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SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. Aiii
ivSCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................. v
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................... xi
1.0 Definitions, symbols, abbreviations, keywords, and conventions .............................................. 1
Table 100. READ CAPACITY (16) parameter data ................................................................................... 129
Table 101. P_TYPE field and PROT_EN bit ..............................................................................................................129
Table 102. READ DEFECT DATA (10) command ..................................................................................... 130
Table 103. READ DEFECT DATA (10) parameter data ............................................................................ 131
Table 104. READ DEFECT DATA (12) command ..................................................................................... 133
Table 105. READ DEFECT DATA (12) parameter data ............................................................................ 134
Table 106. READ LONG (10) command ................................................................................................... 135
Table 107. READ LONG (16) command ................................................................................................... 136
Table 271. Extended INQUIRY Data VPD page ........................................................................................322
Table 272. SPT field ...................................................................................................................................322
Table 273. Firmware Number s page (C0h) ........................................................................ ....... ...... .... .......324
xviSCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A
Table 274. Firmware Numbers page (C0h) (Applies to model families not covered by Table 273) .......... 325
Table 283. Drive ID bit ............................................................................................................................... 331
Table 284. Supported Vital Product Data pages ....................................................................................... 333
Table 285. Unit Serial Number page (80h) ................................................................................................ 334
SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. Axvii
xviiiSCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A
1.0Definitions, symbols, abbreviations, keywords, and conventions
This clause contain s the def initions, s ymbols, abbreviat ions, ke ywords and, con ventions us ed throu ghout this
manual. These items are fr om the Americ an National Standards Institute T10 co mmittee as referenc ed in the
SCSI Primary Commands SPC-4 rev 2 draft and the SCSI Block Commands SBC -2 rev 16 draft.
The data used by a SCSI target device to configure access rights for initiator ports according to the access
controls state of the SCSI target device.
Access control list entry (ACE)
One entry in the access control list.
Access controls
An optional SCSI target dev ice feat ure that res tricts ini tiator port acces s to sp ecifi c logical units and mod i-
fies the information a bout logical units in the parame ter data of the INQUIRY and REPORT LUNS com-
Access controls coordinator
The entity within a SCSI targ et device that c oordinates the manageme nt and enfor cement of ac cess con-
trols for all logi cal u nits withi n the S CS I target de vice . The acce ss c ontro ls coor dinat or is always addr ess-
able through the ACCESS CONTROLS well known logical unit and LUN 0.
active power condition
When a device server is capable of res ponding to a ll of its suppor ted comma nds, incl uding medi a access
requests, without delay.
additional sense code
the sense data.
Alias list
A list of alias v alues and their assoc iated desi gnations maintained by the device server an d managed by
the CHANGE ALIASES command and REPORT ALIASES command.
Alias value
A numeric value associated to a designation in the alias list and used in command or parameter data to ref-
erence a SCSI target device or SCSI target port.
Application client
An object that is th e s ourc e o f S C SI c omm and s. F urther d efi nit ion of an application client may be found in
Attached medium changer
A medium changer that is attached to and accessed through some other type of SCSI device.
A single unit of MAM information.
Auto contingent allegiance (ACA)
The task set condition established following the return of a CHECK CONDITION status when the NACA bit
is set to one in the CONTROL byte. A detailed definition of ACA may be found in SAM-3.
Blocked task
A task that is in the b locked state. Tasks become blocked when an ACA condition occurs. The blocked
state ends when the ACA condition is c leare d. A detail ed def ini ti on of the bl oc ke d task state may be foun d
in SAM-3.
A sequence of eight contiguous bits considered as a unit.
See cache memory.
2SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A
Cache memory
A temporary and often v olatile data storage area outside th e area accessible by applicat ion clients that
may contain a subset of the data stored in the non-volatile data storage area.
Check data
Information contained within a re dundancy group that may allow lo st or destroyed XOR-protected data to
be recreated.
A request describing a unit of work to be performed by a device server. A detailed definition of a command
may be found in SAM-3.
Command descriptor block (CDB)
The structure used to communicat e commands fr om an appli cation clie nt to a device s erver. A CDB may
have a fixed length of up to 16 bytes or a variable length of between 12 and 260 bytes.
