Seagate ST9235AG, ST9145A, ST9080A, ST9235A, ST9235 User Manual

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ST9235 Family:
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ST9145A, ST9145AG
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ST9235A, ST9235AG
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Installation Guide
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Read before you begin... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Setting master/slave jumpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Connecting cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Configuring system BIOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Formatting and partitioning the drive . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Installation troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Appendix A. AT interface connector pin assignments . 11
Appendix B. Mounting dimension drawings . . . . . . . 12
Appendix C. Technical support services . . . . . . . . 15
© 1993 Seagate Technology, Inc. All rights reserved Publication Number: 36216-001, Rev. B
Seagate istered trademarks of Seagate Technology, Inc. SeaFAX, Sea- FONE, SeaTDD, and SeaBOARD are trademarks of Seagate Technology, Inc. Other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners.
, Seagate Technology®, and the Seagate logo are reg-
Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission of Seagate Technology, Inc.
ST9235 Family Installation Guide, Rev. B 1
Read before you begin
Note. Drives in the ST9235 family are usually installed in note-
book or laptop systems. Special training or tools may be needed to service these computers. In some instances, opening the case may void your warranty. Be sure to review the terms and conditions of your system warranty before opening the system enclosure.
Warning. Always power off and unplug your computer system
before touching any internal components.
Observe static discharge precautions.
Keep the drive in its static-shielded bag until you are ready to complete the installation.
Do not touch the PC board or the I/O connector pins.
Always handle the drive by its edges or frame. Never apply
pressure to the PC Board or to the drive’s top cover.
Use a grounded wrist strap. If none is available, ground yourself by touching the metal chassis of the system before handling any components.
Use antistatic padding on all work surfaces and avoid static­inducing carpeted areas.
Inspection. When you are familiar with the handling precautions listed above, inspect the drive. If it appears to be damaged, contact your distributor or dealer immediately.
Handle drives carefully. Improper handling during transit or shipping accounts for many installation problems. Even minor bumps can exert relatively large G forces on these drives. Always handle the drive carefully. In addition, do not attach any labels to the drive top cover, as they may prevent proper ventilation.
2 ST9235 Family Installation Guide, Rev. B
Warranty. Contact your authorized Seagate distributor or dealer for warranty information.
Maintenance and repair. Seagate drives do not require any preventive maintenance. The head/disc assembly is sealed and does not contain any user-serviceable components. Tampering with the factory seal voids the warranty. Seagate customer service centers are the only facilities authorized to service Seagate drives. Seagate does not sanction any third-party repair facilities.
Shipping. When transporting or shipping a drive, Seagate-approved container. If possible, use an original Seagate shipping box with a
Seagate Approved Package
you must use
Shipping a
drive in a nonapproved container voids the drive warranty.
Seagate service centers may refuse receipt of components improperly packaged or obviously damaged in transit. Call your authorized Seagate distributor to purchase additional boxes. Seagate recommends shipping by an air-ride carrier experienced in handling computer equipment.
Installation overview
Drive installation can be divided into several logical steps:
1. Setting master/slave jumpers
2. Connecting cables
3. Mounting the drive
4. Configuring the system BIOS
5. Formatting and partitioning the drive
Each of these steps is described in detail on the following pages. Some may not be applicable to your particular installation require­ments.
ST9235 Family Installation Guide, Rev. B 3
Setting master/slave jumpers
Two drives may be controlled through a single drive controller cable with two connectors. In this case, one drive is designated as the master and the other is designated as the slave. As shown in Figure 1 on page 4, the jumpers on each drive must be set to identify which drive is master and which is slave.
Connecting cables
The ST9235 Family drives use a 44-pin AT interface connector cable with two rows of 22 female contacts on 0.079 inch (2 mm) centers (see Figure 1). Pin assignments for the AT interface are listed in Appendix A.
Most cables have a stripe down one side, which designates pin
1. Make sure pin 1 on the interface cable connector is aligned to
pin 1 on the drive interface connector and pin 1 on the host connector. To assist in cable alignment, pin 20 has been removed on the male interface connector on the drive. This type of connector is designed to be used with a keyed cable connector having a plug in place of pin 20.
Before mounting the drive, be sure that the connecting cable is long enough to reach the drive, but not so long that it will be pinched when the system enclosure is replaced. Connecting cables for the ST9235 family drives must not be longer than 18 inches (457 mm).
Power connections
Power for the ST9235 family drives is supplied through the 44-pin interface connector (see Appendix A for specific pin assign­ments).
Caution. These drives can accept only +5 volts DC power. Do
not use +12 volts DC power.
configuration jumpers
Circuit board
Pin 1
Pin 20 removed for keying
Drive is master; no slave present Drive is master; Seagate slave drive present Drive is slave; Seagate master drive present Reserved positions (do not use)
Note. Drive is shown with
circuit board up.
4 ST9235 Family Installation Guide, Rev. B
Figure 1. AT interface cable connector and master/slave
configuration jumpers
+ 14 hidden pages