Data Sheet
Momentus® XT
Powerful, Intelligent, Affordable—Solid State
Hybrid Drive
500, 320 and 250GB hard drive •
4GB solid state memory • 7200 RPM •
32MB cache • SATA 3Gb/s with NCQ
Key Advantages
• Solid state hybrid drive delivers SSD-like performance with hard drive capacity
• Adaptive Memory™ technology customizes performance by aligning to user
needs for overall improved system response.
• 80 percent faster performance than traditional 7200-RPM drives in PCMark
Vantage benchmark scores
• Low heat and vibration—quiet operation without giving up storage capacity
and affordability
• OS- and application-independent—designed for any SATA standard laptop PC
• Seagate
5-Year Limited Warranty
Best-Fit Applications
• High-end laptops and workstations
• High-performance gamer laptops
• Fast external enclosures: USB 3.0, eSATA
• Small form factor PCs

Momentus® XT
Powerful, Intelligent, Affordable—Solid State
Hybrid Drive
The Seagate Momentus® XT drive offers hybrid storage
with Adaptive Memory technology, enabling the drive
to deliver higher capacities up to 500GB and SSD-like
performance. The Momentus XT drive is designed for all
standard laptop PCs and is OS-, driver- and software-
independent, making this drive easy to integrate and easy
to use. Adaptive Memory technology enables the drive
to tailor its performance to the user. Whether you are
gaming, editing digital media or crunching numbers, the
performance is optimized and ready for your next move.
Adaptive Memory technology is a Seagate data
management technique that constantly monitors and
quickly recalls data usage and preferences. It places
fi les and data that the user will likely access again and
again into the solid state portion of the drive. When the
user requires the data or application fi le, it already sits
in an instantly accessible location, thereby customizing
system performance for the user. Constant monitoring
dynamically improves overall response time based on
personal usage. You can perform at your best no matter
how you use your laptop PC.
Specifi cations
Model Number
Solid S tate Me mory, SLC NAN D (GB)
Cache (MB)
Confi guration
Byte s per Sec tor
Reliabilty/Data Integrit y
Head-Rest Method
Load/Unload Cycles
Nonrecovera ble Read E rrors per Bit s Read
Power Management
Power (W)
Seek, Typ ical
Idle, Typi cal
Temperature (°C)
Opera ting
Shock (Gs)
Opera ting : 2ms
Nonoperating: 1ms
Acous tics (bels —sou nd power )
Idle, Typi cal
Seek, Typ ical
Height (in/mm)
Width (in/mm)
Depth (in/mm)
Weight (lb /g)
ST95005620AS ST93205620AS ST92505610AS
SATA 3Gb /s NCQ SATA 3 Gb/ s NCQ SATA 3Gb /s NCQ
QuietS tep™ Ramp Load QuietS tep Ramp Load
32 32 32
512 512 512
>600,000 >600,000
1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14
1.5 54
0 to 60
−40 to 7 0
0.370/9.5 0.370/9.5 0.370/9.5
2.75/69.85 2.75/69.85 2.75/69.85
3.951/100.35 3.951/100.35 3.951/100.35
0.238/110 0.238/ 110 0.23 8/110
1.5 54
0 to 60
−40 to 7 0
QuietS tep Ramp Load
1 per 10E14
1.5 54
0 to 60
−40 to 7 0
1 One gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion by tes when referring to drive capacity.
1-8 00-SEAGATE (1- 800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Sco tts Vall ey, Califo rnia 9 5066 , United S tates , 831-43 8- 6550
ASIA/PACIFIC Seagate Singapore International Headquarters Pte. Ltd. 7000 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5, Singapore 569877, 65-6485-3888
EUROPE , MIDD LE EAST A ND AFRI CA Seagat e Technolo gy SAS 16–18 r ue du Dôm e, 92100 Bou logne -Bil lanco urt , France , 33 1-4186 10 00
© 2010 Seagate Techn ology LLC. All right s reserved. Pri nted in USA . Seagate, Seaga te Technolog y and the Wave logo are re gistere d trademarks of Se agate Techno logy LLC in th e United States and /or other count ries. Adaptive
Memor y and Momentus are e ither trademar ks or registered tr ademarks of Seag ate Tech nology LL C or one of its a ffi liated co mpanies in the Unit ed States a nd/or other co untrie s. All othe r trademarks or re gistered trade marks ar e the
property of their respective owners. When referring to drive capacity, one gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion bytes. Your computer’s operating system may use a different standard of
measur ement an d report a lower cap acity. In addition, s ome of the listed cap acity is u sed for formatti ng and other funct ions, an d thus will no t be available for dat a storage. Seagate r eserves the rig ht to chang e, withou t notice, p roduct
offeri ngs or specifi cation s. DS1704.1-1004US, Apri l 2010