Seagate ST3250601U2-RK, ST3300601CB-RK, ST3300601U2-RK, ST3400601CB-RK, ST3400801CB-RK Product Overview

Retail Product Overview
The world’s first and smallest 750GB
3.5-inch desktop drive
The 750GB Pushbutton Backup External
Hard Drive is the first external drive to use
the revolutionary Seagate perpendicular
Create Your On-Demand Library With—
25 DVD movies
50 hours of video
15,000 songs
15,000 photos
recording technology
An On-Demand World requires massive amounts of affordable storage in products that fit well with our increasingly miniaturized and mobile electronics. With the shift to smaller desktop and laptop computers, it is no longer desirable to have a huge box under the desk just to provide the processing and storage necessary to manage our digital lives. Today’s storage must be desktop- and laptop-friendly, and that means ever-larger capacities with an incredibly small desktop footprint.
Introducing the Seagate® 750GB Pushbutton Backup External Hard Drive, an entire library on your desk that takes up the same space as a stapler or tape dispenser. You can now create an on-demand library containing all of the following:
• 25 DVD movies
• 50 hours of home video
• 15,000 songs
• 15,000 photos
• 50 computer games
And still have enough left over to easily back up at least an additional 300GB of data from your desktop and laptop PCs.
The world’s first and smallest 750GB 3.5-inch desktop drive
Best-Fit Applications
• Securely and reliably save memories (photos, video, music, business files) for years to come.
• Add massive storage capacity to desktop and notebook computers, or archive, back up and retrieve huge amounts of data. Think of your Pushbutton Backup External Hard Drive as your storage vault for protecting and preserving critical business data.
The Seagate Advantage
The 750GB Pushbutton Backup External Hard Drives are beautifully engineered, inside and out, with state-of-the-art features and work­of-art design. They’re exceptionally durable, conveniently portable and perfectly stackable.
• Safeguards valuable data for years to come
• Sleek and elegant structure dissipates heat, so they run much cooler than any other external drives.
• Hot-swappable, so you can connect and disconnect without turning off your computer. And you have the versatility of connecting via USB 2.0 or FireWire.
• Compatible with PC and Mac.
Spindle Sp eed (RP M) 7200
Cache ( Mbytes ) 16
Nonoper ating Shock Resist ance (Gs) 350
Activi ty Indicator Blue LED
Dimensi ons
Horizont al Orient ation 7.125'' D x 6.5'' W x 2.25'' H
Vertical O rientat ion (w/pedes tal) 7.125'' D x 3'' W x 6.75'' H
Weight 2 lb., 9.5 oz.
Features and Benefits
With industry-leading data density of up to 188GB per platter, the 750GB Pushbutton Backup External Hard Drive is the first external drive to use Seagate perpendicular recording. By reducing components and space requirements, this revolutionary technology ensures the best reliability and performance of any PC hard drive in its class.
Massive storage
You can safely store business files, movies and photos, the latest games, your favorite music and more. And the interlocking design lets you securely expand your storage. Seagate makes it easy to store and back up all data.
Engineered for high performance These 7200-RPM drives with whisper-quiet motors let you effortlessly store and work with massive amounts of data.
Pushbutton backup Award-winning BounceBack Express software from CMS backs up faster and easier than any other method.
Built for safety and security Seagate hard drives are safeguarded by built­in self-monitoring technology that continuously checks your hard drive for data safety and drive performance. SeaTools diagnostic software is included.
Worry-free, one-year warranty Full guarantee covers all parts and labor.
Free tech support Rely on Seagate for friendly, free technical advice even after your warranty ends.
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Scot ts Valle y, Califor nia 950 66, Un ited St ates, 831- 438 -655 0 ASIA/ PACI FIC Seaga te Technolo gy Inter natio nal Ltd. 70 00 Ang M o Kio Avenu e 5, Sing apore 5 69877, 65- 6485-38 88 EUROPE , MIDDL E EAST AN D AFRICA Se agate Tech nology S AS 130-136, r ue de Sill y, 92773 Bou logne -Bill ancour t Cedex, Franc e, 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2006 Seagate Techn ology LLC. A ll rights re served. Printe d in USA. Seagate, Se agate Technology an d the Wave logo ar e registe red trademark s of Seagate Tech nology LLC. B arracuda and Se aTools are either t radema rks or
registe red tradema rks of Se agate Technology LLC. Other prod uct names ar e either trademarks o r registered tradem arks of t heir own ers. On e gigabyte, or GB, equals on e billio n bytes when ref erring to hard drive ca pacity. Acces sible
capaci ty may vary dependin g on operatin g environm ent and forma tting. Qua ntitative usage exam ples for various appl ication s are for illustr ative purposes. Ac tual quanti ties will vary based on var ious facto rs, includ ing file size, file format,
feature s and applicati on soft ware. Seag ate reserves th e right to change, wi thout notice, pr oduct of ferings or spec ifications. Pub licatio n Number : PO-0 032, June 20 06
1-800-732-4283 (1-800-SEAGATE)