Marketing Bulletin
Seagate Showcase™ Storage
Beats PC External Drives
for DVR Expansion
Your DVR is starting to fill up, but you don’t want to erase your favorite TV
shows and movies—what options do you have? When you need to expand
the storage capacity of your DVR, there are two solutions. You can replace
the drive inside the DVR box, an option that is expensive, inconvenient and
means a loss of previously recorded content. The other option is to plug in an
external drive into your DVR.
Most external plug-in drives on the market today are built for a PC, whose
demands are much different than those of a DVR. That is why Seagate
Showcase™ media-attached storage is the best DVR expansion solution.
To Learn More :
Learn more about
the new Seagate
Showcase solution at
Showcase storage has been specifically designed for integrated multimedia
expansion. It features the Pipeline HD™ drive that is the first and only drive
designed specifically for DVR and media-center applications. The drive
hosts an impressive feature set, tailored for DVR functionality, but what is
equally important is that the Pipeline HD™ drive boasts best-in-class low
power consumption, ultra-quiet acoustics and robust drive case temperature
specifications. All are requirements for a superior DVR expansion drive.
Inevitably an enclosed hard drive will retain some amount of heat. To keep the
Showcase solution cool and operating at peak performance, a low-power,
always-on fan has been placed inside the box. It operates below the threshold
for human hearing. The fans of PC external drives, by contrast, are audible.
PC drives correct data errors that are important to PC applications, but the
same level of error correction is not needed for video streaming and can
obstruct the flow of video, resulting in a choppy presentation. The Showcase
solution avoids unnecessary and disruptive error correction. If the Showcase
storage solution can’t read a bit, it skips it and continues reading in order to
provide a crisp, clean, uninterrupted flow of video—because most likely that
one bit amounts to a single pixel in one second of a video stream.
For these and many other reasons, the smartest and best choice for DVR
expansion storage is the Showcase solution from Seagate.
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dri ve, Scot ts Valley, Ca lifor nia 950 66, Uni ted Sta tes, 831- 438- 6550
ASIA /PACIFI C Seagate Tech nolog y Intern ationa l Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5 , Singap ore 56 9877, 65-6 485 -388 8
EUROPE , MIDDL E EAST A ND AFRIC A Seagate Tech nology S AS 130–136, r ue de Sil ly, 92773, B oulog ne-Bi llanc ourt C edex, Fra nce 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyright © 2008 Seaga te Technology LLC. All rights reserve d. Printed in USA. Seagate, Seag ate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trade marks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other cou ntries. Pipeline
HD and Showc ase are either tr ademarks or regi stered tradema rks of Seagate Technol ogy LLC or one of its af filiated compani es in the United Sta tes and/or othe r countries. All o ther trademark s or registered tr ademarks are the p roperty of
their res pective owners . When referring to h ard drive capaci ty, one gigabyte, or GB , equals one billi on bytes an d one terabyte, or T B, equals one trill ion bytes. Your compu ter’s operating sys tem may use a differe nt standard of me asurement
and repo rt a lower capacit y. In ad dition, some of the li sted capacity i s used for format ting and other func tions, and thus wi ll not be available fo r data storage. Sea gate reserves th e right to change, wi thout notice, pro duct offering s or
specifi cations. MB579.1-0810US, Oc tober 2008