Data Sheet
SV35.3 Series
3.5-inch hard drives for surveillance digital
video recording
250, 500, 750 GB, 1 TB • SATA 3Gb/s
Key Advantages
Increased capacity points—now up to 1 TB—to support massive
amounts of digital video
Enterprise-class reliability for 24x7 video surveillance applications,
with >1 million hours MTBF and <1 percent AFR
ATA-7 streaming commands allow for data reads and writes
to be tailored to either video, data or a combination of both,
guaranteeing smooth, reliable video streaming as well as
high-integrity database updates.
Enhanced caching capabilities enable superior video recording quality.
Capable of operating under drive case temperatures of up to 75˚C
Reduced power consumption and heat generation enable surveillance
systems to run cooler and last longer
Backed by industry-leading Seagate 5-year limited warranty
Best-Fit Applications
Video surveillance digital video recorder (SDVR)
Video surveillance network digital video recorder (SNVR)
Direct-attached and network-attached JBOD video surveillance storage

SV35.3 Series
3.5-inch hard drives for surveillance
digital video recorders
The Seagate® SV35 Series™ drive enables security industry
manufacturers, integrators and installers to accomplish
more with less, greatly improving their sur veillance solution
offerings in terms of capacity, reliability, performance and
features—all while taking advantage of an industry-leading
Seagate 5 -year limited warrant y.
Longer archival periods enable customers to retain video
for long-term analysis and evidentiary purposes
Can store up to 289 days of video data or 32 days in
Enables high-resolution video streams for intelligent
video applications or analytics
* 289 days at 10 fps and 640x480 resolution; 32 days at 30 fps and 720x480
resolu tion with MPEG4 com pressed v ideo (I an d P frames onl y). Actual
record ing times may var y based on video qu ality and comp ression forma t.
Given the potentially critical nature of the security data
involved, the application-specific features employed in
the SV35 Series drive to enhance reliability take on even
greater importance.
24x7 operation with >1 million hours MTBF
Lower startup current (2.0 amps), enabling the use
of low-cost power supplies
Power-saving features provide more ef ficient
system cooling
Intelligent workload monitoring and management
Enhanced caching capabilities
SATA interface increases video data rates (480 Mb /s)
Up to 3Gb/s bandwidth
ATA-7 streaming commands guarantee smooth, reliable
video streaming and high-integrity database updates
Unparalleled Seagate technical and marketing support
infrastructure dedicated to video surveillance customers
Field engineering and business support teams available
in person, worldwide
Third-generation SV35 Series drives deliver proven
industry reliability and performance
Backed by the industry’s best warranty—Seagate
5-year limited warranty
Seagate Design Service Centers
Expertise in helping sur veillance equipment companies
and manufacturers overcome technical issues and
improve system designs
Speeds your time to market by solving performance
and reliability design issues quickly and efficiently
Advanced application design advice available through
our design centers throughout the world
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
Model Number
Interface Options
Average S eek (ms, typ ical)
Cache, M ultisegment ed (MB)
SATA Data Tra nsfer Modes Su pporte d (Gb/ s)
Track-to-Track Seek (ms, typical)
Power-On to Rea dy
(sec, typical , @ 25°C and nom inal voltage)
Volta ge
Voltag e Tolera nce (incl uding noise )
Configuration/Or ganization
Byte s per Secto r
Guaranteed Sectors
Reliability/ Data integrity
Nonrecoverable Read Error s per Bits Read
MTBF ( hours) /Annualized Failur e Rate (AFR ) 40°C
HDD Ca se Temp
Contact Start-S top Cycles
(25°C, 50% rel ative humidit y)
Power Management
Maxim um Startup C urrent (12 V typi cal, amps )
Opera ting Mode ( typical, W )
Standby/Sl eep Mode (ty pical, W )
Opera ting (amb ient min °C )
Opera ting (dri ve case max °C )
Nonoperating ( ambient min °C )
Nonoperating ( ambient max °C )
Temperatur e Gradient ( °C per hour max) ,
Relative Humidity
Opera ting (non -condensin g, %)
Nonoperating (non-condensing, %)
Wet Bulb Temp erature ( °C max), O perating/
Shock , Operati ng: 2 ms (Gs)
Shock , Nonoper ating: 2 m s (Gs)
Acous tic, Idle (ty pical/ma x bels)
5 to 22 Hz, D isplacement L imited, Opera ting/
Nonoperating ( Gs)
22 to 35 0 Hz, Operatin g/No noperating ( Gs)
350 to 5 00 Hz, Operat ing/Non operating (Gs)
Height ( mm/in)
Width ( mm/in)
Depth ( mm/in)
Weight ( g/lb)
One gigab yte, or GB, equ als one billion by tes and one tera byte, or TB, equ als one trillion b ytes when ref erring to hard dr ive capacity.
