Seagate ST2000LX001, ST1000LX015, ST500LX025 Service Manual

The Fastest PC Hard Drive
Combining ash technology with a hard drive platform, the FireCuda™ 2.5 ash-accelerated hard drive represents the fastest 2.5-inch hard drive available.
Key Advantages
Flash-accelerated technology delivers blazing load speeds that allow for nonstop
performance, play and productivity up to 5× faster than standard HDDs.
Enormous 500 GB, 1 TB and 2 TB options make FireCuda the highest-capacity
2.5-inch hard drive on the market, providing customers a high-performance experience while being able to store massive amounts of data, all within a thin 7mm z-Height.
Best-Fit Applications
• High-performance PCs
• PC gaming systems
• Workstations
• Creative professional systems
Green Hybrid
their drive’s life and keep their costs down with a power-efcient drive.
Multi-Tier Caching Technology
ash, DRAM and media caching technologies, enabling users to load applications and les even faster.
Adaptive Memory
the data faster, consuming less power and extending drive life.
The cutting edge never felt so safe — 5-year limited warranty is best-in-class
for hard drive warranties.
feature reduces device power consumption, helping users extend
(MTC) enhances performance by using NAND
technology identies frequently accessed data, thereby providing
Specifications 2 TB
1 TB
500 GB
Standard Model Numbers ST2000LX001 ST1000LX015 ST500L X025
Interface SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s
Bytes per Sector (logical/physical) 512/4,096 512/4,096 512/4,096
Data Transfer Rate (MB/s) Up to 140 Up to 140 Up to 140
Versus 2.5-in. 5,400 RPM / 7,200 RP M HDD Game Load Test Application Load Test Windows 7 B oot Time
140% Faster/50% Faster
450% F aster/30 0% Faster
35% Faster/25% Faster
140% Faster/50% Faster
450% F aster/30 0% Faster
35% Faster/25% Faster
140% Faster/50% Faster
450% F aster/30 0% Faster
35% Faster/25% Faster
Reliability/Data Integrity
Load/Unload Cycles 600,000 600,000 600,000
Head-Rest Method QuietStep
Non-recoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 per 10
Limited Warranty (years)
Ramp Load QuietStep Ramp L oad QuietS tep Ramp Load
1 per 10
1 per 10
5 5 5
Power Management
Star tup Current (+5 V, A) 1.0 1.0 1.0
Read/Writer Power, Average (W) 1.7/ 1.8 1.6/1.7 1.6/ 1.7
Idle Power, Average (W) 0.5 0.45 0.45
Temperature, Operating (°C) 0 to 60 0 to 60 0 to 60
Temperature, Non-operating (°C) –40 to 70 –40 to 70 –40 to 70
Shock, Operating: 2 ms (Gs) 400 400 400
Shock, Non-operating: 1 ms (Gs) 1,000 1,000 1,000
Acoustics, Idle, Typical (bels—sound power) 2.2 2.0 2.0
Acoustics, Seek, Typical (bels—sound power) 2.4 2.2 2.2
Height (mm/in) 7.0/0.276 7.0/0.276 7.0/0.276
Width (mm/in) 69.85/2.750 69.85/2.750 69.85/2.750
Depth (mm/in) 100. 35/3.9 51 100. 35/3.9 51 100. 35/3.9 51
Weight (g/lb, max) 96 /0.212 92/0.203 92/0.203
Carton Unit Quantity 50 50 50
Cartons Per Pallet /Cartons Per L ayer 60 /10 60/ 10 6 0/10
Special Features
Halogen-free Yes Yes Yes
RoHS compliance Yes Yes
One giga byte, or GB e quals one bi llion byte s; and one tera byte or TB, e quals one tr illion bytes when refe rring to dri ve capacit y.
Testing con ducted by Se agate using P CMark 7 syst em storage g aming test. Results have b een round ed for display purpos es. HDD per forman ce may vary by b rand, model and appli cation.
Tes ting condu cted by Seag ate using PCM ark 7 system s torage sta rting app lication s test. Resu lts have bee n rounded fo r display purposes. HDD perfo rmance may va ry by bran d, model
and application.
Tes ting condu cted by Seag ate using Inte l Core i5- based with I ntel QM77 chip set laptop a nd congur ed with 8GB R AM. Tested usi ng Microso ft utilit y. Results have b een round ed for displ ay
purpo ses. HDD pe rforma nce may var y by brand, mo del and appl ication.
Exten ded warra nty produ cts availab le. Consul t your distr ibutor for de tails.
AMERICA S Seagat e Technology LLC 1020 0 South De An za Boulevar d, Cupert ino, Califor nia 95014, United S tates, +1 408 658 1000 ASIA /PACIFIC Se agate Singa pore Intern ational He adquart ers Pte. Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo Ki o Avenue 5, Singa pore 569877, +65 64 85 3888 EUR OPE, MIDDL E EAST AND AFR ICA Seag ate Technology S AS 16-18 rue du Dôme, 92100 Bo ulogne- Billanco urt, Franc e, +33 1 41 86 10 00
© 2016 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Spiral logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Adaptive M emory, Fire Cuda, Gre en Hybrid, M ulti-Tier Cach ing Technolog y and QuietS tep are eithe r tradema rks or regis tered trade marks of Sea gate Technolo gy LLC or one of its a fliated c ompanie s in the United S tates and/or o ther countr ies. All other tra demarks o r registere d tradema rks are the pro perty of t heir respe ctive owner s. When referri ng to drive capa city, one giga byte, or GB, eq uals one bil lion bytes; and one te rabyte, or TB , equals one t rillion by tes. Your comput er’s operati ng system may us e a differe nt standar d of measure ment and rep ort a lower c apacity. In ad dition, som e of the listed c apacity i s used for form atting and o ther funct ions, and th us will not be avai lable for da ta storage. A ctual data r ates may var y dependin g on operati ng environm ent and othe r factors. S eagate rese rves the ri ght to change , withou t notice, pro duct offe rings or spe cicatio ns. DS1908.1-1609GB, Septe mber 2016