Data Sheet
Savvio 15K
2.5-inch enterprise hard drive
15K RPM • 73 GB and 36 GB •
3-Gb/s Serial Attached SCSI
Key Advantages
• The Seagate
and enables cooler, faster and much more reliable systems.
• The Savvio 15K drive is the fastest drive available anywhere. In addition,
the Savvio 15K drive’s smaller size enables more drives per system,
increasing system performance density and allowing sufficient memory in
the system to match faster processors.
• The Savvio 15K drive has the highest reliability in the industry and the best
nonrecoverable error rate to safeguard data.
• The Savvio 15K drive consumes less power than 3.5-inch 15K drives, runs
cooler and enables more airflow to cool processors.
• The Savvio 15K drive meets IT performance needs in less space and with
fewer drives than 10K drives, lowering TCO.
Savvio® 15K drive is 70 percent smaller than 3.5-inch drives
Best-Fit Applications
• Email/collaboration
• File and print
• Database
• Transaction processing
• Rack and tower servers
• Blade servers
• Storage arrays
• Space-constrained specialty applications
Savvio 15K
2.5-inch enterprise hard drive
The Savvio 15K drive provides faster performance than 3.5-inch 15K
drives while consuming 30 percent less power.
Fastest Drive Anywhere
• 10 percent faster than 3.5-inch 15K drives and 35 percent faster
than 2.5-inch 10K drives
• 70 percent smaller than 3.5-inch drives, enabling integration of
more drives into smaller, more space-efficient systems to deliver
higher performance per U
• Allows room for more memory to further increase system
• Provides the performance needed for virtualization and high-access
• 70 percent smaller than 3.5-inch drives, enabling more airflow to
cool processors
• Requires at least 30 percent less power than 3.5-inch 15K drives,
while performing faster—highest performance per watt of any drive
• Lower power consumption creates less heat, lowering system
temperatures and reducing cooling costs.
More Reliable
• Highest reliability rating of any drive
• Industry’s best nonrecoverable error rate to safeguard data
Seagate Global Customer Support
• Get presales and technical support at support.seagate.com.
• Visit our knowledge base for answers to common
support questions.
• Find documentation for current and legacy drives.
• Utilize our online troubleshooting and diagnostic tools.
• Download DiscWizard™ to help migrate data from an older drive.
• Seagate also offers multi-lingual phone, email and chat support.
• Seagate Design Service Centers (DSC) help companies transform
innovative ideas into viable products.
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
Model Numb er
Capaci ty
Format ted 512 Kbytes/ Sector (GB )
Inter face
Exte rnal Transf er Rate ( MB/s )
Spindle Sp eed (RP M)
Average La tency (ms)
Seek Time
Average Read/Write (ms)
Track-to-Track Read /Write (ms )
Sustai ned Transfe r Rate,
Outer to In ner Diamet er (MB /s)
Cache, Mul tisegme nted (M B)
Configuratio n/ Reliab ility
Nonrecoverable Read Error s per Bits Re ad
Annuali zed Failure R ate (AF R)
Power Managemen t
Typical Op (a mps) +12V/+ 5V
Power Idle ( W)
Enviro nment al
Temperatur e, Operating (°C )
Temperatur e, Nonoperating ( °C)
Shock, Operatin g: 2 msec ( G)
Shock, Nonopera ting: 2 ms ec (G )
Acoust ics Idle ( bels— sound power )
Vibrat ion, Oper ating : <4 00 Hz (G )
Vibrat ion, Nono peratin g: <5 00 Hz (G)
Physica l
Height ( in/m m)
Width ( in/m m)
Depth (in/mm)
Weight (lb/kg )
Warrant y
Limited Wa rrant y (years )
One gigaby te, or GB, equals one billio n bytes when referr ing to hard drive capacit y.
73 GB
ST973 451SS ST936 751SS
73.4 36.7
3-Gb /s SAS 3-Gb /s SAS
300 300
15K 15K
2.0 2.0
2.9/ 3.3
0.2/ 0.4 0.2/ 0.4
112 to 79
16 16
2 1
4 2
1 sector per 10E16 1 sector per 10E16
0.55% 0.55%
0.36/ 0.72 0.36/ 0.72
5.8 5.78
5 to 55 5 to 55
–40 to 70 –40 to 70
60 60
300 300
3.1 3.1
0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2
0.583 /14.8 0.583 /14.8
2.76/7 0.1 2.76/7 0.1
3.945 /100.2 3.945 /100.2
0.5/ 0.21 0.5/ 0.21
5 5
36 GB
2.9/ 3.3
112 to 79
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Sco tts Vall ey, Califo rnia 9 5066 , United S tates , 831-43 8-6 550
ASIA /PACIFI C Seagat e Technolog y Inter natio nal Ltd. 70 00 Ang M o Kio Aven ue 5, Sin gapor e 56987 7, 65-64 85- 3888
EUROPE , MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Sea gate Techn ology S AS 130–136 , rue de Si lly, 92773 , Boulo gne- Billa ncour t Cedex , France 3 3 1-4186 10 00
Copyri ght © 2007 S eagate Tech nology L LC. All rig hts res erved . Printe d in USA. S eagate, S eagate Tech nolog y and the Wave l ogo are r egiste red tra demar ks of Seag ate Technol ogy LLC
in the Uni ted State s and /or othe r count ries. S avvio is e ither a t radem ark or re gister ed trad emark o f Seagate Tec hnolog y LLC or one o f its affi liated c ompani es in the U nited St ates and /or
other co untri es. All ot her tra demar ks or regi stere d trade marks ar e the pro pert y of their r espe ctive owne rs. On e gigaby te, or GB, e quals o ne billi on byte s and one te rabyte , or TB, eq uals
one tril lion by tes when r eferr ing to har d drive ca pacit y. Accessi ble cap acity m ay vary d epend ing on ope ratin g enviro nment an d forma tting. Q uanti tative us age exam ples fo r variou s
applic ation s are for il lustra tive pur poses . Actual q uantit ies will v ary ba sed on var ious fa ctors, i ncludi ng file si ze, file for mat, fea tures an d appli cation s oftwa re. Sea gate res erves t he right t o
chang e, withou t notice , produ ct offe rings o r speci ficatio ns. DS1608. 2-0704US , April 2 007