The Fastest
PC Hard Drive
Combining ash technology with a hard drive platform,
the FireCuda™ 2.5 ash-accelerated hard drive
represents the fastest 2.5-inch hard drive available.
Key Advantages
Flash-accelerated technology delivers blazing load speeds that allow for nonstop
performance, play and productivity up to 5× faster than standard HDDs.
Enormous 500 GB, 1 TB and 2 TB options make FireCuda the highest-capacity
2.5-inch hard drive on the market, providing customers a high-performance
experience while being able to store massive amounts of data, all within a thin
7mm z-Height.
Best-Fit Applications
• Mainstream PCs upgrades
• High-performance PCs
• PC gaming systems
• Workstations
• Creative professional systems
Green Hybrid
their drive’s life and keep their costs down with a power-efcient drive.
Multi-Tier Caching Technology
ash, DRAM and media caching technologies, enabling users to load applications
and les even faster.
Adaptive Memory
the data faster, consuming less power and extending drive life.
The cutting edge never felt so safe — 5-year limited warranty is best-in-class
for hard drive warranties.
feature reduces device power consumption, helping users extend
(MTC) enhances performance by using NAND
technology identies frequently accessed data, thereby providing

Specifications 2 TB
1 TB
500 GB
Standard Model Numbers ST2000LX001 ST1000LX015 ST500L X025
Interface SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s
Bytes per Sector (logical/physical) 512/4,096 512/4,096 512/4,096
Data Transfer Rate (MB/s) Up to 140 Up to 140 Up to 140
Versus 2.5-in. 5,400 RPM / 7,200 RP M HDD
Game Load Test
Application Load Test
Windows 7 B oot Time
140% Faster/50% Faster
450% F aster/30 0% Faster
35% Faster/25% Faster
140% Faster/50% Faster
450% F aster/30 0% Faster
35% Faster/25% Faster
140% Faster/50% Faster
450% F aster/30 0% Faster
35% Faster/25% Faster
Reliability/Data Integrity
Load/Unload Cycles 600,000 600,000 600,000
Head-Rest Method QuietStep
Non-recoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 per 10
Limited Warranty (years)
Ramp Load QuietStep Ramp L oad QuietS tep Ramp Load
1 per 10
1 per 10
5 5 5
Power Management
Star tup Current (+5 V, A) 1.0 1.0 1.0
Read/Writer Power, Average (W) 1.7/ 1.8 1.6/1.7 1.6/ 1.7
Idle Power, Average (W) 0.5 0.45 0.45
Temperature, Operating (°C) 0 to 60 0 to 60 0 to 60
Temperature, Non-operating (°C) –40 to 70 –40 to 70 –40 to 70
Shock, Operating: 2 ms (Gs) 400 400 400
Shock, Non-operating: 1 ms (Gs) 1,000 1,000 1,000
Acoustics, Idle, Typical (bels—sound power) 2.2 2.0 2.0
Acoustics, Seek, Typical (bels—sound power) 2.4 2.2 2.2
Height (mm/in) 7.0/0.276 7.0/0.276 7.0/0.276
Width (mm/in) 69.85/2.750 69.85/2.750 69.85/2.750
Depth (mm/in) 100. 35/3.9 51 100. 35/3.9 51 100. 35/3.9 51
Weight (g/lb, max) 96 /0.212 92/0.203 92/0.203
Carton Unit Quantity 50 50 50
Cartons Per Pallet /Cartons Per L ayer 60 /10 60/ 10 6 0/10
Special Features
Halogen-free Yes Yes Yes
RoHS compliance Yes Yes
One giga byte, or GB e quals one bi llion byte s; and one tera byte or TB, e quals one tr illion bytes when refe rring to dri ve capacit y.
Testing con ducted by Se agate using P CMark 7 syst em storage g aming test. Results have b een round ed for display purpos es. HDD per forman ce may vary by b rand, model and appli cation.
Tes ting condu cted by Seag ate using PCM ark 7 system s torage sta rting app lication s test. Resu lts have bee n rounded fo r display purposes. HDD perfo rmance may va ry by bran d, model
and application.
Tes ting condu cted by Seag ate using Inte l Core i5- based with I ntel QM77 chip set laptop a nd congur ed with 8GB R AM. Tested usi ng Microso ft utilit y. Results have b een round ed for displ ay
purpo ses. HDD pe rforma nce may var y by brand, mo del and appl ication.
Exten ded warra nty produ cts availab le. Consul t your distr ibutor for de tails.
AMERICA S Seagat e Technology LLC 1020 0 South De An za Boulevar d, Cupert ino, Califor nia 95014, United S tates, +1 408 658 1000
ASIA /PACIFIC Se agate Singa pore Intern ational He adquart ers Pte. Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo Ki o Avenue 5, Singa pore 569877, +65 64 85 3888
EUR OPE, MIDDL E EAST AND AFR ICA Seag ate Technology S AS 16-18 rue du Dôme, 92100 Bo ulogne- Billanco urt, Franc e, +33 1 41 86 10 00
© 2016 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Spiral logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries.
Adaptive M emory, Fire Cuda, Gre en Hybrid, M ulti-Tier Cach ing Technolog y and QuietS tep are eithe r tradema rks or regis tered trade marks of Sea gate Technolo gy LLC or one of its a fliated c ompanie s in the
United S tates and/or o ther countr ies. All other tra demarks o r registere d tradema rks are the pro perty of t heir respe ctive owner s. When referri ng to drive capa city, one giga byte, or GB, eq uals one bil lion bytes;
and one te rabyte, or TB , equals one t rillion by tes. Your comput er’s operati ng system may us e a differe nt standar d of measure ment and rep ort a lower c apacity. In ad dition, som e of the listed c apacity i s used
for form atting and o ther funct ions, and th us will not be avai lable for da ta storage. A ctual data r ates may var y dependin g on operati ng environm ent and othe r factors. S eagate rese rves the ri ght to change ,
withou t notice, pro duct offe rings or spe cicatio ns. DS1908.1-1609GB, Septe mber 2016