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Revision status summary sheet
RevisionDateSheets Affected
A Issue01/31/2000D. Ashby/G. Houlder1/1, v thru viii, 1 thru 338.
Rev. B04/22/2002L. Newman/G. Houlder1/1, v thru xvi, 1 thru 364.
Rev. C02/13/2004K. Schweiss/G. Holder39, 83, 86, 94, 115, 123, 135-140,
This manual provides a description of the SCSI1 interface protocol an d some general timing informa tion as
implemented by Seagate products. The features described in this manual are typically referred to as “Ultra160
SCSI” or “Ultra320 S CSI” features. Each individual drive’s Product Manual, Volume 1, for the various SCS I
interface products contains additional and more detailed information on protocol, features su pported, timing,
and electrical/mechanical aspects of how the SCSI interface is implemented by that product.
This manual provides a ge neral, tuto rial-t ype des cripti on of the ANSI SCSI (for merly c alled SC SI-3) s ystem. It
is not intended to give all of the kin ds of details needed t o design/implemen t a SCSI system o r product. For
information about SCSI interface details not included herein or in Volume 1, refer to the standards listed in Section 1.1.1.
Note.The individual drive’s Produc t Manual, Volume 1, has tables that specify which SCSI features the
drive implements, what the defa ult parameters are for the vario us features they impleme nt, which
parameters are changeable, and which are not.
The combination of t h is s pe ci fic ati on tog ethe r with the de tails in the ind iv id ual dri ve ’s Produ ct Manual, Volume
1, provides a description of how a particular product implements the SCSI I/O system. This specification is Volume 2 of a set of manuals that is made up of an individual drive’s Product Manual, Volume 1, and this manual.
The older Ultra2 SCS I Interface P roduct Manual, Volume 2, part number 7 7738479 , applies to Seagate products that implement ol der versions of the S CSI interface (SCSI-1/ SCSI-2). This new S CSI Interface Product
Manual, Volume 2, part number 75789509, is referenced by newer individual drive’s Product Manuals, Volume
1, representing Seagate produ cts that support Ultra160 or Ultra320 SCSI feat ures and other new features,
such as packetized information transfer (SPI information units), data group transfers, paced transfers,
increased CRC protection, etc.
1.Unless required for clarity, “SCSI” is now used instead of “SCSI-3.”
SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C1
1.1.1Scope of SCSI standards
Figure 1 uses a representative set of specifications to show the functional partitions and the relationships
among SCSI standards applicable to drives covered by this product manual.
SCSI Block
Commands (SBC)
SCSI Primary
Commands (SPC)
SCSI Architecture Model (SAM)
Figure 1.Functional scope of SCSI standards
Interface (SPI-3)
Fibre Channel
Protocol (FCP)
Fibre Channel
Physical and Signaling
Interface (FC-PH)
Common Access Method (CAM)
2SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C
The functional areas define the scope of each standard as follows:
• SCSI Architecture Mode l: Define s the SCSI sy stem s model , the functio nal partitioni ng of the SCSI standard
set and requirements applicable to all SCSI implementations and implementation standards.
• Commands: Implementation standards which define classes including a device model for each class. These
standards specify the r equired comm ands and beha vior that is comm on to all devic es or unique to a gi ven
class of devices and prescribe the rules to be followed by a SCSI initiator port when sending commands to a
• Common Access Method: Implementation standard which defines a host architecture and set of services for
device access.
• Protocols: Implementation standards which define the rules for exchanging information so that different
SCSI devices can communicate.
• Interconnects: Implementation standards which define the electrical and signaling rules essential for devices
to interoperate over a given physical interconnect.
The diagram of Figure 1 shows how the standards listed below fit within each category . The standards included
in the diagram are meant to serve as examples and may not reflect the full set of standards currently in force.
