Product Overview
SV35.5 Series
High-performance, high-capacity drives
designed specifically for surveillance
digital video recording
Key Features and Benefits
Increased surveillance digital video recorder (SDVR) performance
Full range of capacities, including 1 TB, 500 GB and 250 GB
SATA interface enables increased video data rates (3 Gb/s)
Optimized for recording of multiple, simultaneous standard or high-
resolution video streams
7200 RPM for maximum speed and multi-drive SDVR performance
ATA-7 streaming commands allow data reads/writes to be tailored for
increased video streaming performance.
Higher areal density for cost-effective DVR applications
Enhanced caching capabilities enable superior video recording quality
Higher Reliability
Designed for 24x7 operation and high write duty cycles
>1 million hours MTBF and <1 percent AFR in 24x7 video surveillance
Capable of operating under drive case temperatures of up to 70ºC
Low power consumption and reduced heat generation
EMI compliance with minimal emitted vibration for improved system
Backed by the Seagate 5-year limited warranty
Tailored for the video surveillance industry
Technical and marketing support infrastructure dedicated to video
surveillance customers
Fifth-generation SV35.5 Series drives—dedicated to evolve with emerging
video surveillance industry requirements
Best-Fit Applications
Video surveillance digital video recorders (SDVR)
Video surveillance network digital video recorders (SNVR)
Direct-attached and network-attached JBOD
video surveillance storage

SV35.5 Series
High-performance, high-capacity drives designed
specifically for surveillance digital video recording
Improved Reliability
Intelligent workload monitoring senses specific
workload profiles and takes corrective action, if
ne ces sar y.
With an MTBF of over one million hours and
an annual failure rate of less than 1 percent,
SV35.5 Series drives can withstand the intense
duty cycles common in SDVR applications.
Capable of operating at base plate
temperatures of up to 70ºC.
Maximum Performance
Video surveillance drives are designed primarily
for streaming video.
SATA’s increased video data rates (3 Gb /s)
enable higher-performance video recording.
ATA-7 command set support enables read/
write profiles for video-specific applications.
SV35.5 Series drives operate at 7200-RPM for
maximum performance in multi-drive SDVRs.
Capacities 1 TB, 50 0 GB, 250 GB
Sustained Data Rate, Sequential Writes 140 MB/ s
Simult aneous HD Str eams Supp orted 12
MTBF /Annualize d Failure R ate >1M Hrs. /<1%
Spin Speed 7200 RP M
Interface SATA 3Gb /s
Industry-Leading Innovation and Support
The SV35.5 Series drives are the only hard
drives designed and optimized solely for video
surveillance, with perpendicular recording
Backed by the Seagate 5-year limited warranty
Supported by a team of dedicated Seagate
surveillance resources
Enabling Technology Innovation
Power management features include lower startup
current, which enables the integration design with
lower-cost power supplies.
Surveillance-Optimized Hard Drives Deliver
Video surveillance applications place enormous
demands on storage solutions. SV35.5 Series
drives ensure that the dual SDVR demands of
reliability and smooth video streaming are met,
all while working in a relentless 24x7 operating
New Customer Requirements
The SV35.5 Series hard drive represents the
ongoing commitment of Seagate to a rapidly
growing category of technology and customers.
Seagate Design Service Centers are committed to
providing integration and educational information
to surveillance customers and to growing the
capabilities of storage products for digital video
recording in the surveillance sector. Technical and
advanced application design advice is available
from Seagate Design Service Centers located
throughout the world.
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Dis c Drive, S cotts Val ley, Califo rnia 950 66, Uni ted State s, 831-43 8-65 50
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techn ology In ternati onal Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5 , Singap ore 5698 77, 65-64 85-3 888
EUROPE , MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Se agate Techno logy SAS 130 -136, rue de Si lly, 92773 Bou logne -Billa ncour t Cedex, Fr ance, 33 1-41 8 6 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2009 Seagate Techn ology LLC. Al l rights res erved. Printed in U SA. Seagate, Sea gate Technology and th e Wave logo are re gistered tradem arks of Seagate Techno logy LLC in the United S tates and /or other countr ies.
SV35.5 Ser ies is either a trad emark or registe red trademark of S eagate Technology LLC o r one of its affiliate d companies in the U nited State s and/or other c ountries . All other tradem arks or regi stered tradema rks are the proper ty
of their re spective owners . When referring to h ard drive capacit y, one gi gabyte, or G B, equals one billi on bytes an d one teraby te, or TB, equals one t rillion by tes. Your computer’s ope rating syst em may use a dif ferent standa rd of
measur ement and r eport a lowe r capacity. In addit ion, some of th e listed capacit y is used for format ting and other fun ctions, an d thus will not be availa ble for data storag e. Seagate re serves the righ t to change, without n otice, product
offeri ngs or specificat ions. PO0086. 2-0903US, Mar ch 2009
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)