Data Sheet
Seagate Expansion portable drive, add-on storage for your PC
The Seagate® Expansion portable drive is compact and perfect for on-the-go.
Instantly add more storage space to your computer and take large les with you
when you travel.
Setup is simple and straightforward; simply connect a single USB cable and you
are ready to go. The drive is powered from the USB cable, so there is no need for
an external power supply. Plus, it is automatically recognized by the Windows
operating system, so there is no software to install and nothing to congure. Saving
les is easy—simply drag-and-drop.
Take advantage of the fast data transfer speeds with the USB 3.0 interface by
connecting to a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 port. USB 3.0 is backwards compatible with
USB 2.0 for additional system compatibility.
Retail Packaging Product Dimensions Box Dimensions Master Carton Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Capacity 1TB, 2TB 3TB, 4TB 1TB, 2TB 3TB, 4TB 1TB, 2TB 3TB, 4TB 1TB, 2TB 3TB, 4TB
Length (in/mm) 4.61/117.00 4.61/117.00 5.51/140.00 5.59/142.00 7.01/178.00 7.01/178.00 48/ 1219 48 /12 19
Width (in/mm) 3.15 /80 .00 3.15 /80 .00 4.06/103.00 4.06/103.00 5.43/138.00 6.7 7/172. 00 40 /10 16 40 /10 16
Height (in/mm) 0.58/14.8 0.82/20.9 0 1.2 2/31. 00 1.56/39.50 4.57/116.00 4.57/116.00 43.27/1099.00 43/109 9
Weight (lb/kg) 0.37/0.17 0.52/0.238 0.56/0.26 0.73/0.331 2.5 3/1.15 3.27/1.49 858.91/390.41 835.49/379.76
Boxes per Master Carton 4
Master C artons per Pallet 320 (1TB, 2 TB), 240 (3TB, 4TB)
Pallet Layers 8
System Requirements
10, Windows 8, Windows 7 operating system
SuperSpeed USB 3.0 port (required for USB 3.0 transfer speeds or backwards compatible with USB 2.0 ports at USB 2.0 transfer speeds)
What Is Included
Seagate Expansion drive 1-year limited warranty (AM ER)
18-inch (45.72cm) USB 3.0 cable 2-year limited warranty (EMEA )
Quick start guide 3-year limited warranty (APAC)
Region Product Capacity
Model Number UPC Code EAN Code Multi-Pack UPC
WW Expansion por table drive 1TB STEA1000400 763649064870 7636490063428 10763649064877
WW Expansion por table drive 2TB STEA2000400 763649064887 7636490063435 10763649064884
WW Expansion por table drive 3TB STEA3000400 763 64 90719 39 7636490070488 10763649071936
WW Expansion por table drive 4TB STEA4000400 76 36 49 07192 2 7636490070471 10763649071929
1 Compatibility may vary depending on user’s hardware conguration and operating system.
2 One tera byte, or T B, equal s one thous and bill ion byte s when ref erring t o drive cap acity.
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Si ngapor e Intern ational H eadqua rter s Pte. Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5, S ingapo re 569877, 65- 6485 -3888
EUROPE, MID DLE EA ST AND AFRI CA Sea gate Technol ogy SAS 16–18, ru e du Dôme, 9 2100 Boulog ne-Bi llanco urt, Fra nce, 33 1-4186 10 00
AMERICAS Seagate Technology LLC 10200 South De Anza Boulevard, Cupertino, California 95014, United States, 408-658-1000
© 2017 Seagate Techno logy LLC. A ll right s reser ved. Sea gate Technol ogy and th e Spiral l ogo are tr adema rks or reg istere d tradem arks of Se agate Techno logy LLC or o ne of its af liate d compan ies in the
United S tates and /or other c ountri es. All ot her trad emarks o r regist ered tra demar ks are the pr oper ty of thei r respe ctive owne rs. Whe n referr ing to driv e capaci ty, one giga byte, or GB , equals o ne billio n bytes
and one te rabyte, or TB, equ als one thousa nd billion bytes . Your compu ter’s operating sy stem may use a diff erent standar d of measureme nt and report a lo wer capacity. In add ition, some of the l isted capacit y
is used fo r format ting and other fun ctions a nd will not b e availab le for dat a storage . Comply ing with a ll applic able cop yright l aws is the re sponsi bility o f the user. Sea gate res erves t he right to c hange, wi thout
notice, p roduc t offeri ngs or spe cica tions. D S1842.5 1705 WW