Product Overview
LD25.2 Series
40 GB and 80 GB hard drives
Ideal combination of capacity and size for
leading-edge game consoles, low-profile DVRs
and small-footprint computing applications
Key Advantages
• Sweet-spot capacities, 40 GB and 80 GB, to enable a range
of applications
• Small footprint (2.5-inch form factor) to enable cutting-edge
industrial designs
• Cost-optimized to provide a better value for stationary
• Whisper-quiet operation to deliver pure enjoyment
of digital media
• Power efficiency to enable low-cost power designs and
enhance thermal management
Best-Fit Applications and Markets
• Stationary videogame consoles
• Low-profile digital video recorders (DVR)
• Small-footprint computing devices
• Printers /copiers/scanners
• Kiosks/POS devices/ATMs/other embedded system devices
• Stationary external storage devices
LD25.2 Series
40 GB and 80 GB hard drives
Product Description
The Seagate® LD25.2 Series drive is the ideal
combination of capacity and size for leadingedge game consoles, low-profile DVRs, and
small-footprint computing applications. Providing
a lower cost alternative to standard laptopsize storage solutions, the LD25.2 Series drive
delivers sweet-spot capacities of 40 GB and
80 GB, whisper quiet acoustics, and low power
Made for Unique Applications
Your application needs determine the capacity,
performance and interface requirements of
your hard drive. The LD25.2 Series drive is ideal
for space-constrained designs where power
consumption, acoustics and reliability matter
because it:
• Provides 2.5-inch storage options without the
cost burden of drives designed for notebook
PCs or other mobile applications
• Runs cooler and requires less power than
desktop drives for less than the cost of
notebook drives
• Includes SATA interface with NCQ, like both
desktop and notebook
• Incorporates SoftSonic™ motors and quietseek profiles for whisper-quiet operation.
Capacity (GB ) 40, 80
Inter face ATA, SATA 1.5Gb /s with NC Q (Nat ive
Cache ( MB) 2
Spindle Sp eed (RP M) 5400
Shock, Operatin g (Gs) 175
Shock, Nonopera ting (G s) 500
Acoust ics, Idle ( bels) 2.4
Operat ing Temperatu re (°C ) 0 to 60
Annuali zed Failure R ate (AF R) <0.6 % (Desktop, Ga ming 240 0 POH) ,
Command Q ueuing)
<2.0 % (DVR 8760 PO H)
Advantages of Perpendicular Recording
After more than ten years of pioneering research
at Seagate, perpendicular recording is now a
proven technology. It increases capacity and
dependability by storing data vertically, rather
than horizontally. And vertically stored data bits
mean increased data density—which means
higher performance to increase productivity.
All LD25.2 Series drives come standard with
perpendicular recording, enabling a more
dependable drive.
Seagate Makes the Best Even Better
With a 5-Year Limited Warranty
Seagate offers the industry’s leading warranty to
demonstrate our commitment to product reliability
and our customers’ success. Every Seagate
brand internal hard drive is covered under a fiveyear limited warranty.
Seagate Service Centers—Worldwide Support
• Get presales and technical support at support.
• Visit our knowledge base for answers to
common support questions.
• Find documentation for current and legacy
• Utilize our online troubleshooting and
diagnostic tools.
• Download DiscWizard™ to help migrate data
from an older drive.
• Seagate also offers multi-lingual phone, email
and chat support.
• Seagate Design Service Centers (DSC) help
companies transform innovative ideas into
viable products.
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Sco tts Vall ey, Califo rnia 9 5066 , United S tates , 831-43 8-6 550
ASIA /PACIFI C Seagat e Technolog y Inter natio nal Ltd. 70 00 Ang M o Kio Aven ue 5, Sin gapor e 56987 7, 65-64 85- 3888
EUROPE, MID DLE EAS T AND AFR ICA Seaga te Technol ogy SAS 130 -136, rue de S illy, 927 73 Boulo gne- Billa ncour t Cedex , Franc e, 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2007 Seagate Technolog y LLC. Al l rig hts reser ved. Printe d in USA . Seagate, Seagate Technolog y an d the Wave logo are regi stered tra demarks of Seagate Technolog y LLC in the Unite d States and/or o ther count ries.
DiscWiz ard, LD25 Series and SoftS onic are either tradem arks or registered trademar ks of Seagate Technolo gy LLC o r one o f it s af filiated c ompani es i n th e Un ited States an d/or other c ountries. All other trademar ks or r egiste red
tradem arks are the p roper ty of their re spective owner s. One gigaby te, or GB, equa ls one billion bytes when re ferrin g to hard drive capacit y. Acces sible capaci ty may va ry dependin g on operatin g enviro nment and for mattin g. Seag ate
reser ves the right to cha nge, with out notice, prod uct offe rings or specifi cations. PO00 38.2-0705US, May 20 07