Seagate ST3500320SV - SV35.3 Series - Hard Drive,ST3250310SV - 250GB 7200RPM Sata Surveillanc,SV35.3 Series Product Overview

Product Overview
SV35.3 Series
250-GB to 1-TB hard drives for SDVRs
Hard drives designed and optimized for digital video
surveillance—enabling greater capacity, reliability,
performance and features in surveillance digital
video recorders
Key Features and Benefits
Increased surveillance digital video recorder (SDVR) performance
SATA interface enables increased video data rates (480 Mb/s)
Seagate® SV35.3 Series™ drive SATA interface enables multi-drive SDVRs
with up to 3-Gb/s performance
ATA-7 streaming commands allow data reads/writes to be tailored for
increased video streaming performance.
Higher Reliability
Designed for 24x7 operation and high write duty cycles
>1 million hours MTBF in 24x7 video surveillance applications
Capable of operating under drive case temperatures of up to 75ºC
Lower power consumption and reduced heat generation
Tailored for the video surveillance industry
Technical and marketing support infrastructure dedicated to video
surveillance customers
Third-generation SV35.3 Series drives—dedicated to evolve with emerging
video surveillance industry requirements
Backed by the Seagate 5-year limited warranty
Best-Fit Applications
Video surveillance digital video recorders (SDVR)
Video surveillance network digital video recorders (SNVR)
Direct-attached and network-attached JBOD
video surveillance storage
SV35.3 Series
250-GB to 1-TB hard drives for SDVRs
Increased Capacity
Massive capacity—up to 1 TB—stores up to 289 days of digital video or 32 days in high resolution.
Improved Reliability
Power management features include lower
startup current, which enables the design of low-cost power supplies.
Intelligent workload monitoring senses specific
workload profiles that can stress key systems and then takes corrective action.
With an MTBF of over one million hours and
an annual failure rate of less than 1 percent, SV35.3 Series drives can withstand the intense duty cycles common in SDVR applications.
Capable of operating at base plate
temperatures of up to 75ºC
Maximum Performance
Video security drives are designed primarily for streaming video.
SATA’s increased video data rates (480 Mb/s)
enable higher-performance video recording.
ATA-7 command set support enables read/
write profiles for video-specific applications.
SV35.3 Series drives move video data at up to
3 Gb/s, enabling multi-drive SDVRs to deliver superior performance.
1 289 days at 10 fps a nd 640x480 resolu tion; 32 days at 30 fps a nd 720x480 resolut ion with MPEG4 c ompres sed video (I and P f rames only). Ac tual recording t imes may va ry based on v ideo quality an d compre ssion fo rmat.
Video C apacity (2 4x7 operation ) 720x4 80 @ 30 fps* 640 x480 @ 10 fps*
Star tup Power, 12V Line ( amps) 2.0
Reliability (MT BF/AFR ) >1 million ho urs**/<1%
Interface SATA 3Gb /s
* Compre ssed ** At 25° C ambient with HD D case within 15°C a bove ambient
up to 32 day s up to 289 d ays
Industry-Leading Innovation and Support
The SV35.3 Series drives are the only hard
drives designed and optimized solely for video surveillance, with perpendicular recording technology.
Backed by the Seagate 5-year limited warranty
Supported by a team of dedicated Seagate
surveillance resources
Enabling Technology Innovation
Hard drive-based systems with abundant storage capacity enable an enhanced range of capabilities:
Higher image resolution/high-definition video
recording /megapixel video recording
Increased active camera deployments
Longer archival periods
Intelligent video analytics
Surveillance-Optimized Hard Drives Deliver
Video surveillance applications place enormous demands on storage solutions. SV35.3 Series drives ensure that the dual SDVR demands of reliability and smooth video streaming are met, all while working in a relentless 24x7 operating environment.
New Customer Requirements
The SV35.3 Series hard drive represents the ongoing commitment of Seagate to a rapidly growing category of technology and customers. Seagate Design Service Centers are committed to providing integration and educational information to surveillance customers and to growing the capabilities of storage products for digital video recording in the surveillance sector. Technical and advanced application design advice is available from Seagate Design Service Centers located throughout the world.
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Sco tts Vall ey, Califo rnia 9 5066, U nited S tates , 831-43 8-6 550 ASIA /PACIFI C Seagate Tech nolog y Inter nation al Ltd. 70 00 Ang M o Kio Avenu e 5, Sing apore 5 69877, 65 -648 5-3 888 EUROPE , MIDDL E EAST A ND AFRI CA Seagate Tech nolog y SAS 130-136, r ue de Sil ly, 92773 Bo ulogne -Billancou rt Ce dex, Fran ce, 33 1-41 8 6 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2007 Seagate Technol ogy LLC. All r ights reserve d. Printed in USA. Se agate, Seagate Techno logy and the Wave logo a re regist ered tra demark s of Seagat e Technolog y LLC in the Uni ted State s and/o r other countrie s. SV35 Series i s either a tradema rk or registered t radema rk of Seagate Technolo gy LLC or one o f its affil iated com panies in the Unite d States a nd/or o ther cou ntries. A ll other tradema rks or registered t rademarks are th e proper ty of their respec tive owners. When r eferri ng to hard dr ive capacity, one gig abyte, or G B, equals one billi on bytes a nd one tera byte, or TB, equal s one trill ion bytes . Your com puter’s operating s ystem may u se a diffe rent sta ndard of measure ment and repo rt a lower c apacity. In additio n, some of the listed ca pacity is used fo r format ting and other func tions, and thus wil l not be available for d ata stora ge. Quan titative u sage examples for v arious a pplicat ions are for illust rative purpos es. Actual quanti ties will vary bas ed on various facto rs, including fil e size, file fo rmat, fea tures and applic ation sof tware. Seagate r eserv es the righ t to change, without n otice, product of ferings or spec ifications. Publ ication Number : PO005 8.1-0712US, Decembe r 2007 1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)