Carry, share, protect—
even more digital
133 hours of music
2560 photos
8 hours of video
Retail Product Overview
Your digital world, safely in your pocket
The award-winning Seagate Pocket Hard Drive
connects to any USB port, letting you take
critical storage needs—on the go.
Key Features
• Carry up to 133 hours of digital music, 2560 digital photos,
8 hours of digital video or 4 PC games with you, wherever you go.
• At 8GB, the Pocket Hard Drive is the most convenient solution to
carry, share and protect your digital content.
• Carry it all safely. The 8GB Pocket Hard Drive includes
Secure Zone software for Windows PCs that allows you to
password-protect important documents. Now you can carry
your most sensitive files without fear of who might see them if
you lose the drive.
Best-Fit Applications
• Great for carrying huge amounts of music, photos and business
files in your pocket.
• Best solution for highly portable data transfer.
Your digital world, safely in your pocket
The Seagate Advantage
With even more easy-to-use choices for safely
protecting, preserving and sharing cherished
digital memories, Seagate® meets the growing
appetite among consumers for more data,
video, music, digital photography, entertainment
and multimedia storage applications. Building
uniquely designed products, Seagate delivers a
versatile, stylishly clever means to capture the
digital experience.
Features and Benefits
Perfect for your on-the-go lifestyle
Wherever you’re heading, this drive is the
convenient way to bring along everything from
essential business files to photos, music and
even video.
Large storage capacities of 6GB and 8GB
For storing even more music, photos, video
and games.
Capacity (GB ) 6, 8
Spindle Sp eed (RP M) 3600
Cache ( Mbytes) 2
Dimensio ns 0.71'' H x 3.03'' D
Weight 2.2 oz.
System Requirem ents
PC Microsoft Wind ows XP, 2000 Pro
Mac Mac OS 9.2.2 or higher
Open USB 1.1 (or 2.0 ) connector
Open USB 1.1 (or 2.0 ) connector
Blazingly fast, amazingly easy
Hot-pluggable USB 2.0 interface enables data
transfer up to 480 Mbps. You can store and work
with all your data quickly and easily.
Password protection for your files
Included utility software lets you passwordprotect your data with our Secure Zone feature.
You can also manage partitions, set write
protection, and view and manage drive content.
(Windows 2000 and XP only)
Durable design
Protects cherished files in demanding
Worry-free, one-year warranty
Full guarantee covers all parts and labor.
Free tech support
Rely on Seagate for friendly, free technical advice
even after your warranty ends.
1-800-732-4283 (1-800-SEAGATE)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Sco tts Vall ey, Califo rnia 9 5066 , United S tates , 831-43 8-6 550
ASI A/ PACIFIC Sea gate Techno logy In terna tiona l Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo Ki o Avenue 5 , Singa pore 56 9877, 65- 6485 -3888
EUROPE, MID DLE EA ST AND AF RICA Seag ate Technol ogy SAS 130 -136, rue de S illy, 927 73 Boulo gne- Billa ncour t Cedex , Franc e, 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2006 Seagate Technol ogy LLC. All rights rese rved. Printe d in USA. Seagate, Sea gate Tech nology and the Wave logo are re gistered tr ademar ks of Seagate Techno logy L LC. Oth er pro duct names are
either trademarks or reg istere d trade marks of thei r owners. On e giga byte, or GB, equals one bil lion by tes when refe rring to har d drive capacity. Acce ssible capa city may var y depending on operating environment
and form atting. Q uantitative usa ge examples for vari ous applicatio ns are for ill ustrat ive purpo ses. Actu al quantities wil l vary ba sed on vari ous factors, incl uding file size, file for mat, features and a pplica tion soft ware.
Seagate r eserves the ri ght to chan ge, without notic e, product offe rings or specifi cations. Public ation Number: P O-00 34, June 2006