trade marks of Sea gate Tech nology
LLC o r one of its aff iliated companies in the United States a nd/or oth er countries. All other trad emarks or registere d trademarks a re th e property o f their respe ctive owners.
When re ferring to drive capacity, on e gigab yte, or GB, equals on e billion byte s; and o ne terab yte, or TB, e quals on e trillion bytes. You r computer’s op erating syste m may u se
a diff erent stan dard of mea surement a nd report a lower capacity. In add ition, some of th e listed cap acity is used for formatting and oth er function s, and th us will not be
availab le fo r data sto rage . Quantita tive usage examples fo r various app lication s are for illustrative purposes. Actual qu antities will vary ba sed on va rious f actors, includin g file
size, file format, feat ures and a pplication so ftware. Complying with all app licable copyright laws is t he respon sibility of the user. Seagate reserves the right to ch ange, with out
notice , product o fferings or sp ecifications. DS 1857.5 1705 G B