Data Sheet
Cheetah® 15K.7
Highest capacity, performance and reliability
in 3.5-inch mission-critical storage
600, 450 and 300 GB • 15K RPM • 6 Gb/s Serial
Attached SCSI • 4 Gb/s Fibre Channel
Key Advantages
Third-generation perpendicular recording delivers up to 600 GB
Unprecedented performance with a sustained data rate of up to 204 MB/s
— a 16 per cent increase over the previous generation
Industry’s highest 3.5-inch drive reliability at 1.6 million hours MTBF
Seagate PowerTrim™ technology provides a 62 per cent improvement
in GBs/watt when idling over typical 3.5-inch hard drives
Read/write advances deliver a non-recoverable error rate of 1x1016
Available in 4 Gb/s FC or 6 Gb/s SAS interfaces (supports SAS 2.0
feature set)
TCG-compliant Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) option cuts IT drive retirement
expenses while protecting data securely and is one of the easiest, most
cost-effective security measures you can implement
FIPS Self-Encrypting Drive option provides all the benefits of SED and
is NIST certified to meet US, Canada and UK government data encryption
compliance requirements
1, 2
Best-fit Applications
Business and transaction processing
Storage area networks and networked attached storage
Email, decision support, Internet and e-commerce
US government-grade, data-at-rest security
when drives leave your control
Drive retirement cost reduction and drive
life extension strategies
Requires TCG -compl iant host o r control ler supp ort. Not av ailable
in all cou ntries.
See FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Ce rtific ate at
http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp /documents
/140 -1/140 1vend .htm .
Cheetah® 15K.7
Highest capacity, performance and reliability
in 3.5-inch mission-critical storage
Lowest Cost of Ownership
Seventh-generation Seagate® Cheetah 15K.7 drive is the
fastest, highest capacity and most reliable ever
Lower watts/GB ratio helps achieve reduced power and
cooling costs while optimising capacity requirements
Higher performance with fewer drives — reducing support
infrastructure, physical space requirements and storage
management costs
The highest reliability of any 3.5-inch drive, with increased
system reliability due to the need for fewer drives
Highest Reliability
Seagate continues to focus on reliability and data
protection; MTBF is an industry-leading 1.6 million hours
Seagate-exclusive enhanced Error Correction Code
better maintains performance throughout the life of the
drive and reduces the probability of lost data
The third generation of Seagate-exclusive Background
Media Scan proactively scans the media for potential
defects during drive idling time, thus enabling incipient
errors to be corrected before data is lost
Our Quick and Robust Download feature loads new
firmware in a matter of seconds, with built-in protection
to ensure no corruption in the event of a power failure
during a firmware switch
Strong Enough for National Security
The Cheetah 15K.7 drive is available in SED or FIPS SED
models; both eliminate the need to overwrite or physically
destroy drives, enable secure return of drives for warranty
or expired lease purposes, and allow organisations to
repurpose or sell hard drives securely. For added physical
security and more stringent regulatory compliance needs,
the FIPS SED model is FIPS 140-2 Validated
for use with
sensitive but unclassified or protected (A or B) class data.
These Seagate Secure
models help OEMs and system
builders gain competitive advantage, differentiate solutions
(with strong data security), sell to new customers (who
require strong data security) and protect brand equity (and
customer confidence).
Requir es TCG-co mpliant h ost or cont roller su pport. N ot availab le in all cou ntries.
Toll free: 00 8004 SEAGATE (732 4283)
(non toll free: 001 405 324 4714)
Model Number
Forma tted 512 KB /Sector ( GB)
External Tran sfer Rat e (MB /s)
4 Gb/ s Fibre Channel
6 Gb/ s Serial Atta ched SCSI
Spindl e Speed ( RPM)
Average L atency (ms )
Seek Tim e Average Read /Write (m s)
Transfer Rate
Inter nal (Mb /s, OD– ID)
Susta ined (MB/ s, 1,000 x 1,000 )
Cache, M ulti-segmen ted (MB)
Configuration/Or ganisation
Discs / Heads
Non-r ecoverable Re ad Error s per Bits Read
Reliab ility Ra ting at Ful l 24x7 Operation
MTBF ( hours)
Power Management
Typical, F ibre Channel ( W)
Typical, S AS (W)
Power Id ling, Fib re Chann el (W )
Power Id ling, SA S (W)
Temperat ure, Operating (°C )
Temperat ure, Non-ope rating (°C )
Shock , Operat ing: 2ms (G s)
Shock , Non-o perati ng: 2ms ( Gs)
Acous tics Idling (b els — sound power )
Vibra tion, Operat ing, <4 00 Hz (Gs)
Vibra tion, Non-op erating, <4 00 Hz (Gs)
Self-E ncrypting D rive Option
FIPS S elf-Encrypt ing Drive O ption
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/mm)
Depth ( in/mm)
Weight ( lb/kg)
Warrant y
Limite d Warranty ( years )
One gigab yte, or GB, equ als one billion by tes; and one te rabyte, or TB , equals one tril lion bytes when r eferring to har d drive capaci ty.