1.1.2Applicable standards
The following ANSI standa rds should be refe renced for more de tails about SCSI syste m standards of operation:
• SCSI Architecture Model-2 (SAM-2), T10/1157D
• SCSI Enclosure Services Command Set (SES), T10/1212D
This SCSI Interfac e Product Manual d escribes the Seag ate Technology, Inc. subset of th e SCSI ( Small Computer Systems Interface) as implemented on the Seagate-built drives. The interface is compatible with the
SCSI Interface Specifications listed in S ection 1.1.2 . The drives covered by this product ma nual are classi fied
as “Intelligent” peripherals.
The Seagate SCS I interface describe d herei n consists o f a 9 or 18 bit bidirectio nal data bus (includ es bits for
parity checking and enabli ng CRC p ro tec tio n), plus 9 con trol signals. The SCSI interfac e sup ports mul ti ple in itiators, disconne ct/reconnect, self-configu ring host so ftware, automatic features that relieve the host from the
necessity of know ing the ph ys i cal a rchi tec tur e of the target (log ic al bl ock addressing is us ed ), and some other
miscellaneous feat ures .
The SCSI physical inte rface uses either s ingle-ended drivers and receivers or low vol tage differential drivers
and receivers an d uses asynchronous or synchronous communication protocols. The bus i nterface transfer
rate for asynchronous or syn chronous is given in ind ividual drive ’s Product Manual , Volume 1. The bus protocol supports multiple i nitiators, disconnect /reconnect, additiona l messages plus 6-byte, 10- byte, 12-byte, 16byte and variable length Command Descriptor Blocks.
SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C3
Unless specified othe rwise in th e individual drive’s Product Manual, Volume 1, the drive is always a S CSI target port, and never a SCS I initiator port. For certain com man ds, whi ch may or may not be supported by a particular drive model, the drive must act as a S CSI initiator port, but does not othe rwise do so. For purposes of
this specification, “drive” may be substituted for the word “target” wherever “target” appears.
In the event of a conflict between this document and ANSI SCSI documents, the requirements of the ANSI documents shall apply.
Note.In this revision, some new terminology is introduced as taken from the ANSI specifications. In many
instances, the broader scope terms such as “initiator” and “target” are not used, but rather the more
specific terms “initiator” and “target” appear. In Figure 2, it can be seen that several “initiators” from
a single initiato r may have one or mo re tasks in queue with se veral “targets” in a singl e target. A
drive could be a S CSI target port or it could be one of the targets as part of some larg er entity.
When reading the description, one needs to be able to put the drive of interest in the proper context
in terms of what is shown in Figure 2. For a proper understanding of the operation of the SCSI protocol, the terms in the SCSI architectural model as described in ANSI specification T10/1157D
(SAM-2) should be well understood before r eading operatio n descriptions in any SCSI document.
Although a Glossary of terms is provided herein, the definitions may not be adequate for some. The
SAM-2 specification gives a more detailed understanding of some of the new SCSI terminology
Device Service Request
Device Service Response
Task Management Request
Task Management Response
Figure 2.SCSI client-server model
aborted command—A SCSI command that has been ended by aborting the task created to execute it.
ACA—Auto Contingent Allegiance (see below).
ACA command—A command performed by a task with the ACA attribute. See Section 4.4.2.
initiator—An object that i s the source of SCS I commands. An o bject in this se nse is not a tangible piec e of
hardware, but may be a s ing le num er ic para mete r, such as a logic al un it n umb er, or a complex enti ty tha t per forms a set of operations or services on behalf of another object (see ANSI SAM-2, T10/1157D).
asynchronous event notification—A procedure used by targets to notify initiato rs of even ts that occur whe n
a pending task does not exist for that initiator.
asynchronous transfer—An information transfer that uses the REQ/ACK handshake with an offset of zero.
auto contingent allegiance—One of the conditions of a task set following the return of a CHECK CONDITION
status. See Section 4.4.2.
4SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C
blocked (task state)—The state of a task that is prevented from completing due to an ACA condition.
blocking boundary—A task set boundary deno ting a set of condi tions that in hibit tasks ou tside the bou nda ry
from entering the Enabled state.
byte—An 8-bit construct.
call—The act of invoking a procedure.
client-server—A relationship established between a pair of distributed objects where one (the client) requests
the other (the server) to perform some operation or unit of work on the client’s behalf (see ANSI standard
SAM-2, T10/1157D).
client—An object that requests a service from a server.
command—A request describing a unit of work to be performed by a target.
command descriptor block—A structure used to communicate a command from an initiator to a target. Com-
mand structures of 6, 10, 12, or 16 bytes are used, but a new v ariable length co mmand s truct ure has rec ently
been introduced.
completed command—A command that has ende d by retur ni ng a status and s ervi ce resp ons e of Task Complete or Linked Command Complete.
completed task—A task that has ended by r eturning a status and service r esponse of Task Complete. The
actual events comprising the Task Complete response are protocol specific.
confirmation—A response returned to an object, which signals the completion of a service request.
confirmed service—A service av ai lab le at th e p ro toc ol s er v ice interface, which req uires co nfi rm ati on of com-
pletion. The confirm ed s ervi ce consists of the request and co nfi rm ati on steps and optionally the indic atio n an d
response steps.
contingent allegiance—An optional condition of a task set following the return of a CHECK CONDITION status. A detailed definition of contingent allegiance may be found in Section 4.4.2.
control mode page—The mode page that identifies the sett ings of several target behavior s that may be of
interest to an initiat or or may b e changed by an initiator. The complete de finition of the Control mode page is
found in Section 8.13.9.
current task—A task that is in the process of sending messages, sending status, transferring data, or transferring command data to or from the initiator.
cyclic redundancy chec k (CRC)—An error detec ting code used to detect the validi ty of data that has been
transferred during the current data group.
data field—The portion of a data group that contains data bytes.
data group—A sequence of data bytes and the f our pCRC bytes during a DT D ATA IN PHASE or a DT DATA
OUT PHASE that starts at the first byte of the DT DATA phase or at the first byte after the last pCRC byte.
data group transfer—Parallel transfers that t ransfer d ata and pCRC i nform ation us ing only data gro ups. The
last four bytes of a data group transfer contain CRC information over the whole data group.
destination device—The SCSI device to which a service delivery transaction is addressed. See source
target—An object within the logical unit which executes SCSI tasks according to the rules for task manage-
ment described in clause 7 of ANSI SAM-2 document, T10/1157D.
device service request—A request, submitted by an initiator, conveying a SCSI command to a target.
SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C5
device service response—The response returned to an initiator by a target on completion of a SCSI command.
differential—A signalling alternative that empl oys di fferential (tw o com pleme ntary signals ) drivers and rec eivers to improve signal-to-noise ratios and increase maximum cable lengths.
disconnect—The action that occurs when a SCSI devi c e releas es con tr ol of the SCS I bus, all owi ng it to go to
domain—An I/O system consistin g of a set of SCSI dev ices tha t inter act with one anoth er by mean s of a service delivery subsystem.
dormant (task state)—The state of a task that is prevented from starting execution due to the presence of certain other tasks in the task set.
double transition (DT)—The latching of data on both the assertion edge and the negated edge of the REQ or
ACK signals.
driver—The circuitry used to control the state of the bus.
enabled (task state)—The state of a task th at m ay comp lete at any time. Alterna tiv el y, the state of a task that
is waiting to receive the next command in a series of linked commands.
ended command—A command that has completed or aborted.
exception condition—Any event that causes a SC SI d evice to e nter an auto co ntinge nt alle gian ce or c ontin-
gent allegiance condition.
faulted initiator—The initiator to which a Command Terminated or CHECK CONDITION status was returned.
faulted task set—A task set that contained a faulting task.
faulting command—A command that completed with a status of Check Condition or Command Terminated.
faulting task—A task that has completed with a status of Check Condition or Command Terminated.
