The fastest, largest
external backup
solution for—
Desktop PCs
Media PCs
Digital content
Retail Product Overview
The fastest way to create
The Seagate eSATA External Hard Drive, with
300GB and 500GB capacity, is a blazingly fast
way for digital artists to capture their work
Best-Fit Applications
When compared to traditional external hard drives, the Seagate®
eSATA External Hard Drive delivers the fastest sustained data
throughput to support the most demanding projects:
• Video editing
• DVD authoring
• Audio mixing
• 3D animation projects
Key Specifications
• eSATA is five times faster than USB 2.0.
• eSATA is three times faster than FireWire ( IEEE 1394b).
• eSATA enables external data backup or capacity expansion using
a bundled 2-port PCI card.
• Seagate eSATA solutions integrate award-winning Seagate
Barracuda SATA drives with Native Command Queuing (NCQ).

The fastest way to create
Product Description
External Serial ATA (eSATA) brings increased
performance and features to external storage,
surpassing performance and throughput
limitations of existing USB or FireWire interfaces.
SATA is now out of the box as an external
standard, with specifically defined cables,
connectors and signal requirements released as
new eSATA standards.
The Seagate eSATA External Hard Drive comes
with everything needed to install and experience
accelerated transfer speeds. Designed to
meet new eSATA performance specifications,
the eSATA External Hard Drive, PCI card and
cable work together to achieve five times faster
transfer speeds than either USB or FireWire 400
The Seagate Advantage
In the On-Demand World, everyone becomes an
artist, musician, photographer and moviemaker.
Never before have advancements in PC hardware,
software applications and consumer electronics
emboldened an entire generation of digital
creators to bring their visions to life. The tools of
the digital artist should provide minimal barriers to
creativity. Now with a 3-gigabits/second highway
between your PC and storage, Seagate helps you
publish a new speed limit for your creativity in an
On-Demand World.
Spindle Sp eed (RP M) 7200
Transfer Ra te (Gb /s) 3
Cache ( Mbytes ) 16
Dimensi ons
Horizont al Orient ation 7.125'' D x 6.5'' W x 2.25'' H
Vertical O rientation (w /pedes tal) 7.125'' D x 3'' W x 6.75'' H
PCI Host Ad apter Car d 2.52'' W x 4.72'' L
Weight 2 lb., 9.6 oz.
System Requirem ents
Mac Available P CI 2.2 or higher card sl ot;
Available P CI 2.2 or higher card sl ot;
Microsoft Wind ows XP, 2000 Pro
Mac OS 10.4 or higher
Features and Benefits
• Up to five times faster than existing external
storage solutions (USB 2.0, FireWire 400)
• Provides external data backup and protection
at speeds up to 3-gigabits/second interface rate
• Easy-to-use backup software protects your
system and data files.
• Integrates the award-winning Seagate SATA
drives with NCQ, reducing mechanical
workload by presorting up to 32 commands
from the host for intelligent data handling
• Includes a 2-port PCI card, and shielded
cables and connectors for fast and simple plug
and play
• Worry-free, one-year warranty covers all parts
and labor.
• Free tech support, even after your warranty ends
Enabling New Oppor tunities
The Seagate eSATA External Hard Drive, with
300GB and 500GB capacity, is a blazingly fast
way for digital artists to capture their work. In
the real digital world, communication between
computing devices can define the pace of the
creative process. With the eSATA External
Hard Drive, Seagate delivers more performance
for an even faster way to create.
1-800-732-4283 (1-800-SEAGATE)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Scot ts Valley, Califor nia 95 066, Un ited St ates, 8 31-438 -655 0
AS IA/ PACIFIC Sea gate Techno logy In terna tional L td. 7000 A ng Mo Kio Av enue 5, S ingapo re 569 877, 65-6 485- 3888
E UROPE, M IDDLE E AST AND A FRICA Sea gate Techn ology S AS 130-136, ru e de Silly, 92 773 Boul ogne- Billa ncour t Cedex, Franc e, 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyri ght © 20 06 Se agate Tech nolog y LLC. Al l righ ts res erved . Printe d in US A. Se agate, Seagate Technolo gy and the Wave logo a re regi stere d trade marks of Sea gate
Technolo gy LLC. Barracuda is eithe r a tra demar k or registered trad emark of Seagate Techno logy LLC. Other produ ct names are either trad emarks or regis tered trade marks
of thei r owner s. One g igaby te, or G B, equa ls one b illion bytes w hen ref errin g to hard drive c apacit y. Acc essib le capa city m ay var y depe nding o n opera ting en vironm ent
and for mattin g. Seaga te reser ves the right to cha nge, wit hout not ice, pro duct of fering s or spe cificat ions. Pub licati on Numb er: PO- 0033 , June 200 6