Data Sheet
60 GB in a 5-mm, single-platter drive enables
new mobile data and digital content devices
60 GB and 30 GB • 3600 RPM • IDE
Key Advantages
Create new applications with huge storage in a tiny package.
Use Seagate® Design Service Centers to help design and integrate
new applications based on Seagate Lyrion
Best-in-class power management features deliver longer battery life
for handheld devices.
Seagate RunOn™ technology enables reliable data delivery even under
high motion conditions.
Best-Fit Applications
Portable storage devices
Handheld data applications
Ultra-mobile PCs (UMPCs)
Digital video cameras
Portable media players

60 GB in a 5-mm, single-platter drive enables
new mobile data and digital content devices
Lyrion Hard Drive—Best Portable
Media Storage
Device /Digital File
Mobile Vi deo
2.5-hour movie
(MPEG4 video file )
5-minut e music video
(MPEG4 video file )
Camcor der
1-hour stan dard defini tion
1-hour high defi nition
Audio Playe r
4-minut e song
(128 kbps)
30-min ute audio program
(64 kb ps)
Mass Sto rage
4-megap ixel photo
(compr essed)
8-megap ixel photo
(compr essed)
* Quantit ative usage examples fo r various applicati ons are for illustrat ive
purposes . Actual quantiti es will vary based on vari ous factors, inclu ding
file size, file for mat, features and ap plication soft ware.
File Size 60-G B Capa city*
750 MB
25 MB
2.7 GB
4.5 GB
4 MB
15 MB
2 MB
4 MB
80 movies
200 hours
20 hours
12 hours
15,000 song s
2000 hours
30,00 0 photos
15,000 phot os
Ideal for Portable Video Recording
and Playback
• Only 5-mm thin—keeps mobile devices thin
and light
• Low startup and operating power prolongs
system battery life
• Virtually inaudible operation
• Built tough to resist the everyday perils of
mobile usage
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283 )
Model Numb er
Guaran teed Sect ors
Bytes pe r Sector
Dimen sions
Height (+ 0.15 mm/+ 0.006 in)
Width (± 0.3 mm/± 0.0118 in)
Length ( ±0.3 mm /±0.0118 in)
Weight (t ypical, g)
Perfo rmance
Cache ( MB)
Spindle Sp eed (RPM)
Average La tency (msec)
Power On to Rea dy (sec, typical)
Standb y to Ready (se c, typica l)
Sustai ned Data Trans fer Rate OD ( MB/s)
ATA Data Transfe r Modes Suppo rted
Voltage Toler ance (including noise, ± 5%)
Star tup Power (peak @ 3.3V, W)
Read Power ( typical @ 3. 3V, W)
Write Powe r (typic al @ 3.3V, W)
Perfo rmance Idle P ower (typical @ 3.3V, W)
Low-Powe r Idle Power (t ypical @ 3.3V, W)
Standb y/Sle ep Power (ty pical @ 3.3V, W)
Acoust ics
Idle Soun d Power (bels , typical )
Operat ional Sound P ower(bels, typic al)
One gigaby te, or GB, equals one billio n bytes when referr ing to hard drive capacit y.
60 GB
ST76 0211DE
117,210,24 0 58,60 5,120
1024 (512) 1024 (512)
5.0/ 0.1968 5.0/0.1968
54.0 /2.126 54.0 /2.126
71.0/2 .795 71.0/2 .795
48 48
2 2
3600 3600
8.3 8.3
1.8 1.8
1.8 1.8
24 24
PIO modes 0 –4;
Multiwor d DMA modes 0 –2;
Ultra DM A modes 0–4
3.3V 3.3V
1.15 1.15
1.00 1.00
0.90 0.90
0.50 0.50
0.30 0.30
0.08 0.08
1.6 1.6
2.2 2.2
30 GB
ST73 0212DE
PIO modes 0 -4;
Multiwor d DMA modes 0-2 ;
Ultra DM A modes 0-4
Seagate Global Customer Support
• Get presales and technical support at support.seagate.com.
• Visit our knowledge base for answers to common support questions.
• Find documentation for current and legacy drives.
• Utilize our online troubleshooting and diagnostic tools.
• Download DiscWizard™ to help migrate data from an older drive.
• Seagate also of fers multi-lingual phone, email and chat suppor t.
• Seagate Design Service Centers ( DSC) help companies transform innovative ideas into viable products.
• Lyrion drives are backed by a standard Seagate limited warranty.
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 Di sc Drive , Scotts Va lley, Cali fornia 9 5066, U nited St ates, 831- 438- 6550
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Tech nology I nterna tional Lt d. 7000 An g Mo Kio Aven ue 5, Sing apore 5 69877, 65- 6485 -388 8
EUROPE, MID DLE EAST A ND AFRIC A Seaga te Technolo gy SAS 130 –136, rue de Si lly, 92773, B oulogn e-Bil lancou rt Ced ex, Franc e 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2007 Seagate Techno logy LLC. All right s reserved. Pri nted in USA. Seag ate, Seaga te Technology a nd the Wave logo are reg istered trade marks of Se agate Technol ogy LLC in the United S tates and /or other count ries.
DiscWiz ard, Lyrion and Run On are either tra demarks or regi stered tradem arks of Seag ate Tech nology LLC o r one of its af filiated compan ies in the Un ited State s and/o r other coun tries. All othe r tradema rks or registere d trademarks
are the pr opert y of their respec tive owner s. One giga byte, or GB, e quals one billio n bytes when refer ring to hard drive c apacity. Access ible capacity m ay vary dependi ng on operating e nvironment and fo rmatting. Qua ntitative usage
example s for various app lication s are for illustra tive purpo ses. Actual qua ntities wi ll vary ba sed on vari ous factor s, including file s ize, file format, fe atures an d applica tion soft ware. Seagate re serves t he right to ch ange, with out notice,
produc t offerings or sp ecifications . Publicat ion Numbe r: DS1604.4-0708US, A ugust 2007