Self-En crypting Dr ive model; req uires TCG- compliant hos t or controller s upport. Not a vailable in all co untries.
FIPS Se lf-Encrypt ing Drive model ; requires TC G-complia nt host or contr oller suppor t. Not availabl e in all countrie s.
Self-En crypting Dr ives and FIPS Se lf-Encryp ting Drives are o nly available in th e channel in 6 Gb /s SAS.
2, 4
600 GB
600 450 300
15K 15K 15K
2.0 2.0 2.0
3.4/3.9 3.4/3.9 3.4/3.9
1,450 to 2, 370
122 to 204
16 16 16
4/8 3/6 2/4
1 sector p er 10
0.55% 0.55% 0.55%
1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000
16.31 15.17 13.8
16.3 5 14.6 12.9 2
11.6 1 10.26 8.98
11.6 8 10.1 8.74
5 to 55 5 to 5 5 5 to 55
–40 t o 70 –40 t o 70 –40 t o 70
60 60 60
300 300 300
3.6 3.6 3.6
1.0 1.0 1. 0
3.0 3.0 3.0
Yes Yes Yes
3, 4
Yes Yes Yes
1.0 /25. 4 1.0 /25. 4 1.0 /25. 4
4.0/101.6 4.0 /101.6 4.0 /101.6
5.76/146.52 5.76/146.52 5.76/146.52
1.51 /0.6 86 1.49 /0.6 76 1.48 /0 .671
5 5 5
2, 4
3, 4
450 GB
ST345 0757SS
ST345 0757FC
1,450 to 2, 370
122 to 204
1 sector p er 10
2, 4
3, 4
300 GB
1,450 to 2, 370
122 to 204
1 sector p er 10
2, 4
3, 4
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Di sc Drive, S cotts Va lley, Calif ornia 95 066, Un ited St ates, +1 831 4 38 6550
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Si ngapor e Intern ationa l Headqu arte rs Pte. Ltd . 7000 Ang M o Kio Avenu e 5, Singa pore 56 9877, +65 64 85 388 8
EUROPE , MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Se agate Techno logy SAS 16 -18 rue de Dôme, 92 100 Boulog ne-B illanco urt, Fr ance, + 33 1 41 86 10 00
© 2010 Seagate Techn ology LLC. A ll rights re served . Printed in US A. Seaga te, Seagate Tech nology an d the Wave logo ar e register ed tradem arks of Sea gate Technolo gy LLC in the Uni ted States a nd/or other cou ntries. C heetah,
PowerTrim and Seag ate Secure a re either tradem arks or reg istered tr ademarks of Seag ate Technolog y LLC or one of its a ffiliate d compani es in the Unite d States and/o r other coun tries. Th e FIPS logo is a c ertific ation mar k of NIST,
which doe s not imply produc t endorse ment by NIST, or by the US or Cana dian government s. All other t rademar ks or regis tered trad emarks ar e the prope rty of the ir respective owne rs. When referr ing to drive ca pacity, one g igabyte,
or GB, equ als one bill ion bytes ; and one terabyte, o r TB, equals one tri llion byte s. Your compute r operati ng system may u se a differ ent standard of me asurement and re port a lower capac ity. In addition, som e of the listed c apacity is
used for fo rmatting and oth er functions, an d thus will not be availa ble for data storag e. The expor t or re-expor t of hardware or sof tware con taining en cryption may be re gulated by the US Dep artmen t of Commerc e, Bureau of Indust ry
and Secu rity (for more in formatio n, visit www.bis.do c.gov), and contr olled for im port and use out side the USA . Seagate reser ves the right to chan ge, withou t notice, pr oduct off erings or s pecifications . DS1677.3-1007GB, July 2010