Data Sheet
Momentus 5400 PSD
2.5-inch hybrid drive for Windows Vista laptops
160, 120 and 80 GB • 256-MB Flash Memory •
5400 RPM • 2.5-Inch Laptop Drive
Key Advantages
Power efficiency—Laptop battery life is extended by the ability of the
Seagate® Momentus® 5400 PSD drive to power off the spin motor
and operate out of flash memory.
Faster system response time—Boot quicker and resume from
hibernation almost instantly when critical files are kept within the flash.
High durability—Spinning the drive down creates less mechanical
movement and increases drive reliability. In addition, the hybrid drive
is incredibly robust in mobile environments.
Unleashes Microsoft Windows Vista—Windows Vista ReadyDrive
requires a hybrid drive such as the Seagate Momentus 5400 PSD
drive to unlock all its powerful features.
Best-Fit Applications
Power-efficient laptop PCs
High-performance laptop PCs
Mainstream laptop PCs

Momentus 5400 PSD
2.5-inch hybrid drive for Windows Vista laptops
The Momentus 5400 PSD drive is a 2.5-inch
drive designed with the Microsoft Vista OS in
mind. By designing in a 256-MB flash memory to
act as a large holding tank for frequently accessed
data, the Momentus 5400 PSD drive will boot
laptop PCs quickly and resume from hibernation
almost instantly. The Momentus 5400 PSD drive
and Windows Vista can analyze the laptop usage
pattern, pin frequently used files in the flash
and predict your next move. This technology
allows the drive to operate out of flash with the
disks spun down to conserve power. When the
Momentus 5400 PSD drive operates out of the
flash with the spindle motor powered off (hybrid
mode), the drive becomes incredibly robust
in highly mobile environments.
Seagate Makes the Best Even Better
With a 5-Year Limited Warranty
Seagate offers the industry’s leading warranty
to demonstrate our commitment to product
reliability and our customers’ success. Every
Seagate internal hard drive for PCs, notebook
computers and entry-level servers is covered
by a 5-year limited warranty.
Seagate Global Customer Support
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at support.seagate.com.
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to common support questions.
Find documentation for current and
legacy drives.
Utilize our online troubleshooting and
diagnostic tools.
Download DiscWizard™ to help migrate
data from an older drive.
Seagate also offers multi-lingual phone,
email and chat support.
Model Numb er
Inter face Optio ns
Transfer Ra te
Sustain ed Interna l (MB /s)
Maximum E xternal (MB /s)
Flash Memo ry (MB)
Cache, Mul tisegmen ted (MB )
Average Seek (ms)
Average La tency (ms)
Perfo rmance Level
Configuration /Or ganiz ation
Disks /Heads
Bytes pe r Sector
Logical C HS
Recording Method
Reliab ility /Dat a Integrity
Head-R est Metho d
Load /Unloa d Cycles
Nonrecoverable Rea d Errors pe r Bits Read
Limited Wa rranty ( years)
Power Management
Star tup Curren t 5v (amps ma x)
Power Mgmt ( W)
Read/ Write
Idle/ Standby
Hybrid Mo de
Enviro nmenta l
Temperatur e (°C )
Operati ng
Nonoper ating
Operati ng: 2 ms (G s)
Nonoper ating: 1 ms ( Gs)
Acoust ics (bels —sound power)
Hybrid Mo de
Perfor mance Seek
Physica l
Height ( mm)
Width ( mm)
Depth (mm)
Weight (gm )
One gigaby te, or GB, equals one billio n bytes when referri ng to hard drive capacit y.
ST9160 8220A S ST91208 220AS ST98 08212AS
SATA 1.5Gb/ s SATA 1.5Gb/ s SATA 1.5Gb/ s
256 256 256
8 8 8
12.5 12.5 12.5
5.6 5.6 5.6
5400 5400 5400
2/4 2/3 1/2
512 512 512
92,04 9/16/ 63 92,04 9/16/ 63 92,049 /16/63
Perpendic ular P erpendicular Perpendic ular
QuietS tep™ Ramp Load QuietS tep Ramp Load QuietS tep Ramp Load
>60 0,000 >60 0,000 >600 ,000
1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14
5 5 5
1.0 1.0 1.0
0.8/ 0.2
0 to 60
–40 to 70
0.374/9 .5 0. 374/9.5 0.374/9 .5
2.75/ 69.85 2.75/ 69.85 2.75/ 69.85
3.957/ 100.5 3.957/ 100.5 3.957/10 0.5
0.22 /100 0.22 /100 0.21/96
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
0.8/ 0.2
0 to 60
–40 to 70
0.8/ 0.2
0 to 60
–40 to 70
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 Di sc Drive , Scott s Valley, Cali fornia 9 5066 , United S tates, 8 31-438 -655 0
ASIA /PACIFIC Seaga te Technolo gy Inter nation al Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo Ki o Avenue 5, S ingapo re 5698 77, 65-64 85-3 888
EUROPE , MIDDL E EAST AN D AFRICA Seagate Tech nology S AS 130–136, r ue de Sill y, 92773, Bou logne -Billa ncour t Cedex, F rance 33 1- 4186 10 00
Copyright © 2007 Seagate Technol ogy LLC. All rights reserve d. Printed in USA. Seaga te, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registe red trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United State s and/or other co untries.
DiscWizard, Mom entus and QuietStep are either tradem arks or registered tr ademarks of Seagate Technolog y LLC or one of its affiliated compan ies in the United States and /or other countries. All other trade marks or registered tr ademarks
are the proper ty of their respective owne rs. One gigabyte, or GB, equ als one billion bytes and one ter abyte, or TB, equals one trilli on bytes when referrin g to hard drive capacity. Access ible capacity may var y depending on operati ng
environment an d formatting. Seaga te reserves the right to chang e, without notice, prod uct offerings or spe cifications. Publication Numb er: DS1609.1-0708US, August 2007