SSD Speed.
HDD Capacity.
Product Overview
Seagate® Solid State Hybrid
Drives (SSHD)
Storage That Makes Sense
• Boots up and performs like a solid state drive (SSD)
• The capacity of a hard disk drive (HDD)
• A price that makes sense
• All-in-one design for simplicity and ease of installation
• No special software or drivers required
• Backed by a 3-year limited warranty
With SSHD Technology, You Get There Faster
Why should a high-performance PC be slower than your tablet or smart phone? It
shouldn’t. Seagate SSHDs give you the instant-on response of solid state memory
and the extremely large capacity of a hard drive. You get both the kick and the
capacity that lets you consume, create and store at amazing speeds.
1 Perfo rmanc e may var y depend ing on us er’s hardw are con gurati on and op eratin g system.
Testing per formed on a Seag ate Lapto p SSHD 1TB and S eagate L aptop T hin SSHD 5 00GB.

SSD Speed. HDD Capacity.
Seagate® Solid State Hybrid Drives (SSHD)
Changing the Game for Laptops and PCs
In the past, the term instant-on could not be applied to a
standard laptop or PC. That kind of speed was available
only in systems few could afford or in tablet devices made
for online browsing, not content creation. By contrast, an
SSHD from Seagate is an affordable alternative that delivers
the speed of solid state memory with the storage benets of
an HDD. It has more data integrity and retention techniques
than SSDs or other combination solutions. Using Adaptive
Memory™ technology, which effectively identies then stores
the most frequently used data into the solid state memory,
you get solid state performance, expansive capacity and
exceptional reliability in one device.
SSHD Technology and Features
SSHDs are already renowned for incredibly fast boot-up times.
Now with third-generation SSHD technology from Seagate,
they are even better. Depending on hardware and setup,
your Windows 8 system can boot in less than 10 seconds,
and for Windows 7 you can still see boot times as fast as
12 seconds. Seagate fast boot technology is now combined
with integrated functionality in Windows 8 to help you say
goodbye to sluggish boot times.
An SSHD for Every PC
From ultra-thin laptops to the tricked-out gaming system,
Seagate now offers an SSHD to t your needs.
Seagate Laptop Thin SSHDs are available in a 7mm thick
conguration to support thin, light, laptop designs.
Seagate Desktop SSHDs are now available in capacities up to
2TB, providing unmatched combinations of high capacity and
blazing-fast performance.
Whatever your need, you can count on Seagate SSHD
products to deliver solid state speed, hard drive capacity and
a price you can afford.
Specications Laptop SSHD Desktop SSHD
DRAM Cache 64MB 64MB
NAN D Memory 8GB 8GB
Storage Capacity
Drive Z-Height 7mm, 9.5mm 20 .17mm , 2 6.10m m
Interface SATA 6Gb/s with NCQ SATA 6Gb/s with NCQ
1 One giga byte, or G B, equa ls one bil lion byt es and one t eraby te, or TB, e quals on e trilli on bytes
when referring to hard drive capacity.
500G B (Laptop Thin SSHD),
1TB (Laptop SSHD)
1TB, 2TB
Flash Management and Next-Generation Reliability
By combining solid state and traditional hard drive
technologies in innovative ways, Seagate has enhanced
reliability. Solid state memory’s drawback has been limited
write cycles, but by having the bulk of the writes handled
by time-tested and reliable HDD technology, Seagate has
increased product reliability and created a more durable
storage device.
AMERICAS Seagate Technology LLC 10200 South De Anza Boulevard, Cupertino, California 95014, United States, 408-658-1000
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate S ingapo re Inter nation al Head quar ters Pte . Ltd. 7000 A ng Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Sin gapor e 569877, 65-6 485- 3888
EUROPE, MID DLE EA ST AND AFR ICA Se agate Techno logy SA S 16–18, rue du Dôm e, 92100 Bou logne -Billa ncour t, Franc e, 33 1-4186 10 00
© 2013 Seagate Techn ology L LC. All rig hts rese rved. P rinted i n USA. Se agate, S eagate Tech nology a nd the Wave lo go are re gistere d trade marks of S eagate Tech nolog y LLC in the Un ited Sta tes and /or
other co untrie s. Adapt ive Memo ry is ei ther a tra demar k or regi stered t radema rk of Sea gate Techno logy LLC or o ne of its af liated compan ies in the U nited St ates and /or other c ountr ies. All o ther tra demar ks
or regis tered tr adema rks are th e prope rty of t heir re specti ve owner s. When re ferri ng to drive c apacit y, one giga byte, or G B, equal s one bill ion byte s and one te raby te, or TB, eq uals one t rillio n bytes. Your
comput er’s oper ating sys tem may use a d iffe rent sta ndard of m easur ement a nd repo rt a lower c apaci ty. In addit ion, som e of the list ed capa city is u sed for fo rmat ting and o ther fun ctions , and thus w ill not
be availa ble for da ta stora ge. Actu al data ra tes may var y depe nding on o perat ing envir onmen t and othe r factor s. Seag ate rese rves th e right to c hange, w ithout n otice, pr oduct o fferi ngs or sp ecic ations .
PO0107.1-1302US, February 2013