Seagate and Seagate Technology are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC.
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This manual describes Seagate® SavvioTM disc drives.
Savvio SCSI driv es s upp ort the small computer s y st em inte r fac e (S CSI) a s des c ribed i n the ANSI SCSI SP I- 3
interface specificati ons to the extent des cribed in this manual. The S CSI Interfac e Product Man ual (part num-
ber 75789509) describes general SCSI interface characteristics of this and other families of Seagate drives.
Figure 1. Savvio SCSI family drive
Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C1
2Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C
2.0Applicable standards and reference documentation
The drive has been developed as a system peripheral to the highest standards of design and construction. The
drive depends upon its host equ ipment to provide adequate power and envi ronment in order to achi eve opti-
mum performance and co mpliance with applicable indus try and governmental regulations. Special attention
must be given in the areas of safety, power distribution, shielding, audible noise control, and temperature regu-
lation. In particula r, the drive must b e s ecur el y mou nted i n o rde r to gua ra nte e th e s pe ci fie d p er formance char-
acteristics. Mounting by bottom holes must meet the requirements of Section 8.3.
The Savvio SCSI fam ily compl ies with Seag ate standard s as noted in the app ropriate s ections of this Ma nual
and the Seagate SCSI Interface Product Manual, part number 75789509.
The Savvio SCSI disc dri ve is a UL re cogni zed co mponent per UL195 0, CSA ce rtifi ed to CSA C2 2.2 No. 950-
95, and VDE certified to VDE 0805 and EN60950.
2.1.1Electromagnetic compatibility
The drive, as delivered , is designed for system integrati on and installation into a suitable encl osure prior to
use. As such the d rive is supplied as a subassembly and is not subject to Subpart B of Part 15 of the FCC
Rules and Regulation s nor the Radio Interference Reg ulations of the Canadian Departm ent of Communica-
The design characteristics of the drive serve to minimize radiation when installed in an enclosure that provides
reasonable shielding. As such, the drive is capable of meeting the Class B limits of the FCC Rules and Regula-
tions of the Canadian Department of Communications when properly packaged. However, it is the user’s
responsibility t o assure that the drive mee ts the appropriate EMI re quirements in their system. S hielded I/O
cables may be requir ed if the en closure do es not provi de adequate shieldi ng. If the I/O cab les are exte rnal to
the enclosure, shielded cables should be used, with the shields grounded to the enclosure and to the host con-
2.1.2Electromagnetic susceptibility
As a component a ssembly, the drive is not requ ired to meet any susc eptibi lity perfor mance requ irements. It is
the responsibilit y of those integrating the driv e wit hin their systems to pe rfo rm those tests required a nd des ig n
their system to ensure th at equipment operating in the same sy stem as the drive or external to the syste m
does not adversely affect the per formance of the drive. See Section 5.1.1 and Table 2, DC power require-
Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C3
2.2Electromagnetic compliance
Seagate uses an indepe ndent laboratory to co nfirm compliance to the di rectives/standard(s) for CE Marking
and C-Tick Marking. The drive was tested in a representative system for typical applications. The selected system represents the most popular characteristics for test platforms. The system configurations include:
• Typical current use microprocessor
• 3.5-inch floppy disc drive
• Keyboard
• Monitor/display
• Printer
• External modem
Although the test system with this Seagate model complies to the directives/standard(s), we cannot guarantee
that all systems will comply. The computer manufacturer or system integrator shall confirm EMC compliance
and provide CE Marking and C-Tick Marking for their product.
Electromagnetic compliance for the European Union
If this model has the CE Marking it co mplies with the European Union requirements of the El ectromagnetic
Compatibility Directive 89 /336/EEC of 03 May 1989 as amend ed by Dir ective 92 /31/ EEC of 28 Apri l 1992 an d
Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993.
Australian C-Tick
If this model has th e C-Tick Marking it complies with the Austr alia/New Zeal and Standard AS/NZS3548 199 5
and meets the Electromagnet ic Compatibility (EMC) Framework requi rements of Australia’s Spectrum Management Agency (SMA).
Korean MIC
If this model has the Korean Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) logo, it complies with paragraph
1 of Article 11 of the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Control Regulation and meets the Electroma gnetic
Compatibility Framework requirements of the Radio Research Laborator y (RRL) Ministry of Information and
Communication Republic of Korea.
