Data Sheet
Momentus® 5400 FDE Family
Self-Encrypting Drives with Seagate Secure®
technology for mainstream laptop computers
500 GB and 250 GB • 5400 RPM •
SATA 3Gb/s with NCQ
Key Advantages
Designed to help companies protect important data and comply
with an increasing number of regulations
Easy to implement and manage, as encryption is always on
No impact on system performance, unlike software encryption
Only drive accepted by the National Security Agency (NSA)
to protect classified, mission-critical and national security
Works with multiple security software applications to provide
greater functionality
Adopted by global companies and government agencies with the
highest standards of security protection
Best-Fit Applications
Corporate laptops that contain confidential employee,
customer or corporate information
Field sales, service and support laptops that contain
critical customer data
Personal laptops that contain sensitive information
Industrial applications such as ATMs, POS systems and
other teller-like systems

Momentus® 5400 FDE Family
Self-Encrypting Drives with Seagate Secure®
technology for mainstream laptop computers
Encryption Integration Without Headaches
The need for better, stronger security has never been greater. However,
some companies have not yet implemented an encryption solution because
of concerns over cost, complexity and a noticeable performance hit to
employee’s systems.
Hardware encryption is preferable to software solutions because it provides
stronger security and has no negative impact on PCs.
The Momentus FDE drives were the first to be introduced, and they have
been adopted by small and large businesses and government agencies
around the world. This is the only drive family to have NSA acceptance for
protecting classified, mission-critical and national security information,
making it the drive of choice for companies who want this extra measure of
Seagate Secure
technology enables IT departments to manage the security
features of the drive via an enterprise security server. In fact, IT departments
can manage multi-user and admin passwords that can invoke multi-factor
logins as well as single sign-on and crypto erase functionality without ever
touching the laptop. This can be done for a handful of laptop PCs or a
worldwide enterprise. The management is all done via independent software
vendors who have designed security management software to integrate with
the Seagate Secure technology.
Seagate Self-Encrypting Drives are easy to deploy and manage, and a
variety of security software companies have partnered with Seagate to
provide additional levels of security management and protection. Keep
in mind, this solution requires security management software from an
independent software vendor. For a list of Seagate Secure independent
software vendors please visit www.seagate.com/security.
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283 )
Model Number
Interface Options
Transfer Rate
Maxim um Internal ( Mb/s)
Maxim um External (MB /s)
Cache ( MB)
Average L atency (ms )
Spindl e Speed ( RPM)
Areal D ensity (Gb/in
Configuration/Or ganization
Byte s per Sector
Reliability/ Data Integrity
G-Force Protection
Head-Rest Method
Load/Unload Cycles
Nonrecoverab le Read Errors p er Bits Read
Annua lized Failure Rate (AFR )
Power Management
Star tup Current 5 V (amps max )
Power Ma nagemen t (W)
Read /Write Avg
Idle /Standby Av g
Temperat ure (°C)
Opera ting
Shock ( Gs)
Opera ting : 2 ms
Nonoperatin g: 1 ms
Acous tics (bels —soun d power)
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/mm)
Depth ( in/mm)
Weight ( lb/kg)
1 One gigab yte, or GB, equa ls one billion by tes when referr ing to hard drive c apacity.
2 Drive wit h G-Force Pr otection™ feat ure
500 GB1250 GB
ST9500327AS ST9250317AS
8 8
5.6 5.6
5400 5400
394 394
2/4 1/2
512 512
— —
Ramp Loa d
>600,000 >600,000
1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14
<0.48% <0.48%
1.0 1.0
1.5 4
1.40 /1.7 8
0 to 60
–40 t o 70
0.374/9.5 0.374/9.5
2.75/ 69.85 2.75/ 69.85
3.957/100.5 3.957/100.5
0.2 18/9 8.8 0.206/ 93.5
Ramp Loa d
1.5 4
1.40 /1.7 8
0 to 60
–40 t o 70
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Di sc Driv e, Scott s Valley, Cal iforni a 9506 6, Unite d States , 831-43 8-65 50
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate S ingapo re Inter natio nal Head quar ters Pt e. Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo Ki o Avenue 5, S ingapo re 5698 77, 65-64 85-3 888
EUROPE, M IDDLE E AST AND A FRICA Seag ate Technol ogy SAS 130 –136, ru e de Silly, 927 73, Boul ogne- Billa ncour t Cedex, Fr ance 33 1- 4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2009 Seagate Techn ology LLC. A ll rights re served. Printe d in USA. Se agate, Seagate Techno logy and th e Wave logo a re registered tra demarks of Seaga te Technology L LC in the United State s and/o r other cou ntries.
G-Forc e Protection, Mome ntus, QuietStep a nd Seagate Secur e are eithe r tradema rks or registere d tradema rks of Seagate Technolo gy LLC or one of its affi liated com panies in the Unite d States an d/or other coun tries. All other
tradem arks or reg istered t rademar ks are the proper ty of their respe ctive owner s. When referri ng to hard dri ve capacity, one giga byte, or GB, e quals one billion b ytes and o ne teraby te, or TB, equals one t rillion by tes. Your computer’s
operat ing system m ay use a diff erent sta ndard of measure ment and repor t a lower capa city. In addi tion, some o f the listed c apacity is used f or format ting and other fun ctions, a nd thus will n ot be available for da ta storage . Seagate
reser ves the right to chang e, without notice, p roduct offeri ngs or spec ifications. DS1690 .2-090 6US, June 2009