Product Overview
Cheetah® NS.2
Lowest power, highest reliability
for 3.5-inch Tier 1 solutions
Key Features and Benefits
Lowest-power 3.5-inch Tier 1 drive (over 20 percent lower
than any other 3.5-inch Tier 1 drive)
Highest-capacity Tier 1 drive (600 GB)
Highest reliability rating in the industry
Seagate® PowerTrim™ technology dynamically reduces
power usage.
Supports 6-Gb/s SAS 2.0 (600 GB and 450 GB) and
4-Gb/s FC
Government-grade Self-Encrypting Drive option
Best-Fit Applications
Business processing
Transaction processing
Decision support
Storage area networks
Networked attached storage
Internet and e-commerce
1 The Sel f-Encr ypting Drive optio n is availab le only to ma jor OEMs.
Cheetah® NS.2
Lowest power, highest reliability
for 3.5-inch Tier 1 solutions
Product Description
Seagate Cheetah NS.2 drives reduce costs
for 3.5-inch Tier 1 solutions, helping to sustain
business. It has up to 600 GB of capacity, which
is the highest capacity of any Tier 1 missioncritical drive. This higher capacity reduces storage
costs per GB and increases capacity per watt.
The drive also includes Seagate PowerTrim
technology, which dynamically optimizes drive
power consumption at all levels of activity. The
Cheetah NS.2 drive has over 20 percent lower
power consumption than any 3.5-inch Tier 1
mission-critical drive.
The Cheetah NS.2 drive is leveraged from the
highly successful Cheetah 15K.6 platform,
and has the industry’s highest reliability rating,
reducing drive replacement costs. The drive is
available with a SAS ( 600 GB and 450 GB) or FC
interface. The SAS drives will support 6-Gb/s
transfer rates as part of the new SAS 2.0 feature
set. SAS 2.0 was developed to provide additional
signal and data integrity features to enable SAS
to be ideally suited for use in high-end network
storage applications.
The Cheetah NS.2 drive is the second
generation of Cheetah drives available as a
Self-Encrypting Drive for designated OEMs,
providing government-grade data security and
instant secure erase for drives reused, recycled or
returned for expired lease, repair or warranty.
Capacity 600, 4 50 and 300 GB
Spindle Speed 10,000 R PM
Reliability 0.55 % AFR/1.6M hour s MTBF
Cache 16 MB
Form fa ctor 3.5-inch
6-Gb/s SA S 2.0
(60 0 and 450 GB ), 4-G b/s FC
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Dis c Drive, S cotts Val ley, Califo rnia 950 66, Uni ted State s, 831-43 8-65 50
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techn ology In ternati onal Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5 , Singap ore 5698 77, 65-64 85-3 888
EUROPE , MIDDLE E AST AND AF RICA Seag ate Technolo gy SAS 130-136, r ue de Sill y, 92773 Boulo gne-B illanc ourt Ce dex, Fran ce, 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2009 Seag ate Technol ogy LLC. All rights reserve d. Printe d in USA. Sea gate, Seagate Technology an d the Wave logo are registere d trade marks of Seagate Techn ology LLC in the United Stat es and/or othe r count ries. Cheetah
and PowerTrim are either tradema rks or regis tered tradem arks of Seagate Technolog y LLC or one of its affiliated compa nies in the United States and /or other countri es. All othe r trademarks or regis tered trademarks are the prope rty of their
respec tive owners. Whe n referrin g to hard drive capa city, one giga byte, or GB, equal s one billion byte s and one terabyte , or TB, equa ls one trillion by tes. Your computer’s ope rating system may u se a different st andard of measu rement
and re port a lower capacit y. In addition, som e of the listed capaci ty is used for formatti ng and o ther fun ctions, and thus will not be availa ble for data stor age. Seagate reserves th e right to chang e, withou t notice, pro duct of ferings or
specifi cations. P O0079.2-0901US, Ja nuary 20 09