Seagate ST10000NE0008 Product Data Sheet

Best-Fit Applications
Commercial and enterprise network-attached storage (NAS)
1- to 24-bay network attached storage (NAS)
Backup, archiving, and disaster recovery
Virtual storage
The Power of Agility for Creative Pro and SME NAS Enclosures
IronWolf™ Pro is designed for everything business NAS. Get used to tough, ready, and scalable 24×7 performance that can handle multi­drive environments across a wide range of capacities.
Key Advantages
Optimized for NAS with AgileArray™. AgileArray enables dual-plane balancing and RAID
optimization in multi-bay environments, with the most advanced power management possible.
Actively protect your NAS with IronWolf Health Management focusing on prevention,
intervention, and recovery.
High performance means no lag time or downtime for users during workload traffic for the
NAS. Seagate leads the competition with the highest-performing NAS drive portfolio.
Seagate® Rescue Data Recovery.3 IronWolf Pro comes with extra peace of mind for any
mechanical, accidental, or natural disaster. With a 90% success rate of in-house recovery, Seagate has your back with a 2-year included Rescue Data Recovery plan.
Rotational Vibration (RV) sensors. First in its class of drives to include RV sensors to
maintain high performance in multi-drive NAS enclosures.
Range of capacities up to 14TB. More capacity options means more choices that will fit
within the budget. Seagate provides a scalable solution for any NAS use-case scenario.
Do more in multi-user environments. IronWolf provides a workload rate of 300TB/year.
Multiple users can confidently upload and download data to the NAS server, knowing IronWolf can handle the workload, whether you are a creative professional or a small business.
Designed for always on, always accessible 24×7 performance. Access data on your NAS
any time, remotely or on site.
1.2M hours MTBF, 5-year limited warranty represents an improved total cost of ownership
(TCO) over desktop drives with reduced maintenance costs.
1 Contact your Seagate sales representative for further information.
2 Performance may vary depending on user's hardware configuration and operating system.
3 Registration required to activate. Rescue recovery services not available in all countries. Contact your Seagate sales representative for further
Specif icat ions 14TB 12TB 10TB 8TB 6TB
Standard Model Num ber
ST14000N E0008 ST12000N E0008 ST10000N E0008 ST8000N E0008 ST6000N E0023
Interfac e SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SAT A 6Gb/ s SATA 6Gb/s
Feat ures
Driv e Bay s Supported Up to 24-bay Up to 24-bay Up to 24-bay Up to 24-bay Up to 24-bay
Mult i-Us er T echnology (T B/y r) 300 300 300 300 300
Rot ational Vibration (RV) Sensors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hot -Plug Support
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cac he (M B) 256 256 256 256 256
Reliabilit y/ Dat a I ntegrit y
Mean Tim e Bet ween Failures (M TBF , hours) 1,200, 000 1,200, 000 1,200, 000 1,200,000 1,200, 000
Reliabilit y Rat ing @ Full 24×7 Operation (AF R) 0.73% 0.73% 0. 73% 0. 73% 0.73%
Nonrec overable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15
Power-On Hours per Year (24×7) 8760 8760 8760 8760 8760
Sect or Siz e (By tes per Logical Sect or) 512E 512E 512E 512E 512E
Res cue Servic es
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Limit ed W arranty (y ears) 5 5 5 5 5
Perform ance
Spindle Speed (RPM) 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200
Interfac e Ac cess Speed (Gb/ s) 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3. 0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3. 0, 1.5 6.0, 3. 0, 1.5
Max . Sustained T ransf er R ate OD (MB/ s) 250MB/ s 250MB/ s 214MB/ s 214M B/s 214MB/ s
Average Latenc y (ms ) 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16
Interfac e Port s Single Single Single Single Single
Rot ational Vibration @ 10-1500 Hz (rad/ s2) 12.5 12.5 12.5 12. 5 12.5
Power Cons umpt ion
Start up C urrent, T ypic al (12V, A) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Idle Power, Av erage (W ) 5.3 5.0 5.0 4.4 7.5
Average Operating Power (W) 7.9W 7.8W 7.8W 7.4W 8.1W
Standby M ode (W ) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6
Sleep M ode (W ) 0. 8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6
Power Supply Requirements +12 V and +5 V +12 V and +5 V +12 V and +5 V +12 V and +5 V +12 V and +5 V
Environm ental/ Tem perature
Operating (ambient, min °C) 5 5 5 5 5
Operating (drive cas e, max °C) 60 60 60 60 60
Nonoperat ing (am bient, m in °C) -40 -40 -40 -40 -40
Nonoperat ing (am bient, m ax °C) 70 70 70 70 70
Environm ental/ Acous tic s
Vibration, N onoperating: 10H z to 500Hz (Grm s) 2.27 2.27 2.27 2. 27 3
Idle (typical)
1.8bels 1.8bels 1.8bels 1.8bels 2.7bels
Seek (ty pical) 2.8bels 2.8bels 2.8bels 2.8bels 2.7bels
Environm ental/ Shock
Shock , Operating 2ms (R ead/W rite) (Gs) 70/40Gs 70/40Gs 70/40Gs 70/ 40Gs 70/40Gs
Shock , Nonoperat ing, 1ms and 2ms (Gs ) 250 250 250 250 250
Phys ical
Height (m m/ in) 26. 11mm /1. 028in 26.11m m/ 1.028in 26.11mm/1.028in 26.11m m/ 1.028in 26. 11mm /1. 028in
Widt h (m m/ in, max ) 101.85m m/ 4.01in 101.85mm /4.01in 101.85mm/4.01in 101. 85mm /4. 01in 101.85m m/ 4.01in
Dept h (m m/ in, max) 146.99m m/ 5.787in 146.99m m/ 5.787in 146.99m m/ 5.787in 146. 99mm /5. 787in 146.99mm/5.787in
Weight (g/ lb) 690g/1. 521lb 690g/ 1.521lb 690g/1.521lb 650g/1.433lb 705g/1. 55lb
Cart on U nit Quantit y 20 20 20 20 20
Cart ons per Pallet /C artons per Layer 40/8 40/8 40/8 40/ 8 40/8
1 Seag ate recom mends val idating y our configu ration wi th you r HBA/RAID c ontroller manu facturer to en sure ful l capac ity ca pabil ities .
2 Supp orts Hot-Pl ug operation per S erial A TA Rev isi on 2.6 spe cifi cation.
3 Resc ue recove ry serv ice s not a vai labl e in all countries . Contac t your S eagate s ales represe ntativ e for further detail s. Regi ster an IronWol f Pro drive to a cti vate y our 2-year Resc ue pla n at se agate.c om/regis ter.
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