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Rev. A06/07/2005All.
Momentus 5400.2 SATA Product Manual, Rev. ASEAGATE CONFIDENTIALiii
ivSEAGATE CONFIDENTIALMomentus 5400.2 SATA Product Manual, Rev. A
This manual describes the functional, mechanical and interface specifications for the following Seagate
5400.2 SATA model drives:
• ST9120821AS
• ST9100824AS
• ST98823AS
• ST96812AS
• ST94813AS
• ST93811AS
These drives provide the following key features:
• 5,400 RPM spindle speed.
• 8 Mbyte buffer.
• High instantaneous (burst) data-transfer rates (up to 150 Mbytes per second).
• Giant magnetoresistiv e (GMR) recording heads and EPRML technology, provide the drives with increase d
areal density.
• State-of-the-art cache and on-the-fly error-correction algorithms.
• Full-track multiple-sector transfer capability without local processor intervention.
• Quiet operation.
• 800 Gs nonoperating shock and 250 Gs of operating shock.
• SeaTools diagnostic software performs a drive self-test that eliminates unnecessary drive returns.
• The 3D Defense System™, which includes Drive Defense, Data Defense and Diagnostic Defense, offers the
industry’s most comprehensive protection for disc drives.
• Support for S.M.A.R.T. drive monitoring and reporting.
• Support for Read Multiple and Write Multiple commands.
Figure 1. Momentus 5400.2 SATA disc drive
Momentus 5400.2 SATA Product Manual, Rev. A1
1.1About the Serial ATA interface
The Serial ATA interface provides several advantages over the traditional (parallel) ATA interface. The primary
advantages include:
• Easy installation and c onfiguration with tru e plug-and- play conn ectivity. It is not necessary to set any jumpers or other configuration options.
• Thinner and more flexible cabling for improved enclosure airflow and ease of installation.
• Scalability to higher performance levels.
In addition, Serial ATA makes the transition from parallel A TA easy by providing legacy software support. Serial
ATA was designed to allow you t o install a Serial ATA host adapter and Serial ATA disc drive in your curren t
system and expect all of your existing applications to work as normal.
The Serial ATA interface co nnects each disc drive in a point-to-point c onfiguration with the Serial ATA host
adapter. There is no master/slave relationship with Seria l ATA devices like there is with para llel ATA. If two
drives are attached on one Serial ATA host adapter, the host operating system views the two devices as if they
were both “masters” on two separate ports. This essenti ally mean s both dr ives behav e as if they are Dev ice 0
(master) devices.
Note.The host adapter may, optionally, emulate a master/slave environment to host software where two
devices on separate Serial ATA ports are repres ented to host so ftware as a Device 0 ( maste r) and
Device 1 (slave) acce ssed at the s ame set of ho st bus addr esses. A h ost adapter tha t emulat es a
master/slave environment manages two sets of shadow register s. This is not a typical Serial ATA
The Serial ATA host adapter and driv e shar e the funct ion of emul ating parall el ATA device beh avior to provid e
backward compatibility with existing host systems an d software. The Command and Contr ol Block registers,
PIO and DMA data transfers, resets, and interrupts are all emulated.
The Serial ATA host adapter contains a set of registers that shadow the contents of the traditional device registers, referred to as th e Shadow Register Block. A ll Se ri al ATA dev ic es beh av e l ike Device 0 devices . For add itional information about how Ser ial ATA emulates parallel ATA, refer to the “Serial ATA: High Speed Serialized
AT Attachment” specification. The specification can be downloaded from
2Momentus 5400.2 SATA Product Manual, Rev. A
2.0Drive specifications
• Unless otherwise note d, all specifications are measured under ambient conditions, at 25°C, and nominal
power. For convenience, the phrases the drive and this drive are used throughout th is manua l to indi cat e the
ST9120821AS, ST9100824AS, ST98823AS, ST96812AS, ST94813AS and ST93811AS models.
2.1Specification summary table
The specificatio ns lis ted in th is table ar e for quick reference. For de tails on spec i fic ati on me as ureme nt o r de finition, see the appropriate section of this manual.
Startup current, (typical, peak)+5V: 1.1A
Track-to-track seek time
(msec typical)
Average seek, read (msec typical)12.5
Average seek, write (msec typical)14.5
Seek power (typical)2.20 watts
Read/write power (typical)Read: 1.90 watts; Write: 2.30 watts
Idle mode, low power (typical)0.80 watts
Standby mode (typical)0.28 watts**
Sleep mode (typical)0.28 watts**
Voltage tolerance (including noise)+5.0V ± 5%
Ambient temperature 5° to 55°C (operating), –40° to 70°C (nonoperating)
Temperature gradient
(°C per hour max)
Relative humidity5% to 90% (operating)
Relative humidity gradient30% per hour max
Wet bulb temperature
(°C max)
Altitude, operating–304.8 m to 3,048 m
Altitude, nonoperating
(meters below mean sea level, max)
Shock, operating
(Gs max at 2 msec)
Shock, nonoperating
(Gs max at 2 msec)
Shock, nonoperating
(Gs max at 1 msec)
Shock, nonoperating
(Gs max at 0.5 msec)
Vibration, operating1.0 G (0 to peak, 5–500 Hz)
Vibration, nonoperating5 Gs (0 to peak, 5–500 Hz)
Drive acoustics, sound power (bels)
Idle*2.4 (typical)
Performance seek2.9 (typical)
Nonrecoverable read errors1 per 10
Annualized Failure Rate (AFR)0.73%
Service life5 Years
Warranty5 years on distribution units.
1.0 (read), 1.5 (write)
20°C (operating)
30°C (nonoperating)
5% to 95% (nonoperating)
30 (operating)
40 (nonoperating)
(–1000 ft to 10,000
–304.8 m to 12,192 m
(–1000 ft to 40,000
2.6 (max)
3.1 (max)
To determine the warranty for a specific drive, use a web browser to access the following web
From this page, click on the “Verify Your Warranty” link. You will be asked to provide the drive
serial number, model number (or part number) and country of purchase. The system will display
the warranty information for your drive.
When addressing these d rives in LBA mode, all bl ocks (sectors) are c onsecutively numbered fr om 0 to n–1,
where n is the number of guaranteed sectors as defined above.
See Section 4.3.1, "Id enti fy Devi ce co mmand" (words 60-61 a nd 1 00- 10 3) for a ddi tio nal in for ma tio n ab out 48bit addressing support of drives with capacities over 137 Gbytes.
2.3Default logical geometry
CylindersRead/write headsSectors per track
LBA mode
When addressing these d rives in LBA mode, all bl ocks (sectors) are c onsecutively numbered fr om 0 to n–1,
where n is the number of guaranteed sectors as defined above.