Data Sheet
SV35.5 Series
High-performance, high-capacity drives
designed specifically for surveillance
digital video recording
1 TB, 500 GB, 250 GB • 7200 RPM • SATA 3Gb/s
Key Advantages
The only 7200-RPM hard drive designed specifically for surveillance
environments, where 24x7 reliability is key
Best-in-class performance with 140-MB/s sustained data transfer rates
(sequential read /writes)
Highest range of capacities—up to 1 TB—for maximum flexibility
Low spin-up power for optimization in surveillance applications
Uncompromising reliability supports flexible DVR design, with case
temperatures up to 70ºC
Performance-tuned for seamless video applications
Built-in error recovery for non-stop video streaming
Best-in-class acoustic performance means virtually silent operation.
Higher areal density for cost-effective DVR applications
ATA-7 streaming commands allow for data reads and writes tailored
to video, data or a combination of both, guaranteeing smooth, reliable
video streaming as well as high-integrity database updates.
Enhanced caching capabilities enable superior video recording quality.
Unique user-selectable partitioning capability
Smart Command Transport (SCT) makes management simple.
Thermal monitoring and reporting for 24x7 operations
Best-Fit Applications
Video surveillance digital video recorder
Video surveillance network digital video recorder
Direct- and network-attached JBOD video surveillance storage

SV35.5 Series
High-performance, high-capacity drives designed
specifically for surveillance digital video recording
The Seagate® SV35.5 Series™ drives enable securit y industry
manufacturer s, integrators and installers to accomplish more with
less, greatly improving their surveillance solution offerings in reliability,
performance, capacity, power and acoustics.
Designed specifically for 24x7 surveillance environments
Enterprise-class reliability with MTBF of >1 million hours and Annualized
Failure Rate (AFR ) of <1%
Industry-leading 5-year limited warranty
Best-in-class per formance at 7200-RPM and up to 140-MB/s sustained
data rate
Enables high-resolution video streams
Enhanced caching capabilities
SATA 3Gb/s interface
Full range of capacities for greatest flexibilit y
Flexible DVR design with case temperatures up to 70ºC
ATA-7 streaming commands support reads and writes tailored to both
video and audio data.
Reduced power consumption and heat generation enable systems to
run cooler and la st longer
Unparalleled Seagate technical and marketing support infrastructure
dedicated to video surveillance customers
Field engineering and business support teams available in person,
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
Model Number
Interface Options
Spin Spe ed (R PM)
Cache, M ultisegment ed (MB)
SATA Data Tra nsfer Modes Su ppor ted (G b/s)
Power-O n to Ready ( seconds)
Susta ined Data Rate , Sequen tial Write (MB/s)
Read See k Time (ms)
Write S eek Time ( ms)
Simult aneous HD Streams Sup port ed
Volta ge
Voltag e Tolera nce (in cluding noise ) 5V
Voltag e Tolera nce (in cluding noise ) 12V
Configuration/Or ganization
Byte s per Sec tor
Reliability/ Data Integrity
MTBF ( hours )/A nnualized Failure Rate ( AFR)
Nonrecovera ble Read E rrors p er Bits Read
Power-O n Hours
Contact Star t-Stop Cycles
Limite d Warranty ( years )
Power Management
Maxim um Startup C urrent (12 V typi cal, amp s)
Opera ting Mod e (typical, W )
Seek Aver age (W)
Standby (W )
Opera ting (a mbient min °C)
Opera ting (d rive case max °C )
Nonoperatin g (ambi ent min °C)
Nonoperatin g (ambi ent max °C)
Shock , Opera ting : 2 ms (Gs)
Shock , Nonop eratin g: 2 ms (Gs)
Acous tic, Idle (bels)
Height ( mm/in)
Width ( mm/in, ± 0.010 in)
Depth ( mm/in)
Weight ( g/lb)
One gigab yte, or GB, equ als one billion by tes and one tera byte, or TB, equ als one trillion b ytes when ref erring to hard dr ive capacity.
1 TB
ST31000525SV ST3500410SV ST3250311SV
SATA 3Gb /s SATA 3Gb /s SATA 3Gb /s
7200 7200 7200
32 16 8
3.0/1.5 3.0/1.5 3.0/1.5
17 13 11
140 140 140
8.5 8.5 8.5
9.5 9.5 9.5
12 12 12
±5% ±5% ±5%
±10% ±10% ±10%
512 512 512
>1 million/<1% >1 million/<1% >1 million/<1%
1 sector p er 10E14 1 sector p er 10E14 1 sector p er 10E14
8760 8760 8760
50,000 50,000 50,000
5 5 5
2 2 2
7.0 7.0 5.0
10.4 10.4 8.0
1.0 1.0 1. 0
70 70 70
300 300 350
2.5 2.5 2.3
26 .11/1 .02 8 26.11 /1. 028 2 0.2/ 0.794
101.6/4.000 101.6/4.000 101.6/4.000
146.99/5.787 146.99/5.787 146.99/5.787
67 7/1.49 3 544/1.199 380/0.838
500 GB1250 GB
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dri ve, Scot ts Valle y, Califor nia 950 66, Un ited St ates, 83 1-438 -655 0
ASIA /PACIFI C Seagate Tech nolog y Intern ation al Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5 , Singa pore 56 9877, 65- 6485 -38 88
EUROPE, MIDD LE EAST A ND AFRI CA Seaga te Technolo gy SAS 130 –136, rue de S illy, 9277 3, Boul ogne- Billa ncour t Cedex , France 3 3 1-4186 10 00
Copyri ght © 2009 S eagate Tech nology L LC. All rig hts rese rved. Pr inted in U SA. Sea gate, Se agate Techno logy and t he Wave logo a re regis tered tr ademar ks of Seag ate Technolo gy LLC in the U nited St ates and /or
other co untrie s. SV35.5 S eries is e ither a tr adema rk or reg istere d tradem ark of Sea gate Technol ogy LLC or o ne of its af filiate d compan ies in the U nited St ates and /or other count ries. A ll other tr adema rks or reg istere d
tradem arks are t he prope rty of their res pecti ve owners . When ref errin g to hard dri ve capac ity, one gig abyte, or G B, equa ls one bill ion byte s and one te rabyte , or TB, equ als one tr illion by tes. Your computer’s op eratin g
system ma y use a dif ferent s tandar d of measu remen t and repo rt a lowe r capaci ty. In addit ion, some o f the liste d capaci ty is us ed for for mattin g and othe r functi ons, an d thus will n ot be availa ble for da ta stora ge.
Seagat e reser ves the ri ght to chan ge, with out notic e, produ ct offe rings or s pecifi cation s. DS1679.3-0 904US, April 20 09