function complete—A logical unit response indicating that a task management function has finished. The
actual events comprising this response are protocol specific.
hard reset—a SC SI target port respo nse to a reset event o r a S CSI target port Rese t in which the target per-
forms the operations described in Section 7.6.7.
implementation—The physical realization of an object.
implementation-specific—A requireme nt or feature tha t is define d in a SCSI s tandard but whose i mplemen-
tation may be specified by the system integrator or vendor.
implementation option—An option whose actualization within an imple mentation is at the discretion of the
indication—The second step in a four-step confirmed service reply to a request.
information unit tr ansfer—Pa rallel tran sfers that transfe r data, status, commands, task attribut es, task man-
agement information, acrid, and nexus information using only SPI information units.
initial connection—The result of a physical connect. It exists from the assertion of the BSY signal in a
SELECTION PHASE until the next BUS FREE PHASE or the next QAS REQUEST message.
initiator—A SCSI device containing initiators which originate device service and task management requests to
be processed by a SCSI target port SCSI device.
interconnect—The electrical media (including connectors and passive loads) used to connect the TERM-
PWR, terminators, and SCSI devices in a SCSI bus.
6SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C
interconnect subsys tem —One or more physical in terc onne cts whi ch appear as a single path for the tra ns fer
of information between SCSI device s in a domai n.
intersymbol interference (ISI)—The effect of adjacent symbols on the symbol currently being received.
in transit—Information that has been sent to a remote object but not yet received.
I/O operation—An operation defin ed by an u nlink ed SCS I com mand, a seri es of li nked S CSI c ommand s or a
task management function.
I/O process—An I/O process consists of one initial connection or, if information units are enabled, the
establishment of a nexus, and a zero o r more physic al or l ogical r econne ction all per taining to a s ingle task or
a group of tasks. An I/O process beg ins with the es tabli shmen t of a nex us . If the SPI inform ati on un it trans fe rs
are disabled, an I/O pr ocess no rmally end s with a C ommand Com plete mes sage. If info rmation u nit transfe rs
are enabled, an I/O process ends with a SPI L_Q info rmati on un it wit h the ty pe fi el d set to status an d the Data
Length field set to zero.
I T nexus—A nexus that exists between a SCSI initiator port and a SCSI target port.
I T L nexus—A nexus that exists between a SCSI initiator port, a SCSI target port, and a logical unit. This rela-
tionship replaces the prior I T nexus.
I T L Q nexus—A nexus between a SCS I initiator por t, a SCSI target port, a logi cal unit, and a queue tag fol-
lowing the successful receipt of one of the queue tag message s. This relationship replaces the prior I T L
iuCRC protection—The use of CRC to detect DT DATA PHASE data transmission errors during parallel transfers. Contains CRC information covering all bytes transmitted in a SPI information unit.
layer—A subdivision of the architecture constituted by subsystems of the same rank.
linked CDB—A CDB with the link bit in the control byte set to one.
linked command—One in a series of SCSI comman ds execu ted by a si ngle task, whic h coll ectiv ely make up
a discrete I/O operati on. In such a series, ea ch co mmand has the same task identifier, and all except t he last
have the link bit in the CDB control byte set to one.
logical connect—Establishes an I_T_L_Q nexus using SPI L_Q information units.
logical disconnect—Reduces the current I_T_L_Q nexus to an I_T nexus.
logical reconnect—Reestablishes an I_T_L_Q nexus from an I_T nexus using SPI L_Q information units.
logical unit—a SCSI target port-reside nt entity which implements a device model and exec utes SCSI com-
mands sent by an initiator.
logical unit number—A 64-bit identifier for a logical unit.
logical unit option—An option pertaining to a logical unit, whose actualization is at the discretion of the logical
unit implementor.
lower level protocol—A protocol used to carry the information representing upper level protocol transactions.
mandatory—The referenced item is required to claim compliance with a standard.
media information—Informatio n store d within a SCSI d evice whic h is n on-volatil e (retained through a po wer
cycle) and accessible to a SCSI initiator port through the execution of SCSI commands.
multidrop—A characteristic of the SCSI bu s that allo ws SCSI devices to be connecte d to the SCSI bu s with-
out disrupting the electrical path between the terminators.
multimode single-ended (MSE)—A signalling alternative for multimode SCSI devices that employs MSE driv-
ers and receivers to allow multimode SCSI devices to operate when SE SCSI devices are present on the bus.
SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C7
nexus—A relat ionship between a SCSI initia tor port and a SCSI target port, lo gical unit, or queue tag that
begins with an ini tia l co nne ction and ends with the completion of the associated I/O pr oces s. T hi s rel ati ons hi p
is formed as the result of a task.
object—An architectural abstraction or “container” that encapsulates data types, services, or other objects that
are related in some way.
odd parity—Odd logical parity, where the parity bit is dri ve n an d v erifi ed to b e th at v al ue that mak es th e nu mber of assertions o n the asso ciated data byte p lus the parity bit eq ual to an o dd num ber (1, 3, 5, 7, or 9). See
parity bit. If an even number of asserted bits are detected at the receiver, a parity error occurs.
paced transfer—Parallel transfers that transfer information using pacing.
pacing—Use of the ACK or REQ signal as a contin uously runni ng clock i n combinati on with the P 1 signal t o
indicate when data is valid.
packetized—A method of transferring information using SPI information units. See object.
pad field—The portion of a data group that contains pad information.
parallel protocol request—Messages use d to ne got iate a sy nchr on ous data trans fer agree men t, a wi de da ta
transfer agreement, and set the protocol options between two SCSI devices.
par i t y b i t —A bi t associ ated with a byte that is used to detect th e presence of an od d number of asser ted bits
within the byte. The parity bit is driven such that the number of logical ones in the byte plus the parity bit is odd.
pCRC field—The portion of a data group that contains pCRC information.
pCRC protection—The use of pCRC to detect DT DATA PHASE.
peer-to-peer protocol service—A service used by an upper level protocol implem entation to exchange infor -
mation with its peer.
peer entities—Entities within the same (protocol) layer.
pending task—A task that is not a current task.
physical interconnect—A single physical pathway for the transfer of informat ion between SCS I devices in a
physical reconnect—Th e act of resumi ng a nexus to continue a task. A S CSI target port i nitiates a phys ical
reconnect when conditions are appropriate for the physical bus to transfer data associated with a nexus
between a SCSI initiator port and a SCSI target port.
physical reconnection—The result of a physical reconn ec t that ex ists from the asserti on of the BS Y signal in
a SELECTION or RESEL ECTION PHASE. A physical reconnection e nds with the BUS FREE PHASE (see
Section 3.1.1) or a QAS REQUEST message (see Section 4.3.13).
port—Synonymous with “service delivery port.” A single attachment to a SCSI bus from a SCSI device.
procedure—An operation that can be invoked through an external calling interface.
protocol—The rules governing the conten t and exchange of informatio n passed between distributed obje cts
through the service delivery subsystem.
protocol option—An option whose definition within a SCSI protocol standard is discretionary.
protocol service confirmation—A signal fr om the lower level pro tocol service lay er notif ying the up per l ayer
that a protocol service request has completed.
protocol service indication—A signal from the lower level protocol service layer notifying the upper level that
a protocol transaction has occurred.
8SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C
protocol service request—A call to the lo wer le ve l protoc ol s er vic e l ay er to begin a protocol ser vi ce tran sa ction.
protocol service response—A reply from the upper level protocol layer in response to a protocol service indication.
quick arbitration and selection process (QAS)—Quicker than the normal arbitrati on and s electio n pro cess.