1 TB
ST31000340SV ST3750330SV ST3500320SV ST3250310SV
SATA 3Gb /s SATA 3Gb /s SATA 3Gb /s SATA 3Gb /s
32 32 32 8
3.0/1.5 3.0/1.5 3.0/1.5 3.0/1.5
16 16 16 16
5.0V +10% /–7.5%
12V +10%/ –7.5%
512 512 512 512
1,953,525,168 1, 465 ,149 ,168 976,773,168 48 8 ,3 97,16 8
1 sector p er 10E14 1 sector p er 10E14 1 sector p er 10E14 1 sector p er 10E14
>1 million/<1% >1 million/<1% >1 million/<1% >1 million/<1%
50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
2 2 2 2
9.8 9.8 9.8 8.0
1.0 1. 0 1. 0 1.0
20/30 20/30 20/30 20/30
5 to 90
5 to 95
37.7/40.0 37.7/40.0 37.7/40.0 37.7/40.0
63 63 63 63
300 300 300 350
2.7/2.9 2.7/2.9 2.7/2.9 2.5 /2.8
26 .11/1 .02 8 26.11 /1. 028 2 6.11/ 1.0 28 20. 2/0.79 4
101.6/4.000 101.6/4.000 101.6/4.000 101.6/4.000
146.99/5.787 146.99 /5.787 146.99/5.787 146.99/ 5.787
665/1.466 630/1.389 530/1.168 382 /0.84 2
750 GB1500 GB1250 GB
5.0V +10% /–7.5%
12V +10%/ –7.5%
5 to 90
5 to 95
5.0V +10% /–7.5%
12V +10%/ –7.5%
5 to 90
5 to 95
5V ±5 %
12V ±10%
5 to 90
5 to 95
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technology L LC 920 Disc Dr ive, Scot ts Valley, Cali fornia 95 066, Uni ted States , 831-438 -6550
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techno logy Inter nationa l Ltd. 7000 A ng Mo Kio Avenu e 5, Singap ore 56987 7, 65-6485 -388 8
EUROPE, MIDD LE EAST AND A FRICA Seagate Techn ology SAS 130 –136, ru e de Silly, 9277 3, Boulog ne-Bill ancour t Cedex, Fra nce 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2007 Seagate Technol ogy LLC. All rights r eserved. Print ed in USA. Seagate , Seagate Technology a nd the Wave logo are reg istered tradem arks of Seagate Techno logy LLC in the United S tates and/or o ther countries .
SV35 Seri es is either a trade mark or register ed trademark of S eagate Technology LLC o r one of its affiliat ed companies in th e United States and /or other coun tries. All other t rademarks or reg istered tradem arks are the prope rty of their
respec tive owners. Whe n referring to h ard drive capacit y, one gig abyte, or GB, equa ls one billion byte s and one terabyte, o r TB, equals one tri llion bytes. Your comp uter’s operating sy stem may use a diffe rent standard of m easurement an d
repor t a lower capacity. In ad dition, some of the li sted capacity i s used for format ting and other fun ctions, and t hus will not be ava ilable for data stor age. Quantitat ive usage example s for various appli cations are for ill ustrative purpo ses.
Actual qu antities will var y based on variou s factors, inclu ding file size, file for mat, features an d application sof tware. Seagate r eserves the ri ght to change, witho ut notice, produc t offerings or sp ecifications. P ublication numb er: DS1638.10712US, Decemb er 2007