Seagate LD25.2 - Series 80 GB Hard Drive,ST980210A,ST980210AS,ST940210A,ST940210AS Datasheet

Data Sheet
LD25.2 Series
Ideal combination of capacity and size for leading-edge game consoles, low-profile DVRs and small-footprint computing applications
40 GB and 80 GB • 2.5 Inch • Low Profile • Low Power • SATA, PATA
Key Advantages
Sweet-spot capacities, 40 GB and 80 GB, to enable a range
of applications
Small footprint (2.5-inch form factor) to enable cutting-edge
industrial designs
Cost-optimized to provide a better value for stationary
Whisper-quiet operation to deliver pure enjoyment of
digital media
Power efficiency to enable low-cost power designs and
enhance thermal management
Best-Fit Applications
Stationary videogame consoles
Low-profile digital video recorders (DVR)
Small-footprint computing devices
Printers /copiers/scanners
Kiosks/POS devices/ATMs/other embedded system devices
Stationary external storage devices
LD25.2 Series
Ideal combination of capacity and size for leading-edge game consoles, low-profile DVRs and small-footprint computing applications
Ideal for Space-Constrained Designs Where Power Consumption, Acoustics, and Reliability Matter
Provides 2.5-inch storage options without the cost
burden of drives designed for notebook PCs or other mobile applications
Runs cooler and requires less power than desktop
drives for less than the cost of notebook drives
SATA interface with Native Command Queuing
(NCQ ), like both desktop and notebook
SoftSonic™ motors and quiet-seek profiles for
whisper-quiet operation
Seagate Makes the Best Even Better With a 5-Year Limited Warrant y
Seagate® offers the industry’s leading warranty to demonstrate our commitment to product reliability and our customers’ success. Every Seagate brand internal hard drive is covered under our unprecedented 5-year limited warranty.
Seagate Global Customer Support
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Seagate also offers multi-lingual phone, email and chat support.
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Model Numb er
Inter face Opti ons
Intern al Data Transf er Rate (MB/ s)
Cache ( MB)
Average La tency (msec)
Spindle Sp eed (RP M)
Configuratio n/O rganization
Heads /Disks
Bytes pe r Sector
Reliab ility /Dat a Integr ity
Load /Unlo ad
Nonrecoverable Re ad Errors p er Bits Read
Annuali zed Failure Ra te (AFR) Deskto p, Gaming, 24 00 POH DVR, 876 0 POH
Limited Wa rrant y (years )
Power Managemen t
Power Manag ement (W ) Seek Avg Idle Avg
Enviro nmenta l
Temperatur e (°C ) Operati ng Nonoper ating
Shock Operati ng: 2 msec ( Gs) Nonoper ating: 2 ms ec (Gs )
Acoust ics (bel s—soun d power) Idle Seek
Physica l
Height ( mm)
Width ( mm)
Depth (mm)
Weight (gm )
One gigaby te, or GB, equals one billio n bytes when referr ing to hard drive capacit y.
80 GB
ST98 0210A ST98 0210AS
40 40
2 2
5.6 5.6
5400 5400
2/1 1/1
512 512
50,00 0 50,00 0
10E14 10E14
<0.6 % <2.0 %
5 5
2.9 SATA, 2.3 PATA
2.5 SATA, 2.0 PATA
0 to 60 –40 to 70
175 500
9.5 9.5
69.85 69.85
100.2 100.2
100 100
40 GB
ST94 0210A ST94 0210AS
<0.6 % <2.0 %
2.9 SATA, 2.3 PATA
2.5 SATA, 2.0 PATA
0 to 60 –40 to 70
175 500
2.7 1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dri ve, Scot ts Valley, Ca liforn ia 950 66, Unit ed State s, 831-4 38- 6550 ASIA /PACIFIC Seaga te Technolo gy Inter natio nal Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5 , Singa pore 56 9877, 65- 6485 -388 8 EUROPE , MIDDL E EAST AN D AFRICA Seagate Tech nolog y SAS 130–136 , rue de Si lly, 92773, B oulog ne-Bi llanc ourt Ce dex, Fra nce 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2007 Seagate Techno logy LLC. All right s reserved. Pri nted in USA. Seag ate, Seaga te Te chnology and th e Wave logo are regist ered tra demark s of Seagate Tech nology LLC in the Uni ted States and /or other c ountries. DiscWiz ard, LD25 Series a nd SoftSonic ar e either tradem arks or registe red trade marks of Seagate Tech nology LLC or one of it s affiliated com panies in t he United States a nd/or o ther coun tries. All othe r tradema rks or register ed tradem arks are the prop erty of t heir res pective ow ners. On e gigabyte, or GB, e quals one billio n bytes when refer ring to hard drive c apacit y. Accessi ble capac ity may vary dep ending on o perating envir onment a nd format ting. Seagate reser ves the right to cha nge, with out notice , product offer ings or specific ations. Public ation Num ber: DS1605. 2-0705US, May 2007