Data Sheet
Your movies, music, photos and files available everywhere, any way
Seagate® Personal Cloud 2-bay home media storage allows you to create your very
own cloud that is accessible outside the home. Organise all your family’s photos,
videos, music and important documents in one secure central location on your home
network, and back up not only all your PCs and Macs, but your cloud services as well.
Personal Cloud 2-bay can automatically and continuously back up every PC and
Mac computer in the home - wirelessly.1 Stress less knowing that all your networked
computers are backed up, and set your own backup schedule using the included
Seagate Dashboard software. For extra protection of your data, Personal Cloud
2-bay comes equipped with two drives. All of your les are simultaneously saved
to both drives. That way, if one drive fails, you still have access to all of your les.
Do you use Dropbox or Google Drive? If so, you can easily transfer and back up les
stored on your favourite cloud service to Personal Cloud 2-bay or transfer les from
Personal Cloud 2-bay to your cloud service. Free up space in the cloud or simply
have local access to all the les you choose.
Personal Cloud 2-bay leads the category in streaming to the top-selling Smart TVs
and connected devices. Access your music, lms and docs from computers, game
consoles, Smart TVs and other connected devices throughout the home. If you own
a Roku Player, Samsung Smart TV or Blu-ray Disc™ player with Smart Hub (2012
model or later), you can take advantage of the Seagate Media app to enjoy easy
content browsing with your remote control. You can also use the Seagate Media app
with your smartphone or tablet and cast your content to a Chromecast, LG Smart TV
orRoku player when you want to share it on the biggest screen in the home - your TV.
Take your cloud with you, anywhere and everywhere. Personal Cloud 2-bay lets
you manage and access your digital content on the road using a Seagate Access
account or the Seagate Media app. Seagate Access allows any user registered to
Personal Cloud 2-bay to have access to private and public les on your drive back
home. The Seagate Media app offers a full screen view that allows for quick and
easy selection, as well as a visually rich experience that is available for Android®
and iOS devices, Windows® 8/RT computers and tablets, and Amazon Kindle. After
downloading the Seagate Media app, you can view your content by type, size, even
compatibility, regardless of whether it is a PDF, Word doc, music, photo or video
le. You can even ofoad or back up your photos and personal videos on your
smartphone or tablet using the Seagate Media app.
When co nnecte d to a WiFi rou ter
Retail Packaging Product Dimensions Box Dimensions Master Carton Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Length (in/mm) 9.21/234 4.21/107 11.73 /29 8 47.99/1,219
Width (in/mm) 9. 2 5/2 35.15 11.29/287 8.93/227 40 /1, 016
Height (in/mm) 1.89/48 13.3/338 13.9 3/354 47.4/1,204
Weight (lb/kg) 4.8 /2.18 5.75/2.61 12.31/5.59 604.45/274.75
Boxes per Master Carton 2
Master C artons per Pallet 48
Pallet Layers 3
System Requirements
Router with an available Ethernet por t (Wi-Fi router required for wireless file access and backup)
Internet connection for activation and Internet file sharing
Internet Explorer® up-to-date or one previous version, Firefox®, Chrome, Safari® up-to-date version
Windows® 8, Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, Mac OS® X 10.7 or later operating sys tem
Remote Access App Requirements
iOS, Android Smartphone and Tablet (Android 4, iOS 6.0 or later)
Desktop PC or Mac OS
Seagate Media mobile device app available at: iTunes App Store, Android Marketplace, Google Play and Amazon® App store
Inside the Box
Seagate Personal Cloud 2-bay home media storage device Quick start guide
Ethernet cable 2-year limited warranty
Power supply
Region Product Capacity
Model Number EAN Code Multi-Pack UPC
EMEA Personal Cloud 2-bay 4TB STCS4000201 7636490065101 10763649066550
EMEA Personal Cloud 2-bay 6TB STCS6000201 7636490065125 10763649066574
EMEA Personal Cloud 2-bay 8TB STCS8000201 7636490065149 10763649066598
When ref errin g to drive ca pacit y, one teraby te, or TB, equals on e trillio n bytes .
AMERICA S Seagat e Technolog y LLC 10200 So uth De An za Boule vard, Cup erti no, Calif ornia 9 5014, United St ates, +1 408 658 100 0
ASIA /PACIFIC Sea gate Sin gapor e Intern ationa l Headqu arte rs Pte. Lt d. 7000 A ng Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Sing apore 5 69877, +65 6485 3 888
EURO PE, MIDD LE EAST A ND AFRI CA Seagat e Technolog y SAS 16-18 rue du Dôm e, 92100 Boul ogne- Billa ncour t, Franc e, +33 1 41 86 10 00
© 2015 Seagate Techn ology L LC. All rig hts res erved . Printe d in USA. S eagate, S eagate Tec hnolog y and the Wave l ogo are re giste red trad emark s of Seag ate Technolo gy LLC in th e United S tates an d/or othe r
countr ies. Al l other tr adema rks or re gistere d trade marks a re the pro per ty of thei r respe ctive own ers. W hen refe rring to d rive cap acity, one g igaby te, or GB, e quals o ne billio n bytes; a nd one ter abyte, o r TB,
equals o ne trill ion byte s. Your comp uter’s ope rating s ystem may u se a dif ferent s tanda rd of mea sureme nt and re port a l ower cap acity. In ad dition , some of th e listed c apacit y is use d for form attin g and othe r
functi ons, an d thus will n ot be avail able for d ata stor age. Ac tual dat a rates may v ary de pendi ng on oper ating e nvironm ent and o ther fac tors. C omplyi ng with al l applic able co pyrigh t laws is the r espon sibili ty
of the use r. Seagate re serv es the rig ht to chan ge, with out noti ce, prod uct off ering s or spec icati ons. DS1839.1-1501GB