Seagate ST9160511NS - Constellation 7200 160 GB Hard Drive,Constellation ST9500430SS,Constellation ST9500530NS,Constellation ST9500431SS Datasheet

Data Sheet
2.5-inch Tier 2/nearline drive with the lowest enterprise power usage
500 GB and 160 GB • 7200 RPM • SAS 6Gb/s,
SAS 3Gb/s, SATA 3Gb/s and SATA 1.5Gb/s
Key Advantages
Industry’s first 2.5-inch, 15-mm enterprise-class nearline drive for dense,
space-constrained data centers
Lowest operating power and enhanced PowerChoice™ host-selectable
power options for unprecedented power savings (up to 54 percent—as low as 1.1 W) during slow or idle periods
The industry’s highest-reliability 7200-RPM drive, designed for 24x7
Best-in-class rotational vibration tolerance ensures unrivalled performance
in high spindle-density applications, and multi-drive firmware maximizes system availability.
Choose SAS for the seamless Tier 2 enterprise experience, with improved
data integrity. SAS 2.0 enables faster data access (6Gb/s) and larger topologies over greater distances, increasing system scalability, data throughput and connectivity.
Government-grade Self-Encrypting Drive security available on SAS
Best-Fit Applications
Storage-hungry business applications
Storage area networks (SAN) and network attached storage ( NAS)
Maximum-capacity servers and blade servers
Rich media content storage—audio, video, image
Reference and compliance data storage
Enterprise backup and restore—D2D, virtual tape
Collaboration—email, messaging
Infrastructure—Web, print, file
2.5-inch Tier 2/nearline drive with the lowest enterprise power usage
Built On Seagate Unified Storage architecture
Small form factor—15 mm z-height provides a dense,
eco-friendly, robust platform for easy integration.
SAS 2.0—6 Gb/s enables larger topologies at higher
throughput and provides a higher signal strength over longer distances for improved scalability.
Self-Encrypting Drive option for government-grade
Enhanced Choices With Enterprise Capabilities
PowerChoice host-selectable power options (1
through 4) further reduce power consumption to an unprecedented low of 1.1 W.
With a choice of either SATA 3Gb/s or SAS 6Gb/s
interfaces, utilizes perpendicular recording technology to deliver the industry’s highest-capacity 2.5-inch nearline drive
Enterprise-class firmware features and best-in-class
rotational vibration tolerance maximizes system availability and performance in multi-drive systems. Seagate proprietary Workload Management technology helps systems keep drives cool.
The best 7200-RPM reliability for 24x7 business-critical
applications with an MTBF of 1.2M hours and an nonrecoverable error rate of 1 sector per 10E15—from a trusted source and backed by a 5-year limited warranty.
Seagate Global Customer Support
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to common support questions.
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Utilize our online troubleshooting and diagnostic tools. 1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
Model Number
Inter face Access S peed
Self Enc rypting Dri ve (SED ) Govern ment Grade Sec urity
Spindl e Speed (RPM)
Average L atency (ms )
Seek Tim e Average R ead/Write (ms ) Track-to-Trac k Read/Wr ite (ms)
Maxim um Sustained Tra nsfer Rate (MB/s )
Cache, M ultisegment ed (MB)
Configuration/Or ganization
Byte s per Sector
Reliability/ Data Integrity
Mean Time Betwee n Failures ( MTBF, hours )
Reliab ility Rat ing at Full 24x7 Oper ation (AFR )
Nonrecoverabl e Read Errors pe r Bits Read
Error Control/Correction (ECC )
Inter face Ports
Limite d Warranty ( years)
Power Management
Power Supply Requirements
Typical Operating, Random R ead (W )
Idle ( W)
Rotat ional Vibrat ion @ 1800 Hz (rad/sec
Vibration Opera ting, <4 00 Hz (Gs) Nonoperating , <500 Hz (Gs)
Shock Opera ting, 2 ms ( Gs) Nonoperating , 1 ms and 2 ms (G s)
Temperature Opera ting (°C ) Nonoperating ( ºC)
Acoust ics Typical I dle (bels) Typical Operating (bels )
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/mm)
Depth ( in/mm)
Weight ( lb/kg)
1 One gigab yte, or GB, equa ls one billion by tes and one tera byte, or TB, equ als one trillion b ytes when refe rring to hard dr ive capacity.
option , 1 to 4 range (W )
ST9500430SS ST95 00431SS ( SED)
SAS 6G b/s SAS 3Gb/s SAS 1.5Gb/s
7200 7200 7200
4.16 4.16 4.16
97 95 95
16 32 32
512, 520, 524, 5 28 512 512
1.2 million 1.2 million 1.2 million
0.73% 0.73% 0.73%
1 sector p er 10E15 1 sector p er 10E15 1 sector p er 10E15
10 bit 10 bit 10 bit
Dual Single Single
5 5 5
+12V and +5V +12V and +5V +12V and +5V
4.0 3.5 2.8
2.9 2.6 2.3
1.3 to 2.9 1.1 to 2.4 1.1 to 2.1
16 16 16
70 400
5 to 55 –40 t o 70
0.583/14.8 0.583/14.8 0.583/14.8
2.76/70 2.76/70 2.76/70
3.957/100.5 3.957/100.5 3.957/100.5
0. 43 /0.1 96 0. 43 /0.1 96 0 .41/ 0.1 88
500 GB
ST9500530NS ST9160511NS
SATA 3Gb /s SATA 1.5Gb /s
70 400
5 to 55 –40 t o 70
160 GB
SATA 3Gb /s SATA 1.5Gb /s
70 400
5 to 55 –40 t o 70
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Disc D rive, Sco tts Valley, Ca liforn ia 95066 , United St ates, 831- 438- 6550 ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techno logy Inte rnatio nal Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo Kio Av enue 5, Sin gapore 5 69877, 65-6 485- 3888 EUROPE, M IDDLE E AST AND AFR ICA Seaga te Technolog y SAS 130–136, r ue de Silly, 927 73, Boulo gne-B illanco urt Cede x, France 3 3 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2009 Seagate Techn ology LLC. All r ights reserve d. Printed in US A. Seagate, Seag ate Techno logy and the Wave logo ar e registered tra demarks of S eagate Technol ogy LLC in the Uni ted States an d/or other cou ntries. Constel lation and Powe rChoice are eit her tradem arks or regi stered trad emarks of Seagat e Technology LLC o r one of its affi liated comp anies in the Un ited States and /or other countri es. All other trad emarks or re gistered trade marks are the pro perty of their r espective o wners. Whe n referring to hard d rive capacity, one gi gabyte, or G B, equals one b illion bytes and o ne terabyte, o r TB, equals one tri llion bytes . Your comp uter’s opera ting system may u se a different standa rd of measuremen t and repor t a lower capacity. In ad dition, som e of the listed c apacity is u sed for formatt ing and other f unctions, and thu s will not be availabl e for data stor age. Seagat e reserve s the right to ch ange, witho ut notice, p roduct off erings or specifi cations. DS1678.2-0 904US, Apr il 2009