Data Sheet
Mobile storage for smartphones, tablets and laptops
Free yourself with Seagate® Wireless mobile storage. Enjoy your media and access
your les without wires or the Internet. Seagate Wireless broadcasts its own Wi-Fi
network, so you can wirelessly stream your media and les to up to three mobile
devices. With 500GB of storage at your ngertips, choosing which les to sync to
your mobile device before a long trip is a thing of the past. Seagate Wireless lets you
carry hundreds of movies and thousands of photos, songs and documents.
Seagate Wireless streams your media and documents to all your popular tablets,
smartphones, computers and connected devices. The free Seagate Media app
available for iOS, Android® tablets and smartphones, Kindle Fire and Windows® 8/RT
tablets and computers makes it easy to navigate and enjoy content wherever you go.
Share your content with everyone on the biggest screen in your house - the TV.
The Seagate Media app can cast your content to a Chromecast, LG Smart TV or
aRoku player with ease when on the same network.
Are your photos and video eating up all your space? With Seagate Wireless, you can
now ofoad or back up full-resolution pictures and video from your smartphone or
tablet using the Seagate Media app. Windows 8 users can access all the content
on Seagate Wireless directly from their desktops using the Seagate Media App for
atruly wireless drive experience.
Retail Packaging Product Dimensions Box Dimensions Master Carton Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Length (in/mm) 0.965/24.5 2.0/51.0 7.8 4/ 199 .0 48 /1, 219
Width (in/mm) 4.93/125.36 6.02/153.0 6.46/164.0 40 /1,016
Height (in/mm) 4.9 4/125.3 6 6.54/166.0 6.73 /171.0 4 6/1,1 69
Weight (lb/kg) 0.618/0.281 0.843/0.383 2.924/1.329 668.56/303.89
Boxes per Master Car ton 3
Master C artons per Pallet 210
Pallet Layers 6
Retail Units per Pallet 630
System Requirements
Windows® 8, Windows 7, Mac OS® X 10.7 or higher, iOS 7.0 or higher, Android® 4.0 or higher, Kindle Fire HD, Windows 8/ RT tablets and computers
Inside the Box
Seagate W ireless mobile storage Quick start guide
USB cable 2-year limited warranty
Region Product Colour Capacity
Model Number EAN Code Multi-Pack UPC
EMEA Wireless Black 500GB STDC500205 7636490065224 10763649066673
EMEA Wireless White 500GB STDC500206 7636490065248 10763649066697
WW Wireless Blue 500GB STDC500400 7636490065354 10763649066802
WW Wireless Red 500GB STDC500402 7636490065378 10763649066826
WW Wireless Green 500GB STDC500401 7636490065361 10763649066819
One giga byte, or GB , equals o ne billio n bytes whe n referr ing to drive c apacit y.
AME RICAS Seagat e Technology L LC 10200 Sout h De Anza Bo ulevard, C upert ino, Calif ornia 95014, Uni ted State s, +1 408 658 1000
A SIA/ PACIFIC Seagate Si ngapore I nternat ional He adquar ters Pt e. Ltd. 7000 A ng Mo Kio Aven ue 5, Singa pore 569 877, +65 6485 388 8
EUROPE, M IDDLE E AST AND AFR ICA Seagate Techn ology SAS 16 -18 rue du Dôme, 92100 Bo ulogne -Billa ncour t, France, + 33 1 41 86 10 00
© 2015 Seagate Techn ology LLC. A ll right s reser ved. Prin ted in USA . Seagate, S eagate Techn ology an d the Wave logo a re regis tered tra demark s of Seagat e Technology L LC in the Unit ed States a nd/or othe r
countr ies. All o ther trad emarks o r registe red trad emarks a re the prop erty o f their res pectiv e owners. W hen refe rring to dr ive capac ity, one giga byte, or GB , equals o ne billio n bytes; an d one teraby te, or TB,
equals o ne trilli on bytes . Your compute r’s operati ng system m ay use a dif ferent st andard o f measur ement an d repor t a lower capa city. In add ition, so me of the list ed capac ity is use d for form atting a nd other
functi ons, and th us will not b e availabl e for data s torage. Co mplyin g with all ap plicabl e copyri ght laws is th e respon sibilit y of the use r. Quantita tive usage e xamples f or variou s applic ations ar e for illus trative
purpo ses. Actu al quanti ties will va ry bas ed on vario us factor s, inclu ding le si ze, le form at, featu res and ap plicati on soft ware. Actu al data ra tes may var y depen ding on ope rating en vironme nt and othe r
factors. Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specications. DS1840.1-1501GB