Command standard
A SCSI standard that defin es the model, comma nds, and parameter data for a de vice type (e.g., SB C-2,
SSC-2, SMC-2, MMC-4, or SES-2).
Synonym for OUI.
Control mode page
A mode page that provides controls over SCSI features (e.g., task set management and error logging) that
are applicable to all device types.
Control Extension mode page
A mode page that provides controls over SCSI features that are applicable to all device types.
Copy manager
The device server that receives an EXTENDED COPY command and performs the operation requested.
Copy target device
The name given by the EX TENDED COPY command to a source or destinati on logical unit (i.e., a c opy
target device is a logical unit, not a SCSI target device).
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
An error checking mechanism that checks data integrity by computing a polynomial algorithm based
Data defect list (DLIST)
A list of defects sent by the application client to the device server during a FORMAT UNIT command.
Data-in buffer
The buffer specified by the a pplicati on clie nt to receiv e data from the device ser ver duri ng the proce ssing
of a command.
Data-out buffer
The buffer specified by the applicati on client to supply data that is sent from the appl ication client to the
device server during the processing of a command.
Default protection information
Values placed into protec tion information fi elds if an applicati on client does not s pecify specifi c protection
information values.
Deferred error
A CHECK CONDITION status and sense data that is returned as the resul t of an er r or or exception condition that occurred during p roce ssing o f a previo us co mmand f or which GOOD, CO NDITION MET, INTERMEDIATE, and INTERMEDIATE-CONDITION MET status has already been returned.
SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A3
When used in reference to access controls, a name and optional identifier information that specifies a
SCSI target device or SCSI target port for as so ci ation wi th an al ia s v alu e in the ali as lis t. Othe rw is e, a dis-
tinguishing name, identifier, or title.
Device Identification VPD page
A VPD page that provides the means to re trieve identification info rmation about the SCSI device, lo gical
unit, and SCSI port.
Device server
An object within a logi cal unit that processes S CSI tasks according to the rul es of task management. A
detailed definition of a device server may be found in SAM-3.
Device service request
A request, submi tted by an appl ication client, conveying a S CSI command to a device serv er. A detailed
definition of a device service request may be found in SAM-3.
Device service response
The response returne d to an application cli ent by a device se rver on completion o f a SCSI command. A
detailed definition of a device service response may be found in SAM-3.
Device type
The type of peripheral device (i.e., device model) implemented by the device ser ver and indic ated by the
contents of the PERIPHERAL DEVICE TYPE field in the standard INQUIRY data.
Direct-access block device
A device that is capable of containing data stored in blocks that each have a unique logical block address.
Disconnect-Reconnect mode page
A mode page that provides the application client the means to tune the performance of the service delivery
An I/O system con sisting of a set of SCSI devices that i nteract with one anoth er by means of a s ervice
delivery subsystem.
An addressable physical component of a medium changer SCSI device that may serve as the location of a
removable unit of data storage medium. A detailed definition of an element may be found in SMC-2.
Enabled task state
The only task state in whi ch a task may make progress towards completion. A d etailed definition of the
enabled task state may be found in SAM-3.
Error correcting code (ECC)
An error checki ng mechanism that che cks data integrity and enables some errors i n the data to be cor-
Exclusive-or (XOR)
A Boolean arithmetic function on two binary input values that results in an output value of 1 if one and only
one of the input values is 1.
Extended Unique Identifier, a 48-bit globally unique identifier (EUI-48)
The IEEE maintains a tutorial describing EUI-48 at
Extended Unique Identifier, a 64-bit globally unique identifier (EUI-64)
The IEEE maintains a tutorial describing EUI-64 at
4SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A
A fixed set of logical blocks occupying contiguous logical block addresses on a single logical unit.
Faulted I_T nexus
The I_T nexus on which a CHECK CONDITIO N status was returned tha t resulted in the establishmen t of
an ACA. The faulted I_T nexus condition is cleared when the ACA condition is cleared.
A group of one or more contiguous bits, a part of a larger structure such as a CDB or sense data.
