Product Overview
Momentus 5400.4
Durable mobility—anywhere, anytime
Key Features and Benefits
Industry’s most reliable hard drive with proven second-generation
SATA 3Gb/s interface with Native Command Queuing, the fastest
interface available today
Performance: 806-Mb/s sustained data rate
- Seek: 2.0 watts
- Read: 2.0 watts
- Write: 1.6 watts
8-MB cache
56 percent areal density increase from previous product
Robust design and high shock tolerance enable mobility for
rugged notebook operating environments.
900 Gs of nonoperating shock make the drive ideal for notebook
PCs and industrial applications.
perpendicular magnetic recording technology
Key Applications
Mainstream laptops
Gaming systems
Small form factor PCs
External boxes
Non-mission-critical blade servers
Momentus 5400.4
Durable mobility—anywhere, anytime
The Seagate Advantage
The Seagate Momentus
5400.4 drive offers
the best combination of capacity, mobility and
durability in a laptop hard drive. By utilizing 2ndgeneration Seagate PMR, the Momentus 5400.4
drive delivers an unmatched durability that will last
for years to come. With a powerful SATA 3Gb/s
interface and up to 250 GB of capacity, this drive
is ideal for mainstream laptops, gaming laptops,
workstations and personal external storage.
Capac ity (G B) 250, 2 00, 160 and 12 0
Interface SATA 1.5Gb /s and SATA 3Gb /s NCQ
Cache ( MB) 8
Spindle Speed (RPM ) 5400
Durable Mobility—Any where, Anytime
The Momentus 5400.4 drive is the industry’s most
reliable hard drive, with proven second-generation
Seagate perpendicular magnetic recording
technology, a SATA 3Gb/s interface and up to 250
GB of capacity. For mainstream laptops, gaming
laptops, workstations and personal external
storage, it’s the best possible storage choice.
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Dis c Drive, S cotts Val ley, Califo rnia 950 66, Uni ted State s, 831-43 8-65 50
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techn ology In ternati onal Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5 , Singap ore 5698 77, 65-64 85-3 888
EUROPE , MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Se agate Techno logy SAS 130 -136, rue de Si lly, 92773 Bou logne -Billa ncour t Cedex, Fr ance, 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 200 8 Seagate Tech nology LLC. All rights re served. Printed in USA . Seagate, Seagate Techno logy and the Wave logo a re registe red tr ademarks o f Seagate Techn ology LLC in the United States and /or othe r coun tries.
Momentu s is either a t rademar k or regi stered tr ademark of Se agate Techno logy LLC o r one of i ts affili ated comp anies in the Un ited States an d/or ot her coun tries. A ll other t rademar ks or reg istered t rademarks are the propert y of their
respec tive owners. Whe n referrin g to hard drive capa city, one giga byte, or GB, equal s one billion byte s and one terabyte , or TB, equa ls one trillion by tes. Your computer’s ope rating system may u se a different st andard of measu rement
and re port a lower capacit y. In addition, so me of the listed capac ity is used for formatt ing and other fu nctions, and thus wil l not be available for data storage. Seagate rese rves the rig ht to change, without notic e, product of ferings or
specifi cations. P O0053.2-0812US, D ecember 2 008