Seagate ST5000LM000 Product Data Sheet

Best-Fit Applications
Mobile storage
External storage systems
All-in-one PCs
Ultra-slim desktop PCs
Seagate brings over 20 years of trusted performance and reliability to
the Seagate® BarraCuda® 2.5-inch HDDs — now available in capacities up to 5 TB.
Key Advantages
Broadest 2.5-inch hard drive portfolio with up to 5 TB capacity and both 7 mm and
15 mm form factors suitable for a variety of compute applications.
Thinnest and lightest 2.5-inch hard drive with up to 2 TB storage in a 7 mm z-height,
providing seamless upgrades of thin and light laptops and smaller form factor systems.
Fast data rates of up to 140 MB/s enables superior PC end-user experience and
snappier file transfers.
2.5-inch, 15 mm z-height hard drives provide 3 TB to 5 TB in capacity, offering the
highest-capacity 2.5-inch hard drives available for external or all-in-one storage.
15 mm z-height enables slimmer all-in-one desktop PC drives while helping reduce
system heat generation and vibration.
Low startup current configurations for 3 TB to 5 TB drives enable use in legacy low- current systems like USB-2 external boxes, while simultaneously lowering power
5 TB drives can store more than 1.25 million songs and 600 hours of HD video.
1 Quantitative usage examples for 5 TB capacity drive
Specif icat ions 5 T B 4 T B 3 T B 2 T B 1 T B
Capac ity 5TB 4TB 3TB 2TB 1TB
Model Num bers ST5000LM 000 ST4000LM 024 ST3000LM 024 ST2000LM 015 ST1000LM 049
Byt es per Sec tor (logical/ phys ical) 512/4, 096 512/4, 096 512/4, 096 512/4, 096 512/4, 096
Perform ance
Interfac e SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s
Dat a Transf er R ate (MB/ s) Up to 140 Up to 140 Up t o 140 U p t o 140 U p t o 160
Cac he (M B) 128 128 128 128 128
Spindle Speed (RPM ) 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,400 7,200
Reliabilit y/ Dat a I ntegrit y
Load/U nload C yc les 600,000 600,000 600, 000 600, 000 600,000
Head-R est M ethod
QuietSt ep™ R amp
QuietSt ep R amp Load QuietSt ep R amp Load QuietSt ep R amp Load QuietSt ep R amp Load
Non-rec overable Read Errors per Bits
Read, M ax
1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14
Limit ed W arranty (y ears)
2 2 2 2 5
Power Managem ent
Start up C urrent (+5 V, A) 1.2 1. 2 1.2 1.0 1.0
Read/ Writ e Pow er, Average (W) 1.9/ 2.1 1.9/ 2.1 1.9/2.1 1.7/1. 8 1.9/1. 7
Idle Power, Av erage (W ) 1.1 1. 1 1.1 0.5 0.7
Environm ental
Tem perature, Operat ing (°C) 0°C – 60°C 0°C – 60°C 0°C – 60°C 0°C – 60°C 0°C – 60°C
Tem perature, N on-operating (°C) -40°C – 70°C -40°C – 70°C -40°C – 70°C -40°C – 70°C -40°C – 70°C
Shock , Operating: 2 ms (Gs ) 300 300 300 400 400
Shock , Non-operat ing: 1 m s (Gs) 650 650 650 1,000 1,000
Acous tic s, Idle, Typical (bels—sound
2.6 2. 6 2.6 2.2 2.2
Acous tic s, Seek , Typical (bels—s ound
2.7 2. 7 2.7 2.4 2.4
Phys ical
Height (m m/ in) 15/0. 59 15/0. 59 15/0. 59 7/0. 276 7/0. 276
Widt h (m m/ in) 69.85 mm/2.75 in 69.85 mm /2. 75 in 69.85 mm /2. 75 in 69.85 mm /2. 75 in 69.85 mm/2.75 in
Dept h (m m/ in) 100.35 mm /3. 951 in 100.35 mm /3. 951 in 100.35 mm /3. 951 in 100.35 mm /3. 951 in 100.35 mm /3. 951 in
Weight (g/ lb, max ) 190 g/ 0.42 lb 190 g/ 0.42 lb 190 g/ 0.42 lb 90 g/ 0.198 lb 85 g/ 0.187 lb
Cart on U nit Quantit y 40 40 40 50 50
Cart ons Per Pallet /Lay er 60/10 60/10 60/10 60/10 60/10
Special Feat ures
Mult i-Tier Cac hing T echnology
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Halogen-f ree Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
RoH S c omplianc e Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1 Ex tended warrant y product s available. C onsult y our dis tribut or f or det ails.
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