Format corrupt
a vendor-specific condition in which the application client may not be able to perform read operations, write
operations, or verify operations.
Grown defect list (GLIST)
All defects sent by the application client to the device server.
Hard reset
A condition resul ting fr om th e even ts defined by SAM -3 i n which th e SC SI de vice perfo rms the hard reset
operations described in SAM-3, the standard, and the applicable command standards.
A SCSI device with the characteristics of a primary computing device, typically a personal computer, workstation, server, minicomputer, mainframe com puter, or auxiliary computing device. A ho st includ es one or
more SCSI initiator devices.
IEEE company_id
Synonym for OUI.
I_T nexus
A nexus between a SCSI initiator port and a SCSI target port.
I_T nexus loss
A condition resultin g from the events def ined by SA M-3 in which th e SCSI de vice perfor ms the I_T nex us
loss operations described in SAM-3, the standard, and the applicable command standards.
I_T_L nexus
A nexus between a SCSI initiator port, a SCSI target port, and a logical unit.
I_T_L_Q nexus transaction
The information transferred between SCSI ports in a single data structure with defined boundaries (e.g., an
information unit).
Idle power condition
When a device server is capable of res ponding to a ll of its supported comma nds, includi ng media ac cess
requests, but commands may take longer to complete than when in the active power condition.
Implicit head of queue
An optional processing model for specified commands wherein the specified commands may be treated as
if they had been received with a HEAD OF QUEUE
task attribute.
Initiator device name
A SCSI device name of a SCSI initiator device or of a SC SI target/initiator device when operatin g as a
SCSI initiator device.
Initiator port
Synonymous with SCSI initiator port.
SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A5
Initiator port identifier
A value by which a SCSI initiator port is referenced within a SCSI domain.
Initiator port name
A SCSI port name of a SCSI initiator port or of a SCSI target/i nit iat or port when ope ra tin g as a SCSI in itia -
tor port.
Internet protocol domain name
The name of a compute r or hierarchy o f computers withi n the domain name s ystem defined b y the IETF
(see RFC 1035 and RFC 1591). The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority maintains a list of domain name
assignments at
Internet protocol number
A coded value assigned to identify protocols that layer on the Internet protocol (see RFC 791). The Internet
protocol number assign ed to the transmission control p rotocol (TCP, see RFC 79 3) is six. The Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority maintains a list of Internet protocol number assignments at http://
Linked command
One in a series of SCSI commands processe d by a single task that col lectively make up a disc rete I/O
operation. A detailed definition of a linked command may be found in SAM-3.
Least significant bit (LSB)
In a binary code, the bit or bit po sition with the sma llest numerical weighting in a group of bits that, when
taken as a whole, represent a numerical value (e.g., in the number 0001b, the bit that is set to one).
A type of field containing ASCII data in whi ch unused byte s are placed at the end of the field ( highest off-
set) and are filled with ASCII space (20h) characters.
Logical block
A set of data bytes accessed and referenced as a unit.
Logical block address (LBA)
The value used to reference a logical block.
Logical unit
An externally addressa ble entity within a SCSI target device that im plements a SCSI device model and
contains a device server. A detailed definition of a logical unit may be found in SAM-3.
Logical unit access control descriptor (LUACD)
The structure within an ACE that ide ntifies a logical unit to which acc ess is allowed an d specifie s the LUN
by which the logical unit is to be accessed.
Logical unit certification list (CLIST)
Defects detected by the dev ice serve r during an optional certific ation proc ess perf ormed duri ng the FOR-
MAT UNIT command.
Logical unit inventory
The list of the logical unit numbers reported by a REPORT LUNS command.
Logical unit number (LUN)
An encoded 64-bit identifier for a logical unit. A detailed definition of a logical unit number may be found in
Logical unit reset
A condition resu lting from the events de fined by SAM-3 in which the logica l unit performs the logical unit
reset operations described in SAM-3, the standard, and the applicable command standards.
6SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A
Plural of Medium
A physical entity that stores data in a nonv olatile manner (i.e., r etained through a power c ycle) in accordance with commands processed by the device server.
