Seagate EE25.2 - Series 80 GB Hard Drive,ST980817AM,ST980817SM,ST980818AM,ST980818SM,ST940817AM,ST940817SM,ST940818AM,ST940818SM Datasheet

Data Sheet
EE25.2 Series
Designed for reliable performance in extreme environments
40 GB and 80 GB • 2.5 Inch • PATA and SATA
Key Advantages
Extends HDD operating temperatures from as low as –30°C
to as high as +85°C, enabling reliable data storage in applications from Scandinavia to the Sahara desert
Ability to operate at extreme altitude, to 18,100 feet (5500 meters)
Delivers maximum reliability in high vibration and high
humidity conditions
Protects data during the sudden shocks of operating in
vehicles, ruggedized computers and other situations requiring maximum robustness
Built for reliable operation in 24x7, 8760 hours-per-year environment
Industry best-in-class 1-million-hour MTBF
Capable of 2 Gs vibration at 5Hz to 500Hz
Best-Fit Applications
Entertainment, information and navigation systems for
automobiles, marine vessels, and military and commercial aircraft
Ruggedized laptop PCs
Military, municipal and civil equipment exposed to vibration
and temperature extremes
Commercial/industrial control systems
Ruggedized mobile and outdoor surveillance
Digital signage
Medical devices
EE25.2 Series
Designed for reliable performance in extreme environments
Choose the right temperature capability for your product’s
requirements: –30ºC to +85ºC (Extreme model) or –20ºC to +75ºC (Rugged model)
Virtually inaudible operation through Seagate SoftSonic™
Seagate Customer Experience Engineering
Offers the expertise of Seagate HDD integration engineers to
overcome the challenges of building new system chassis and HDD mounting designs
Speeds time to market by solving CE design issues quickly and
Improves system reliability and performance
Field engineering and business support teams are available in
person, worldwide.
Advanced application design services are available through
Seagate design centers in the USA and Singapore.
Seagate Global Customer Support
Get presales and technical support at
Visit our knowledge base for answers to common support
Find documentation for current and legacy drives.
Utilize our online troubleshooting and diagnostic tools.
Download DiscWizard™ to help migrate data from an older drive.
Seagate also offers multi-lingual phone, email and chat support. 1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283 )
Model Number
Interface Options
Spindl e Speed ( RPM)
Power On /Standby to Ready (sec, typic al/max, –2 0°C to 85°C)
Average L atency (msec)
Random S eek Time, Avg. Rea d (ms, typic al)
Cache, M ultisegment ed (MB)
Temperat ure (°C, ambi ent) Opera ting
Nonoperating Max. C ase (°C) Gradi ent (°C , min.)
Humidi ty, Relat ive (%) Opera ting Nonoperating
Altitude (m) Opera ting (u p to 85°C ) Nonoperating
Acoustics (bels, typical) Idle Seek
Reliability/ Data Integrity
Shock ( Gs) Opera ting : 11 ms Opera ting : 2 ms Nonoperatin g: 1 ms
Vibra tion (Gs, 5 to 5 00 Hz) Opera ting Nonoperating
Load /Unload Cycles ( Soft /Hard) 25°C –30 ºC to 85 ºC –20º C to 75ºC
Power-O n Hours ( annual)
MTBF ( hours)
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/mm )
Depth ( in/mm)
Weight ( lb/g)
1 One gigab yte, or GB, equ als one billion by tes when refer ring to hard driv e capacity. 2 Extr eme model 3 Rugged mo del
80 GB
, +85
ST980817A M ST980817SM ST980818AM ST980818SM
5400 5400
3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0
5.6 5.6
13.0 13.0
8 8
–30 to + 85 –20 to +75 –40 t o +95 +95 3
5 to 90 5 to 95
5500 12,19 2
150 300 900
1.2M /10 0K 300K/100K 300K/100K
8760 8760
1,000,000 1,000,000
0.374/9.5 0.374/9.5
2.75/ 69.85 2.75/ 69.85
3.9 5/100 .2 3.95 /100. 2
0.22/9 8.0 0.22/98.0
40 GB
ST940817AM ST940817SM ST940818AM ST940818SM
–30 to + 85 –20 to +75 –40 t o +95
, +85
5 to 90 5 to 95
5500 12,19 2
150 300 900
1.2M /10 0K 300K/100K 300K/100K
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Di sc Driv e, Scott s Valley, Cal iforni a 9506 6, Unite d States , 831-43 8-65 50 ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techn ology I nterna tional L td. 7000 A ng Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Si ngapor e 56987 7, 65-648 5-3 888 EUROPE , MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Seagate Tech nology S AS 130–136, r ue de Sil ly, 92773, Bo ulogn e-Bil lancou rt Ced ex, Franc e 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyri ght © 2009 S eagate Techn ology LLC. A ll right s reser ved. Prin ted in USA . Seagate , Seagate Tech nology a nd the Wave log o are regi stered tr adema rks of Seag ate Technolo gy LLC in the U nited Sta tes and / or other c ountrie s. DiscW izard, EE 25 Serie s and Sof tSonic a re either t radema rks or reg istere d tradem arks of Sea gate Technol ogy LLC or on e of its af filiated c ompanie s in the Uni ted State s and/o r other co untrie s. All othe r tradem arks or re gistere d tradem arks are t he prope rty of th eir resp ective ow ners. Wh en refer ring to har d drive cap acity, one g igabyte , or GB, equ als one bil lion byte s and one te rabyte , or TB, equ als one trill ion byte s. Your compu ter’s opera ting syste m may use a dif ferent standa rd of meas uremen t and repo rt a lower c apacit y. In additio n, some of th e listed c apacit y is used fo r format ting and o ther func tions, and thus w ill not be ava ilable fo r data stor age. Qua ntitati ve usage exa mples fo r variou s applic ations ar e for illus trative pu rpose s. Actual q uantit ies will var y based on vario us factor s, inclu ding file si ze, file form at, feature s and app licatio n softw are. Seag ate rese rves the r ight to cha nge, with out notic e, produ ct offer ings or sp ecific ations. P ublicat ion Numbe r: DS1625.7-090 4US, Apri l 2009