Taiwanese BSMI
If this model has t wo Chine se words meani ng “E MC ce rtifica tion” follo wed by an eig ht digi t identifi catio n n umber, as a Marking, it complies with Chinese National Standard (CNS) 13438 and meets the Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) Fra mework requ irements of the Taiwanese Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection (BSMI).
4Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C
2.3Reference documents
Savvio SCSI Installa ti on GuideSeagate P/N 100293076
Safety and Regulatory Agency SpecificationsSeagate P/N 75789512
SCSI Interface Product ManualSeagate P/N 75789509
Applicable ANSI small computer system interface (SCSI) document numbers:
T10/1143DEnhanced SCSI Parallel Interface (EPI)
T10/1416DPrimary Commands-2 (SPC-3)
T10/1417DSCSI Block Commands (SBC-2)
T10/1157DSCSI Architectural Model-2 (SAM-2)
T10/1302DSPI-3 (SCSI Parallel Interface version 3)
T10/1365DSPI-4 (SCSI Parallel Interface version 4)
SFF-8451Specification for SCA-2 Unshielded Connections
Package Test SpecificationSeagate P/N 30190-001 (under 100 lb.)
Package Test SpecificationSeagate P/N 30191-001 (over 100 lb.)
Specification, Acoustic T est Requirements, and ProceduresSeagate P/N 30553-001
In case of conflict between this document and any referenced document, this document takes precedence.
(PRML) read chann el ele ct ronic s , em bed ded se r vo techno logy, and a wide Ultra320 SCSI interface to provide
high performance, h igh c apaci ty d ata s torage for a vari ety o f systems including en gin eer ing wor k statio ns , n et-
work servers, mainframes, and supercomputers.
Ultra320 SCSI uses negotiated transfer rates. These transfer rates will occur only if your host adapter supports
these data transfer rates and is compatible with the required hardware requirements of the I/O circuit type. This
drive also operates at S CSI-1 and SCSI- 2 data tran sfer rat es for backw ard compatib ility with non- Ultra/ Ultra2/
Ultra320 SCSI host adapters.
Table 1 lists the features that differentiate the Savvio SCSI models.
Table 1:Drive model number vs. differentiating features
Model numberNumber of headsFormatted Capacity
73.4 Gbytes
36.7 Gbytes
[1]See Section 9.6 for details and definitions.
The drive records and recovers data on approximately 2.5-inch (65 mm) non-removable discs.
The drive supports the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) as described in the ANSI SCSI interface
specifications to th e e xte nt des cri bed i n th is m anu al , wh ic h d efi nes t he pr odu ct perfo rm anc e ch ar acter isti cs o f
the Savvio SCSI family of drives, and the SCSI Interface Product Manual, part number 75789509, which
describes the general interface characteristics of this and other families of Seagate SCSI drives.
The drive’s interface supports multiple initiators, disconnect/reconnect, self-configuring host software, and
automatic features that relieve the host from the necessity of knowing the physical characteristics of the targets
(logical block addressing is used).
The head and disc assembly (HDA) is sealed at the factory. Air circulates within the HDA through a non-
replaceable filter to maintain a contamination-free HDA environment.
Never disassemble the HDA a nd do not at tempt to service ite m s i n t he se aled enclosure ( hea ds, m edi a, ac tu-
ator, etc.) as this requires specia l facilities. The d rive contains no replac eable parts. Opening the HDA voids
your warranty.
Savvio SCSI drives use a dedicated landing zone at the innermost radius of the media to eliminate the possibil-
ity of destroying o r degrading data by landin g in the data zone. The drive automatically goes to the l anding
zone when power is removed.
An automatic shipping lock prevents potential damage to the heads and discs that results from movement dur-
ing shipping and handl in g. T he s hip pin g lo ck auto mat ic all y dis eng age s whe n powe r i s ap plied to the drive and
the head load process begins.
Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C7
Savvio SCSI dr ives deco de track 0 loca tion data from the ser vo data embed ded on eac h surfa ce to eli minate
mechanical transducer adjustments and related reliability concerns.
A high-performance actuator assembly with a low-inertia, balanced, patented, straight-arm design provides
excellent performance with min im al powe r diss ipation .
