Seagate® External Desktop Drive
Instant Add-on Storage
Interface USB 2.0
Capacities 500 GB, 1 TB, 1.5 TB, 2 TB
Perfect for when you need to:
• Add more storage space to
your computer instantly
• Free up space on your
internal hard drive to increase
computer performance
Seagate external desktop drives provide extra storage for your ever-growing collection of les. Add space for
more les instantly, consolidate all of your les to a single location, or free up space on your computer’s internal
drive for improved performance.
Setup is straightforward: simply plug in the included power supply and USB cable, and you are ready to go. It is
automatically recognised by Windows® operating system, so there is no software to install and nothing to congure.
Saving les is easy, too: just drag-and-drop.
Not only is it easy to use, but it is also fast and ene rgy efcient. Built-in power management ensures energyefcient operation.
Quality and Reliability
Seagate has delivered proven, reliable storage solutions for over 30 years. As of 2008, Seagate has shipped over
one billion hard drives. Seagate continues to stand behind its quality by including a 2-year limited warranty.
Storage Calculator*
500 GB 1 TB 1,5 TB 2 TB
Hours of digital video 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
Number of 2-hour DVD films 125 250 375 500
Number of digital photos 160,000 320,000 480,000 640,000
Hours of digital music 8,330 16,660 24,990 33,320
• Plug-and-play — no software to install
• Simply drag-and-drop to save les
• USB 2.0
• Built-in power management ensures energy efcient operation
• 2-year limited warranty
* Quantitative usage examples for various applications are for illustrative purposes.
Actual quantities will vary based on several factors, including le size, le format, features and application software.

Seagate® External Desktop Drive
Instant Add-on Storage
Product Dimensions
Retail Packaging Specs
Software Requirements
Inside the Box
Height: 8.15" L x 4.96" W x 1.57" H (207.08mm x 125.91mm x 39.79mm)
Weight: 2.25lbs (1.02kg)
Box dimensions: 9.63" L x 3.00" W x 8.38" H (244.48mm x 76.20mm x 212.73mm)
Box weight: 3.09lbs (1.40kg)
Master carton dimensions: 8.94" L x 19.50" W x 10.50" H (227.01mm x 495.30mm x 266.70mm)
Master carton weight: 19.40lbs (8.80kg)
Master carton quantity: 6
Master cartons per pallet: 40
Pallet dimensions: 45.19" L x 39.50" W x 47.00" H (1,147.78mm x 1,003.30mm x 1,193.80mm)
Pallet weight: 815.70lbs (370.00kg)
Pallet layers: 4
• Works with Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Mac OSX 10.4.8 or higher
• External desktop hard drive
• USB cable
• Quick start guide
• Power adapter
• 2-year limited warranty
Capacity Model Number EAN Code Multi-pack UPC
500 GB ST305004EXD101-RK 7636490013898 10763649015343
1 TB ST310005EXD101-RK 7636490013904 10763649015350
1.5 TB ST315005EXD101-RK 7636490013911 10763649015367
2 TB ST320005EXD101-RK 7636490016035 10763649017484
© 2009 S eagate Tec hnolo gy LLC. Al l righ ts rese rved . Seagate, Seag ate Techno logy, and the Wave lo go are t radem arks o r regis tered t radem arks of
Seagate Technolog y LLC or one of i ts afliated co mpani es in the U nited St ates and /or oth er coun tries. A ll other tradem arks or re gistered trademarks
are the proper ty of the ir respective ow ners. W hen refe rrin g to hard dri ve capa city, one gigaby te, or GB, eq uals on e billio n bytes a nd one ter abyte, o r
TB, equa ls one tr illion bytes. Your compute r operat ing syste m may use a different sta ndard of m easurement a nd repor t a lower capacity. In addi tion,
some o f the l isted capa cit y is us ed for form atti ng an d othe r fun ctions, an d thus will n ot be availa ble f or dat a stor age. Q uant itative us age ex ampl es
for var ious applic ation s are for i llust rative p urpo ses. Ac tual quantities va ry di ffer b ased o n sever al factors, in cludi ng le s ize, le f ormat, f eatur es and
applicatio n software. Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or spe cications. Se agate Technology LLC, 920 Disc Drive,
Scotts Va lley CA 950 66 USA w ww.seag ate.com DS1675.3-0 911GB