Seagate FIREBALL ICT10 User Manual

Fireball lct10
Jumper Settings
Stand Alone (Default) ON OFF X OFF
Master with Slave Present ON OFF X OFF
Slave to Master OFF OFF X OFF
Cable Select * OFF ON X OFF
X= PK is a Parking position. The presence or absence of this jumper has no effect on the drive. Labeling may indicate to place this jumper when configuring as a slave. This is to provide for retention of the jumper in the event that it is needed later.
*Note: Cable Select (CS) utilizes a special cable configuration where the drive setting (Master or Slave) is determined by its position on the 40-pin ATA cable. In this type of configuration both drives will have their jumper set to CS. Cable Select is utilized on some OEM systems and is typically required for systems utilizing Ultra ATA/66. For Ultra ATA/66 compliant cables, the master drive is placed on the outside (end) cable
on the intermediate cable connector. connector and the slave drive is placed
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Fireball lct10
Jumper Locations
The Maxtor® Fireball™ lct10 disk drive has only one location where user configurable jumpers are found. The jumper block is incorporated into the ATA / IDE cable connector. Using the jumper pins you can establish the drive Master/Slave configuration.
The Maxtor Fireball lct10 was developed by Quantum Corporation prior to its merger with Maxtor.
BIOS Settings
The following BIOS parameters are provided for customers needing to manually configure the Fireball lct10 disk drive. Both base 2 and base 10 capacity values are displayed.
Logical Cylinders
Logical Heads
Logical Sectors/Track
Total Logical Sectors
Base 10 Capacity
Base 2 Capacity
5.1 GB 10.2 GB 15.0 GB 20.4 GB 30.0 GB
10,585 16,383 * 16,383 * 16,383 * 16,383 *
15 16 16 16 16
63 63 63 63 63
10,002,825 20,044,080 29,336,832 39,876,480 58,633,344
5,121 MB 10,262 MB 15,020 MB 20,416 MB 30,020 MB
4,884 MB 9,787 MB 14,324 MB 19,470 MB 28,629 MB
*Note: ATA (IDE) drives with a physical capacity greater than 8.4GB have their default logical C/H/S values limited to 16,383/16/63 as per the ATA-4 specification. Drives greater than 8.4GB in capacity require LBA support. Capacity could be restricted to 8.4GB (or less) due to system BIOS limitations. Check with your system or motherboard manufacturer to determine if your BIOS supports LBA mode for ATA hard drives greater than 8.4GB.
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