Implementation is optional for SCSI devices.
queue—The arrangement of tasks within a task set, usually according to the temporal order in which they were
created. See task set.
queue tag—The parameter associated with a task that uni que ly id enti fi es it f ro m ot her tagged tasks for a log ical unit from the same initiator.
receiver—A client or server that is the recipient of a service delivery transaction.
reference model—A standard model used to specif y sys tem requi remen ts in an i mplem entation- indepe ndent
request—A transaction invoking a service.
request-response transaction—An interaction between a pa ir of d istributed , cooper ating ob jects, co nsisting
of a request for service submitted to an object followed by a response conveying the result.
request-confirmation transaction—An interaction between a pair of cooperating objects, consisting of a
request for service submitted to an object followed by a response for the object confirming request completion.
reset event—A protocol-specific event which may trigger a hard reset response from a SCSI device as
described in Section 5.3.
response—A transaction conveying the result of a request.
SCSI application layer—The proto cols and procedures tha t implement or invoke S CSI commands and task
management functions by using services provided by a SCSI protocol layer.
SCSI device—A device that contains at le ast one SCSI port and the means to connec t its drivers and receiv-
ers to the bus.
SCSI device identifier—An address by which a SCSI device is referenced within a domain.
SCSI I/O system—An I/O system, cons isting of two or more SCSI devices, a SCSI i nterconnect a nd a SCSI
protocol, which collectively interact to perform SCSI I/O operations.
SCSI protocol layer—The protocol and services used by a SCSI application layer to transport data represent-
ing a SCSI application protocol transaction.
sender—A client or server that originates a service delivery transaction.
server—A SCSI object that performs a service on behalf of a client.
service—Any operation or function performed by a SCSI object, which can be invoked by other SCSI objects.
service delivery failure —Any non-recoverable error causing t he corruption or loss of one or more ser vice
delivery transactions while in transit.
service delivery po rt—A device-residen t interface used by the initiato r, target or task manager to ente r and
retrieve requests and responses from the service delivery subsystem. Synonymous with “port.”
service delivery subsy stem—That part of a SCSI I/ O system which transmits serv ice requests to a logical
unit or target and returns logical unit or target responses to a SCSI initiator port.
service delivery transaction—A request or response sent through the service delivery subsystem.
SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C9
signal—(n) A detectable asynchro nous event possibly accompanied by descriptive data and parameters. (v)
The act of generating such an event.
single transition (ST)—The latching of data only on the assertion edge of the REQ or ACK signals.
source device—The SCSI device from which a service delivery transaction originates. See destination devic e.
SPI information unit—Data structures that encapsulate data, status, command, task attributes , iuCRC, and
nexus information into various formats.
SPI L_Q information unit—The SPI L_Q in for ma tio n unit (see Section 6.2. 2, tables 48 and 49) contains L_Q
nexus (Logical unit—Q tag relationship) information for the information unit that follows, the type of information
unit that follows, and the length of information unit that follows. A SPI L_Q information unit shall precede all SPI
command information units, SPI multiple command in formation units, SPI data information u nits, SPI status
information units, and the first of an uninterrupted sequence of SPI data stream information units.
subsystem—An element in a hierarchically part itioned system which i nteracts directly only wi th elements in
the next higher division or the next lower division of that system.
suspended information—Information stored within a logical unit that is not available to any pending tasks.
target—A SCSI device which receives SCSI com mands and directs such command s to one or more logical
units for execution.
task—An object withi n the logical unit representing the wor k associated with a command or group of lin ked
commands. A task consists of one initial connection and zero or more physical or logical reconnections, all pertaining to the task.
task abort event—An event or condition indic ating that the task has been aborted by means of a task m anagement function.
task address—a SCSI initiator port iden tifies a task to a SCSI target port usi ng a Task Addres s. The Task
Address object repr esen ts either a Tagged Task Address or an Untagged Task Address without regard for the
tagged or untagged nature o f the Task. A Tagged Task Address is composed of a Log ical Unit Ide ntifie r and a
Tag. An Untagged Task Address is composed of a Logical Unit Identifier.