Medium auxiliary memory (MAM)
An auxiliary mem ory res iding on a medium that is accessi ble to the device server (e.g., a tape cartr idge).
Medium auxiliary memory may be nonvolatile and independent of the main function of the device server.
Medium changer
A device that mechaniz es the movement o f media to and from th e SCSI device that records on or re ads
from the media. A detailed definition of a medium changer may be found in SMC-2.
Most significant bit (MSB)
In a binary code, the bit or bit position wi th the largest numerical weightin g in a group of bits that, when
taken as a whole, represent a numerical value (e.g., in the number 1000b, the bit that is set to one).
A label of an object that is unique within a specified context and should never change (e.g., the term name
and worldwide identifier (WWID) may be interchangeable).
Network address authority (NAA)
A field within a name that specifies the format and length of that name. See FC-FS.
A relationship betwe en two SCSI devic es, and the SCSI ini tiator port and SCS I target port objects withi n
those SCSI devices.
Non-volatile cache
Cache that retains data through power cycles.
Non-volatile cache memory
Cache memory that retains data through power cycles.
Non-volatile medium
A physical storage medium that retains data written to it for subsequent read operations through power
cycles (e.g., a disk withi n a device that stores data as ma gnetic field changes tha t do not require device
power to exist).
A type of field in which unused bytes are placed at the end of the fie ld (i.e., highest offset) and are filled
with ASCII null (00h) characters.
A type of field in which the last used byte (i.e., hi ghest offset) is required to contain an ASCII null (00h)
The logical true condition of a variable.
Operation Code
The first byte of a SCSI CDB shall contain an operation code identifying the operation being requested by the CDB.
Organizationally unique identifier (OUI)
A numeric identi fier that is assigned by t he IEEE such that no a ssigned identifiers are ident ical. OUI is
equivalent to company_id or IEEE company_id. The IEEE prefers OUI for EUI-48 identifiers and
company_id for EUI-64 i dentif iers. However, the numeric identi fier is call ed an O UI when it is ass igne d by
the IEEE. The IEEE maintains a tutorial describing the OUI at
SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A7
A regular parameter struct ure (or format) used by several com mands. These pages are identified wi th a
value known as a page code.
Persist through power loss
An optional capability associated with some features that allows an application client to request that a
device server maintain information regarding that feature across power failures.
Persistent reservation holder
The I_T nexus(es) that are allowed to release or change a persistent reservation without preempting it.
Power cycle
Power being removed from and later applied to a SCSI device.
Power on
A condition result ing from the events defined b y SAM-3 in wh ich the SCSI device perform s the power o n
operations described in SAM-3, the standard, and the applicable command standards.
Primary defect list (PLIST)
The list of defects that are considered permanent defects.
Protection information
Fields appended to each logica l block that contain a cyclic redundanc y check (CRC), an application tag,
and a reference tag.
Protocol identifier
A coded value used in various fields to identify the protocol to which other fields apply.
Protocol specific
A requirement that is defin ed by a SC SI transp ort protoc ol standard . A detailed definition of protoc ol spe-
cific may be found in SAM-3.
Protocol standard
A SCSI standard that defines SCSI transport protocol (e.g., SAS, SPI-5, SBP-3, or FCP-2).
Proxy token
An identifier for a logical unit that may be used to gain temporary access to that logical unit in the presence
of access controls.
Redundancy group
A grouping of XOR- protected data and associate d check data into a single type of data redundanc y (see
SCC-2). the standard only supports the XOR type of redundancy.
Request for comment (RFC)
The name given to standards developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force.
The condition that exists for an I_T nexus following the successful completion of a PERSISTENT
service action, or REGISTER AND MOVE service action and lasting until the registration is removed.
An I_T nexus that is registered.
A type of field c ontaining ASCII da ta in whi ch unus ed by tes a re placed a t the start of the field ( i.e., lowest
offset) and are filled with ASCII space (20h) characters.
8SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A
Relative port identifier
An identifier for a SCSI port that is unique within a SCSI device. Application clients may use the SCSI Ports
VPD page to determine relative port identifier values.
Relative initiator port identifier
A relative port identifier for a SCSI initiator port.
