Seagate ST3600002FC - Cheetah 600 GB Hard Drive,ST3600002SS,ST3450802FC,ST3450802SS,ST3300602FC,Cheetah NS.2 Datasheet

Data Sheet
Cheetah® NS.2
Lowest power, highest reliability for
3.5-inch Tier 1 solutions
600, 450 and 300 GB • 10K RPM • 6-Gb/s SAS 2.0 (600 GB and 450 GB) and 4-Gb/s FC
Key Advantages
Lowest-power 3.5-inch Tier 1 drive (over 20 percent lower than any
Highest-capacity Tier 1 drive (600 GB)
Highest reliability rating in the industry
Seagate PowerTrim™ technology dynamically reduces power usage.
Supports 6-Gb/s SAS 2.0 (600 GB and 450 GB) and 4-Gb/s FC
Government-grade Self-Encrypting Drive option1
Best-Fit Applications
Business processing
Transaction processing
Decision support
Storage area networks
Networked attached storage
Internet and e-commerce
1 The Sel f-Encr ypting Drive optio n is availab le only to ma jor OEMs.
Cheetah® NS.2
Lowest power, highest reliability for 3.5-inch Tier 1 solutions
Lowest Cost of Ownership
The Seagate Cheetah NS.2 drive is the
lowest-power, highest-capacity and highest-reliability solution for 3.5-inch Tier 1 requirements.
Lower watts/GB ratio helps achieve reduced
power and cooling costs while optimizing capacity requirements.
MTBF Improvement
Seagate continues to focus on reliability
and data protection. MTBF is increased to
1.6 million hours.
Enhanced error correction code better
maintains performance throughout the life of the drive and reduces the probability of lost data.
Seagate-exclusive Background Media Scan
proactively scans the media for potential defects during drive idle time. It enables incipient errors to be corrected before data is lost.
Our Quick and Robust Download feature
loads new firmware in less than 2 seconds, and built-in protection ensures no corruption in the event of a power failure during firmware switch.
Seagate Global Customer Support
Get presales and technical support at
Visit our knowledge base for answers
to common support questions.
Find documentation for current and
legacy drives.
Utilize our online troubleshooting and
diagnostic tools.
Download DiscWizard™ to help migrate
data from an older drive.
Seagate also offers multi-lingual phone,
email and chat support.
Model Number
Format ted 512 KB/S ector ( GB) 600 450 300
External Transfer Rate 4-Gb /s Fibre Cha nnel (MB/ s) 6-Gb/s SA S 2.0
Spindl e Speed ( RPM)
Average L atency (ms )
Seek Tim e Average R ead/Write (ms ) Track-to-Trac k Read/Wr ite (ms)
Transfer Rate Maxim um Internal ( Mb/s) Typical Su stained (M B/s)
Cache, M ultisegment ed (MB)
Nonrecoverab le Read Err ors per Bits Re ad
Reliab ility Ra ting at Full 2 4x7 Opera tion (Ann ualized Failur e Rate/ MTBF hour s)
Typical Operatin g (W) 4-Gb /s Fibre Cha nnel 6-Gb/s SA S 2.0
Idle ( W) 4-Gb /s Fibre Cha nnel 6-Gb/s SA S 2.0
Temperat ure, Operating (°C ) Temperature, Nonoperating (°C) Shock , Operat ing (Read Only) : 2 ms (Gs) Shock , Nonoperating : 2 ms (Gs) Acous tics, Idle (b els—sound p ower) Vibra tion, Operat ing (Gs ) Vibration, Nonoperating (Gs)
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/mm)
Depth ( in/mm)
Weight ( lb/kg)
1 One gigab yte, or GB, equ als one billion by tes and one tera byte, or TB, equ als one trillion b ytes when ref erring to hard dr ive capacity.
2 SAS int erface is 6- Gb/s capab le and 3-Gb /s verified. Th e drive will negot iate 6-Gb /s speeds on 6- Gb/s HBA o r Expander. Veri fication of 6 Gb /s will occur at a l ater date.
600 GB
ST3600002FC ST3600002SS
400 600
10K 10K 10K
3.00 3.00 3.00
184 0 150
16 16 16
4 3 2
8 6 4
1 sector p er 10E16 1 sector p er 10E16 1 sector p er 10E16
0.55%/1,600,000 0.55%/1,600,000 0.55%/1,600,000
5 to 55 –40 to 70 60 300
1.0 /25. 4 1.0 /25. 4 1.0 /25. 4
4.0/101.6 4.0/101.6 4.0/101.6
5.76/146.52 5.76/146.52 5.76/146.52
1.51 /0.6 86 1.51 /0.6 86 1.48 /0 .671
450 GB
ST3450802FC ST3450802SS
400 600
184 0 150
5 to 55 –40 to 70 60 300
300 GB
184 0 150
5 to 55 –40 to 70 60 300
1 1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Dis c Drive, S cotts Val ley, Califor nia 950 66, Unit ed State s, 831-43 8-65 50 ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techn ology Int ernati onal Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5, S ingapo re 5698 77, 65-648 5-38 88 EUROPE , MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Seagate Tech nology S AS 130–136, r ue de Silly, 92 773, Boul ogne- Billanc ourt Ce dex, Fran ce 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2009 Seagate Techn ology LLC. All righ ts reser ved. Printed in USA . Seagate, Seagate Tech nology and the Wave lo go are registere d trademarks of Se agate Technology LLC in t he United States an d/or other cou ntries. Cheeta h, DiscWizard and PowerTrim are either trademar ks or registered tra demarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affilia ted companies in the United States and /or other countries. All other tradema rks or registere d trademarks are the proper ty of their resp ective owners. Wh en referring to ha rd drive capacit y, one giga byte, or GB, e quals one billion by tes and one teraby te, or TB, equals on e trillion bytes . Yo ur computer’s oper ating system may use a d ifferent stan dard of measu rement and repor t a lower capacit y. In addit ion, some of the liste d capacity is use d for formattin g and other fu nctions, and thu s will not be available f or data storage. Se agate reserve s the right to change , without notice, pr oduct offeri ngs or specifica tions. DS1671.1-0901US, Ja nuary 2009