Seagate STCM500401 Product Data Sheet

Data Sheet
Sleek, high-performance SSD for the on-the-go tech
Up to 1TB of storage
Sleek, stylish, and ultra-modern design
Lightweight and shock resistant—take it everywhere
Transfer speeds up to 540/500MB/s
Folder-syncing software helps keep your important files up-to-date
The Seagate Fast SSD is perfect for personal, on-the-go storage. This
lightweight and stylish external SSD can store up to 1TB of your favorite
photos, videos and must-have files. Plus, the fully reversible USB-C cable
means hassle-free connectivity with an ever-increasing number of USB-C
compatible devices. The Seagate Fast SSD also has some of the fastest
read/write speeds around—up to 540/500MB/s. Take advantage of the
folder syncing feature which monitors a target folder for any file additions,
deletions or modifications.
Smart looks. The meticulously crafted Fast SSD is sleek, lightweight,
and shock resistant. It can withstand anything the commute can throw at
True speed. With maximum sequential read/write speeds up to
540/500MB/s, you’ll be able to work on any project, at any time, directly
from the Fast SSD. Included formatting tool lets you optimize your drive
for max performance, or cross-OS compatibility.
Future-proof with USB-C. USB-C is steadily gaining acceptance and
usage. And Fast SSD is helping to set the stage. Equipped with USB-C
technology, enjoy the fully reversible USB-C cable for hassle-free
connectivity. You can also use an included USB Type-C to Type-A cable
for compatibility.
Convenient folder syncing. Mirror your files and projects with the
included folder-syncing software. You can have a designated folder
monitored, so that your Fast SSD will automatically keep up with the
latest changes to your files.
Specif ication s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimensions Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimension s
Len gth (in/mm) 3.70 1in/94mm 5.78 7in/147mm 6.81 1in/173mm 40in/ 1016mm
Width (in/mm) 3.11 in/79mm 4.1 14in/10 4.5mm 5.23 6in/133mm 47.9 92in/121 9mm
Depth (in/mm) 0.35 4in/9mm 1.28 in/32.5mm 4 .173in/1 06mm 44.2 91in/112 5mm
Weight (lb/ kg) 0.1 81lb/0.0 82kg 0.42 5lb/0.19 3kg 1 .973lb/0 .895kg 6 71.087 lb/304.4 kg
Quan tities
Boxes per Master Carto n 4
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 320
Pallet Layers 8
System Re quirements
Windows® 7 or higher, o r Mac OS ® X 1 0.9 or high er operatin g system
USB-C or USB 3.0 port (required for USB 3.0 transfer sp eeds or ba ckwards
compat ible with USB 2.0 p orts at USB 2.0 transfe r speeds)
What's I ncluded
Seag ate® Fast S SD portable drive
Seag ate Too lkit: ba ckup and mirroring sof tware
Type-C cab le (18-in)
Type-C to Type-A USB 3 .0 cable (1 8-in)
Quick sta rt gu ide
Region Mode l Number Capacity Color
Limited Warran ty
UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC
WW STCM250 400 250GB Black 3 763649 126585 366 061940 3684 107 636491 26582
WW STCM500 401 500GB Black 3 763649 126592 366 061940 3691 107 636491 26599
WW STCM10004 00 1TB B lack 3 763649 126608 366 061940 3707 107 636491 26605
1 Reformatting for Mac may be required.
2 Compatib ility may vary depending on user’s ha rdware configuratio n and operating s ystem .
3 Requires Internet connec tion.
AMERICAS Seag ate Tech nology LL C 10200 South De Anza Bo ulevard, Cup ertino, California 95014, United Sta tes, 408 -658 -100 0
ASIA/ PACIFIC Seag ate Sing apore In ternationa l Head quarters Pt e. Ltd. 7 000 An g Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Singapo re 56 9877, 65-6485-3 888
EUROPE, MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA S eagate Technolog y SAS 16-1 8, rue du Dôme, 921 00 Boulo gne-Billancou rt, Fran ce, 33 1 -418 6 10 00
© 2018 Seaga te Techno logy LLC. A ll rights reserved . Seaga te, Sea gate Tech nology, a nd the Spiral logo a re reg istered trademarks of Seagat e Technolo gy LLC in t he
United States an d/or oth er countries. A ll oth er trademarks o r registe red t rade marks are the prop erty of the ir respe ctive owners. Whe n referring to drive capacity, one
gigab yte, or GB, equals o ne billion byt es and o ne terab yte, or TB, e quals on e trillion bytes. You r computer’s op erating syste m may u se a diffe rent standard o f measuremen t
and report a lowe r cap acity. In ad dition, some of the liste d capacity is use d for formattin g and o ther funct ions, and thu s will not be availab le for dat a storage. Actual da ta
rates ma y vary depen ding on operating environment and oth er factors, su ch as cho sen interfac e and d isk cap acity. Complying with all applicab le co pyright laws is the
respon sibility of the user. Seag ate reserves the right t o chang e, without notice, prod uct offe rings o r spe cification s. DS1972 .1-1802 WW