3.1Standard features
The Savvio SCSI family has the following standard features:
• Integrated Ultra320 SCSI controller
• Multimode SCSI drivers and receivers—single-ended (SE) and low voltage differential (LVD)
• 16 bit I/O data bus
• Asynchronous and synchronous data transfer protocol
• Firmware downloadable via SCSI interface
• Selectable even byte sector sizes from 512 to 528 bytes/sector
• Programmable sector reallocation scheme
• Flawed sector reallocation at format time
• Programmable auto write and read reallocation
• Reallocation of defects on command (post format)
• ECC maximum burst correction length of 320 bits
• No preventative maintenance or adjustment required
• Dedicated head landing zone
• Embedded servo design
• Self diagnostics performed when power is applied to the drive
The media used on the drive has an alumi num sub st rat e co ated with a thin fi lm magn eti c mater ia l, over coate d
with a proprietary protective layer for improved durability and environmental protection.
• Supports industry standard Ultra320 SCSI interface
• Programmable multi-segmentable cache buffer (see Section 4.5)
• 10,000 RPM spindle. Average latency = 3.00 ms
• Command queuing of up to 64 commands
• Background processing of queue
• Supports start and stop commands (spindle stops spinning)
8Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C
• Mean time Between Failure (MTBF) of 1,400,000 hours
• LSI circuitry
• Balanced low mass rotary voice coil actuator
• Incorporates industry-standard Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.)
• 5-year warranty
3.5Formatted capacities
Standard OEM models are formatted to 512 bytes per block. The sector size is selectable at format time. Users
having the necessary equipm ent may mo dify the data block s ize before issuing a fo rmat comm and and obtain
different formatted capacities than those listed.
To provide a stable target capacity environment and at the same time provide users with flexibility if they
choose, Seagate recommends product planning in one of two modes:
1. Seagate designs specify capacity points at certain sector sizes that Seagate guarantees current and future
products will meet. We recommend custo mers use this capacity in their project pl anning, as it ensures a
stable operating point with bac kward and forwar d com patibility from gen eration to gener ation. The curren t
guaranteed operating points for this product are:
2. Seagate drives also may be used at the maximum available capacity at a given sector size, but the excess
capacity above the gua rantee d l ev el wi ll v ar y between other drive fami li es an d f ro m g ene ratio n to generation, depending on how eac h sector size actually forma ts out for zone frequencies and sp lits over servo
bursts. This added capaci ty potent ial may range from 0.1 to 1.3 percent above th e guarant eed capacities
listed above. Us ing th e dr ives in th is mann er gi ves the ab so lute m aximu m capacity poten tial, but the user
must determine if the extra ca pacity potential is useful, or whether their assurance of backward and forward compatibility takes precedenc e.
3.5.1Programmable drive capacity
Using the Mode Select command, the drive can change its capacity to something less than maximum. See the
Mode Select Paramete r Lis t table in the SCS I Comman d Refer ence M anual. Re fer to t he Par ameter li st blo ck
descriptor number of blocks field. A value of zero in the number of blocks field indicates that the drive shall not
change the capacity it i s currently form atted to have. A number in t he number of bloc ks field that is less than
the maximum numbe r of LBAs changes the total driv e capacity t o the val ue in the block descripto r number o f
blocks field. A value greater than the maximum number of LBAs is rounded down to the maximum capacity.
3.6Factory installed accessories
OEM Standard drives are shipped with the Savvio SCSI Installation Guide, part number 100293076, and the
Safety and Regulatory Agency Specifications, part number 75789512 (unless otherwise specified).
Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C9
3.7Options (factory installed)
All customer req uested options are inc orporated during produ ction or packaged at t he manufacturing facil ity
before shipping. Some of the options available are (not an exhaustive list of possible options):
• Other capacities can be ordered depending on sparing scheme and sector size requested.
• Single unit shipping pack. The drive is normall y shipped in bulk packagin g to provide maximum pro tection
against transit damage. Units shipped individually require additional protection as provided by the single unit
shipping pack. Users planning single unit distribution should specify this option.
• The Savvio SCSI Installation Guide , part number 100293076, i s usually include d with each standard O EM
drive shipped, but extra copies may be ordered.