Relative target port identifier
A relative port identifier for a SCSI target port.
SCSI device
A device that contains on e or more SCSI ports that are conne cted to a service delivery subsystem and
supports a SCSI application protocol.
SCSI device name
A name of a SCSI device that is world wide unique within the protocol of a SCSI domain in which the SCSI
device has SCSI por ts. The SCSI device name may b e made available to other SCSI devices or SCSI
ports in protocol specific ways.
SCSI domain
The interconnection of two or more SCSI devices and a service delivery subsystem. A detailed definition of
a SCSI Domain may be found in SAM-3.
SCSI initiator device
A SCSI device contain ing app li cat ion cl ie nts and S C S I ini ti ator po rts that originate device serv i ce a nd task
management requests to be processed by a SCSI target device and receives device service and task management responses from SCSI target devices.
SCSI initiator port
A SCSI initiator device obje ct acts as the co nnection betw een appli cation clients an d the servic e delivery
subsystem through which requests and responses are routed.
SCSI port
A port of a SCSI d evice that c onnects the applica tion client, device server o r task manager t o the ser vice
delivery subsystem.
SCSI port identifier
A value by whi ch a SCSI p ort is refe renced within a domain. T he SCSI po rt identifi er is either an initia tor
port identifier or a target port identifier.
SCSI port name
A name of a SCSI port that is world wide unique wi thin the pr otocol of the S CSI domai n of that SCS I port.
The name may be made av ailable to other SCSI devices or SCSI ports in that S CSI domain in protocol
specific ways.
SCSI Ports VPD page
A VPD page that allows retriev al of information a bout all the SCSI ports in a S CSI target device or SCS I
target/initiator device.
SCSI target device
A SCSI device containing logical units and SCSI target ports that rec eives device service and task management requests for processing and sends device service and task management responses to SCSI initiator devices.
SCSI target port
A SCSI target device object that acts as the connection bet ween device server s and task managers an d
the service delivery subsystem through which requests and responses are routed.
SCSI transport protocol standard
A SCSI standard that defines a SCSI transport protocol (e.g., FCP-2, SAS, SRP, or SBP-3).
SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A9
Sense data
Data describing an error or exceptional condition that a device server delivers to an application client in the
same I_T_L_Q nexus transaction as a CHECK CONDITION status or in response to a REQUEST SENSE
command. The format of sense data is defined in SPC-4.
Sense key
The contents of the
SENSE KEY field in the sense data.
Service action
A request describing a unit of work to be performed by a devi c e se rv er. A service action is an exte ns ion of
a command.
Service delivery subsystem
That part of a SCSI I/O syst em that t ransmits ser vice re quests to a logica l unit o r SCSI target device an d
returns logical unit or SCSI target device responses to a SCSI initiator device.
Standby power condition
When a device server is capable of accepting commands , but not capable of processing medi a access
One byte of response inform ation sent from a device server to an applic ation client upon completion of
each command.
Storage array controller
Any combination of an initiator and ap plication clients (see SAM-3) that orig inates SCSI co mmands, con-
verts input LUNs to output LUNs, and converts input LBAs to output LBAs. A storage array controller orga-
nizes a group of direct -access block devices into various obj ects (e.g., redundancy groups and volume
sets). See SCC-2.
One or more SCSI domains operating as a single configuration.
Target device name
A SCSI device name of a SCSI target device or of a SCSI target/initiator device when operating as a SCSI
target device.
Target port
Synonymous with SCSI target port.
Target port asymmetric access state
The characteristic tha t defines the behavi or of a target port and the al lowable command set fo r a logical
unit when commands and task m anagement func tions are routed through the target port maintaining that
Target port group
A set of target ports that are in the same target port asymmetric access state at all times.
Target port group asymmetric access state
The target port asymmetric access state common to the set of target ports in a target port group.
Target port identifier
A value by which a SCSI target port is referenced within a SCSI domain.
Target port name
A SCSI port name of a SCSI targe t port or of a SCSI targe t/initiato r port when oper ating as a SCSI targe t
10SCSI Commands Reference Manual, Rev. A
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