task completion event—An event or condition indicating that the task has end ed with a ser vice response o f
Task Complete.
task ended event—An event or condition indicating that the task has completed or aborted.
task management function—A t ask manager service which can be invoked by an initiator to affect the execu-
tion of one or more tasks.
task management request—A request submitted by an initiator, invoking a task management fun ction to be
executed by a task manager.
task management response—The response returned to an initia tor by a task manager on comple tion of a
task management request.
task manager—A server within the target which executes task management functions.
task set—A group of tasks within a SCSI target port devi ce, whose interac tion is dependent on the queuing
and auto contingent allegiance rules of Section 7.6.1.
task slot—Resources within the logical unit that may be used to contain a task.
task tags—A Tag is a field containing up to 64 bits that is a component of a Tagged Task Identifier. A SCSI ini-
tiator port assigns tag values in each Tagged Task Identifier in a way that ensures that the identifier uniqueness
requirements stated in ANSI SAM-2, T10/1157D, Section 4.9, are met.
10SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C
third-party command—A SCSI command whic h re quire s a l ogi ca l uni t wit hin the target dev ice to as su me th e
initiator role and send a SCSI command to a SCSI target port device.
transaction—A cooperative interaction between two objects, involving the exchange of information or the execution of some service by one object on behalf of the other.
transfer period—The negotiated time between edges of RE Q or ACK that latch data. For ST, the transfer
period is measured from assertion edge of the REQ or ACK signal to the next assertion edge of the signal. For
DT, the transfer period is measured from a transition edge of the REQ or ACK signal to the next transition edge
of the signal.
unconfirmed protocol service—A service available at the protocol service interface, which does not result in
a completion confirmation.
unlinked command—A SCSI command having the link bit set to zero in the CDB control byte.
upper level protocol—An application-specif ic protocol execute d through services provided by a lower level
Several keywords are used to differentiate between different levels of requirements and optionality, as follows:
vendor-specific—Specification of the referenced item is determined by the device vendor.
protocol-specific—Implementation of the referenced item is de fined by a SCSI protocol standard (se e Sec-
tion 1.1.1.)
expected—A keyword used to describe the behavior of the models specified by this standard.
invalid—A keyword us ed to desc ribe an ille gal or u nsupp orted bit, by te, word, field , or c ode v alue. Receipt o f
an invalid bit, byte, word, field, or code value shall be reported as an error.
mandatory—A keyword indicating items required to be implemented as defined by this standard.
may—A keyword that indicates flexibility of choice with no implied preference (equivalent to “may or may not”).
may not—Keywords that indi cates flexibilit y of choice with no i mplied preference (equivalent to “ may or may
obsolete—A keyword indicating items that were defined in prior SCSI standard s but ha ve be en remo ve d f rom
this standard.
option, optional—Keywords that describe features which are not required to be implemented by this stan-
dard. However, if any optional feature defined by the standard is implemented, it shall be implemented as
defined by the standard.
reserved—A key word referring to bits, bytes, words, fields, and code values that are set aside for future standardization. Their us e and interpretation may b e specified by fu ture extensions to this or other standards. A
reserved bit, byte, word, or field sh all be s et to zero, or in acco rdanc e with a fu ture exten sion to this standard .
Recipients are not required to check rese rved bits, bytes , word s, or fiel ds for ze ro val ues. Rece ip t of reser ved
code values in defined fields shall be treated as an error.
shall—A keyword i ndicating a m andatory re quirement. De signers a re required to impleme nt all such mandatory requirements to ensure interoperability with other standard conformant products.
should—A keyword indicating flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred alternative. Equivalent to the
phrase “it is recommended.”
SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C11
1.3Physical interface characteristics
The physical interface characteristics (cables, connectors, ele ctrical descriptions, termination requirements,
etc.) for the drives cover ed by this Interfac e Manual are found in each indivi dual drive’s Product Manual, Volume 1, since these features are not the same for all drives.
12SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. C
+ 436 hidden pages
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