• The Safety and Regulatory Agency Specifications, part nu mber 75789512, is usually included with each
standard OEM drive shipped, but extra copies may be ordered.
3.8Accessories (user installed)
The following accessories are available. All accessories may be installed in the field.
• Single unit shipping pack.
10Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C
4.0Performance characteristic
4.1Internal drive characteristics ( transparent to user)
Drive capacity73.436.7GBytes (formatted, rounded off values)
Read/write heads42
Bytes/track360,000360,000Kbytes (average, rounded off values)
Bytes/surface18,38718,387Mbytes (formatted, rounded off values)
Tracks/surface (total)51,05251,052Tracks (user accessible)
Peak bits/inch660660KBPI
Internal data rate506-753506-753Mbits/sec (variable with zone)
Disc rotational speed10,00910,009revolutions/min (RPM)
Average rotational latency3.003.00msec
4.2SCSI performance characteristics (visible to user)
The values giv en in Section 4 .2.1 apply to a ll models of the S avvio SCSI fami ly unless otherwis e specified.
Refer to Section 9.9 and to the SCSI Interface Product Manual for additional timing details.
4.2.1Access time [5]
Including controller overhead
(without disconnect) [1] [3]
Drive levelDrive level
Not including controller overhead
(without disconnect) [1] [3]
msec msec
Average—Typical [2]4.705.104.504.90
Single Track—Typical [2]0.650.950.450.75
Full Stroke—Typical [2]8.709.108.508.90
4.2.2Format command execution time (minutes)
Maximum (with verify)5226
Maximum (no verify)2613
Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C11
4.2.3Generalized performance characteristics
Minimum sector interleave1 to 1
Data buffer transfer rate to/from disc media (one 512-byte sector):
SCSI interface data transfer rate (asynchronous):
Maximum instantaneous one byte wide5.0 Mbytes/sec [4]
Maximum instantaneous two bytes wide10.0 Mbytes/sec [4]
Synchronous transfer rate Ultra320 SCSI
In low voltage differential (LVD) interface mode5.0 to 320 Mbytes/sec
Sector Sizes:
Default512 byte user data blocks
Variable512 to 528 bytes per sector in even number of bytes per sector.
If n (number of bytes per sector) is odd, then n-1 will be used.
Read/write consecutive sectors on a trackYes
Flaw reallocation performance impact (for flaws reallocated at format time using
the spare sectors per sparing zone reallocation scheme.)
Average rotational latency3.00
Notes for Section 4.2.
[1]Execution time measu red from receipt of the last by te of the Command Descriptor B lock (CDB) to the
request for a Status Byte Transfer to the Initiator (excluding connect/disconnect).
[2]Typical access times are measured u nder nom inal condi tions of te mpera ture, v oltage, and hor izontal or i-
entation as measured on a representative sample of drives.
[3]Assumes no errors and no sector has been relocated.
[4]Assumes system ability to support the rates listed and no cable loss.
[5]Access time = controller overhead + average seek time and applies to all data transfer commands.
Access to data = access time + latency time.
4.3Start/stop time
After DC power at nomi nal vol tage has been appli ed, th e dr ive bec omes ready withi n 20 seco nds if the Mo tor
Start Option is disabled (i.e. the motor sta rts as soon as the power has be en applied). If a rec overable error
condition is detected during the start sequence, the drive executes a recovery procedure which may cause the
time to become ready to exceed 20 seco nds. During spin up to ready time the drive responds to s ome commands over the SCSI interface in less than 3 seconds after application of power. Stop time is 30 seconds from
removal of DC power.
If the Motor Start Option is enabled, the internal controller accepts the commands listed in the SCSI Command
Reference Manual less than 3 s ec ond s a fter DC power h as bee n ap pli ed . After the Moto r Start Command has
been received the dri ve becomes re ady for norma l operations withi n 20 second s typically (excluding a n error
recovery procedur e). The Motor Start Command can also be u sed to command t he drive to stop the spi ndle
(see the SCSI Command Reference Manual).
There is no power control switch on the drive.
12Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C
4.4Prefetch/multi-segmented cache control
The drive provides prefetch (read look-ahead) and multi-segmented cache control algorithms that in many
cases can enhance system performance. “Cache” as used herein refers to the drive buffer storage space when
it is used in cache operations. To select prefetch and cache features the host sends the Mode Select command
with the proper values in the applicable bytes in Mode Page 08h (see the SCSI Command Reference Manual).
