Data Sheet
Barracuda® 720 0.11
Up to 1.5 TB of high-performing, eco-friendly
desktop storage—so right for so many
different applications
1.5 TB, 1 TB, 750 GB, 640 GB, 500 GB, 320 GB, 160 GB •
7200 RPM • SATA 3Gb/s with NCQ
Key Advantages
Delivers the industry’s highest capacity—up to 1.5 TB of storage
(also 1 TB and 750, 640, 500, 320 and 160 GB)
Ships with the industry’s most reliable and proven perpendicular
magnetic recording (PMR ) technology
Delivers high performance
– up to 120-MB/s sustained data rate
– 32-, 16- and 8-MB cache buffer
Environmentally friendly
– Consumes up to 43 percent less power during idle than previous
products, enabling customers to build low-power systems
– Meets strict RoHS requirements
Leverages best combination of technology (areal density, PMR)
and proven components for volume availability
Best-Fit Applications
Desktop RAID
Gamer PCs
High-end PCs
Mainstream PCs
USB/FireWire/eSATA personal external storage

Barracuda® 72 0 0 .11
Up to 1.5 TB of high-performing, eco-friendly
desktop storage—so right for so many
different applications
Model Number
Interface Options
Transfe r Rate, Ma x Ext (M B/s)
Susta ined Data Rate O D (MB/s )
Cache ( MB)
Spindl e Speed (R PM)
Reliability/ Data Integrity
Contact Start-Stops
Annua lized Failu re Rate
Mean Time Betwee n Failures ( hours)
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/mm)
Depth ( in/mm)
Weight ( lb/kg)
1 One gigab yte, or GB, equa ls one billion by tes and one terab yte, or TB, equ als one trillion b ytes when refe rring to hard dr ive capacity.
2 Sustai ned Data Rate OD f or model number S T3100033 3AS is 115 MB/s, an d for ST31000 340AS is 105 MB /s.
3 Not availa ble through dis tribution
1.5 TB
ST31500341AS ST31000333AS
300 300 300 300 300 300 300
120 115, 105
32 32 32, 16
7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200
50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,00 0
0.34% 0.34% 0.34% 0.34% 0.34% 0.34% 0.34%
750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000
1.0 2/ 26 .11 1.0 2/ 26 .11 1.0 2/ 26 .11 1.0 2/ 26 .11 1.0 2/ 26 .11 0.787/20.00 0.787/2 0.00
4.00/101.6 4.00/101.6 4.00/101.6 4.00 /101.6 4.00/101.6 4.00/101.6 4.0 0/101.6
5.78/146 .99 5.78/146.99 5.78/146.99 5.78/146.99 5.78/146.99 5.787/146.99 5.787/146.99
1.4/0.6 4 1.4/0.64 1.4/ 0.64 0.838/0.380 1.2 /0. 54 0.838/0.380 0.8 05/0.36 5
1 TB
This Barracuda Generation Brings
a Whopping 1.5 TB
This is a drive for the ages, and it will take ages to fill it up. In
one bold move, Seagate provides the largest single capacity
jump in the history of hard drives—a half-terabyte increase
from the previous high of 1 TB—thanks to the capacityboosting power of perpendicular magnetic recording
The Eco-Friendly Choice
The Barracuda 7200.11 drive delivers up to 43 percent power
savings over the previous Seagate desktop generation
without sacrificing performance, giving customers the
ability to manufacture eco-friendly PC systems and external
storage systems that meet energy-savings requirements.
Like all other Seagate
drives, the Barracuda 7200.11
product family complies with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substance (RoHS) directive that limits the use of hazardous
materials in electronic goods.
750 GB
ST3750330AS ST3640323AS ST3500320AS ST 3320 613A S ST3160813AS
105 115 105 115 115
640 GB
32 32, 16
500 GB
320 GB
16 8
160 GB
With the Barracuda 7200.11 drive, our customers can have
the best of both worlds—top hard-drive performance and a
high-capacity drive with a very small eco-footprint.
Seagate is committed to minimizing the impact of our
products and operations on the environment. We have
implemented production efficiency measures, such as
replacing or renovating less-efficient equipment, resulting
in a 20 percent increase in production efficiency on a perhard-drive basis. In just six months this delivered a savings
of 158.93 million kWh, or enough energy to power nearly
15,000 U.S. homes for one year. Seagate also has deployed
aggressive waste minimization and recycling programs in
facilities worldwide.
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technology L LC 920 Disc D rive, Sco tts Valley, Ca liforni a 95066, U nited Sta tes, 831-4 38-6 550
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techno logy Inte rnation al Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Sing apore 56 9877, 65-64 85-3 888
EUROPE, M IDDLE EA ST AND AFRI CA Seagate Tech nology SA S 130–136, ru e de Silly, 92773 , Boulog ne-Bill ancour t Cedex, France 3 3 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2008 Seagate Techno logy LLC. All rights r eserved. Print ed in USA. Se agate, Seag ate Technology a nd the Wave logo are r egistered trad emarks of Se agate Technolog y LLC in the United Stat es and/o r other count ries.
Barrac uda is either a trad emark or reg istered tra demark of Seagat e Technology LLC or o ne of its affiliate d companies i n the United States a nd/or oth er countri es. All other t rademarks or reg istered tradem arks are the pr operty of thei r
respec tive owners. When r eferring to h ard drive cap acity, one gigabyte , or GB, equal s one billion by tes and one teraby te, or TB, equals one t rillion bytes. Your co mputer’s oper ating system may use a d ifferent s tandard of measu rement
and repo rt a lower cap acity. In addit ion, some of the liste d capacity is use d for formatting a nd other func tions, and thus wil l not be availab le for data sto rage. Seaga te reserves the ri ght to change, witho ut notice, produc t offerings or
specifi cations. DS1629 .5-0812US, De cember 200 8