Prefetch and cache ope ration are independent features from the standpoint that each is enabled and disabled
independently via the Mode Select command. However, in actual operation the prefetch feature overlaps
cache operation somewhat as is noted in Section 4.5.1 and 4.5.2.
All default cache and prefetch Mode paramete r values (Mode Page 08 h) for standard OEM versions of this
drive family are given in Tables 15.
4.5Cache operation
In general, 7,100 kbytes of the physical buffer space in the drive can be used as storage space for cache operations. The buffer can be d ivided into logical segments (Mode Selec t Page 08h, byte 13) from which data is
read and to which data is written. The drive supports a maximum of 64 cache segments. The drive maintains a
table of logical block dis c medium a ddres ses of th e data stored i n eac h segm ent of the buffer. If cache operation is enabled (RCD bit = 0 in Mode P age 08h, byte 2, bit 0. See SCSI Command Referenc e Manual), data
requested by the hos t with a Read command is r etrie ved from the buffer ( if i t i s th er e) , b efo re an y di sc ac ce ss
is initiated. If c ache oper ation is no t enabl ed, the buffer (stil l se gmented with r equired num ber of s egments) is
still used, but only as circular buffer segments during disc medium read operations (disregarding Prefetch
operation for the momen t). That is, the drive does not check in the buffer segments for the requested read
data, but goes directly to the medium to retrieve it. The retrieved data merely passes through some buffer segment on the way to the h ost. On a ca che mis s, all data transfe rs to the hos t are in acc ordance wi th buffer-full
ratio rules. On a cach e hit the drive igno res the buffer-full r atio rules . See e xplanati ons assoc iated with Mode
page 02h (disconnect/reconnect control) in the SCSI Command Reference Manual.
The following is a simplified description of a read operation with cache operation enabled:
Case A - A Read command is received and the first logical block (LB) is already in cache:
1. Drive transfers to the initiator the first LB requested plus all subsequent contiguous LBs that are already in
the cache. This data may be in multiple segments.
2. When the requested LB is reached that is not in any cache segment, the drive fetches it and any remaining
requested LBs from th e disc and puts them in a segment of the cache. The dri ve transfers the re maining
requested LBs from the ca che to t he host in accorda nce with the disconn ect/r econn ect speci fication mentioned above.
3. If the prefetch feature is enabled, refer to Section 4.5.2 for operation from this point.
Case B - A Read command requests data, the first LB of which is not in any segment of the cache:
1. The drive fetches the requested LBs from the disc and transfers them into a segment, and from there to
the host in accordance with the disconnect/reconnect specification referred to in case A.
2. If the prefetch feature is enabled, refer to Section 4.5.2 for operation from this point.
Each buffer segment is act ually a self-containe d circular sto rage (wrap-arou nd occurs), the length of which is
an integer number of disc medium sectors. The wrap-around capability of the individual segments greatly
enhances the buffer’s overall performance as a cache storage, allowing a wide range of user selectable configurations, which includes their use in the prefetch operation (if enabled), even when cache operation is disabled
(see Section 4.5.2) . The number of segments is s et dynamically by t he drive and cannot be s et by the host.
The size in Kbytes of eac h segment is not reported by the Mode Sen se co mma nd page 08 h, by tes 14 and 15 .
The value 0XFFFF is always reported. If a size specification is sent by the host in a Mode Selec t command
(bytes 14 and 15) no new segment size is set up by the drive, and if the STRICT bit in Mode page 00h (byte 2,
bit 1) is set to one, the drive resp onds as it does for any attempt to chan ge unchangeable parameter s (see
SCSI Command Reference Manual).
Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C13
4.5.1Caching write data
Write caching is a write operation by the d rive th at makes u se of a dr ive b uffer s to rage ar ea wher e the da ta to
be written to the medium is stored in one or more segments while the drive performs the write command.
If read caching is enabled (RCD=0), then data written to the medium is retained in the cache to be made available for future read cache h its. The same buffer space an d segme ntation is use d as set up for read functions .
The buffer segmentation s cheme is set up or changed independently, having nothing to do with the state of
RCD. When a write command is issued, i f RCD=0, the cache is first checke d to see if any logical blocks tha t
are to be written are a lready stored in the cache f rom a previous read or write comman d. If there are, the
respective cache segments are cleared. The new data is cached for subsequent Read commands.
If the number of write data logi cal block s exceeds th e size of the s egment being wr itten into, whe n the end of
the segment is reached, the data is written into the beginning of the same cache segment, overwriting the data
that was written there at the beginning of the operation. However, the drive does not overwrite data that has not
yet been written to the medium.
If write caching is enabled (WCE=1), then the drive may return GOOD status on a write command after the
data has been transferred into the cache, but before the data has been written to the medium. If an error
occurs while writing the data to the medium, and GOOD status has already been returned, a deferred error will
be generated.
The Synchronize Cache command may be used to force the drive to write all cached write data to the medium.
Upon completion of a Synchronize Cache command, all data received from previous write commands will have
been written to the medium.
Tables 15 show Mode default settings for the drives.
4.5.2Prefetch operation
If the Prefetch fea ture i s ena bl ed, data in co nti guo us lo gic al b lock s on t he d is c immediately beyond tha t whi c h
was requested by a Read command can be re trieved and stored in the buffer for i mmediate transfer from the
buffer to the host on subseque nt Read com mands that request t hose logica l block s (this is tr ue even if cache
operation is disabled). Though the prefetch operation uses the buffer as a cache, finding the requested data in
the buffer is a prefetch hit, not a cache operation hit. Prefetch is enabled using Mode Select page 08h, byte 12,
bit 5 (Disable Read Ahead - DRA bit). DRA bi t = 0 enables prefetch. S ince data that is prefetc hed replaces
data already in some buffer segment(s ), the hos t can lim it the amou nt of pr efet ch data to optimi z e syst em performance. The max prefetch field (bytes 8 a nd 9) limits the amount of pref etch. The drive does not use the
Prefetch Ceiling field (bytes 10 and 11).
During a prefetch operati on, the dri ve crosses a cylinde r boundary to fetch mor e data only if th e Discontinu ity
(DISC) bit is set to one in bit 4 of byte 2 of Mode parameters page 08h.
Whenever prefetch ( re ad loo k-ah ead) is enabled ( ena ble d b y DRA = 0), i t o per at es und er th e c on tro l of A RLA
(Adaptive Read Look-Ahead). If the host uses software interleave, ARLA enables prefetch of contiguous
blocks from the disc when it senses that a prefetch hit will likely occur, even if two consecutive read operations
were not for physically con tiguou s blocks of da ta (e.g., “software i nterleave”) . ARLA disab les prefetc h when it
decides that a prefetch hit will not likely occur. If the host is not using software interleave, and if two sequential
read operations are no t for c ontiguous bloc ks of data , ARLA d isables pr efetc h, but as long as seq uentia l read
operations request contiguous blocks of data, ARLA keeps prefetch enabled.
4.5.3Optimizing cache performance for desktop and server applications
Desktop and server applications require different drive caching operations for optimal performance. This
means it is difficult to provide a single configuration that meets both of these needs. In a desktop environment,
you want to configure the ca che to respond quic kly to repetitive acc esses of multiple sm all segments of data
without taking the time to “look ahea d” to the next conti guous segmen ts of data. In a server environ ment, you
14Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C
want to configure the cac he to provide large volumes of seque ntial data in a non-repetitive manner. In this
case, the ability of the cache to “look ahead” to the next contiguous segmen ts of sequential data is a good
The Performance Mode (PM) bit contr ols the way the drive switches the cache buffer into different modes o f
segmentation. In “server mode” (PM bit = 0), the drive can dynamically cha nge the number of cache buffer
segments as needed to opt imize the performa nce, based on the command st ream from the hos t. In “desktop
mode” (PM bit = 1), the number of segments is maintained at the value defined in Mode Page 8, Byte 13, at all
times (unless changed by using a Mode Select command). For additional information about the PM bit, refer to
the Unit Attention Param eters page (00h) of the Mode Sense command (1Ah) in the SCSI Interfac e ProductManual, part number 75789509.
Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C15
16Savvio SCSI Product Manual, Rev. C
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