Seagate EE25.2 - Series 80 GB Hard Drive Product Overview

Product Overview
EE25.2 Series
Designed for reliable performance in extreme environments
Key Features and Benefits
Extends drive operating temperatures from as low as –30°C to as
high as +85°C, enabling reliable data storage in applications from Scandinavia to the Sahara
Able to operate at extreme altitudes (–1000 to 18,100 feet/
–305 to 5500 meters)
Delivers maximum reliability in high vibration and high humidity
Protects data during the sudden shocks of operating in vehicles,
ruggedized computers and other situations requiring maximum robustness
Built for reliable operation in 24x7, 8760 hours-per-year
1-million-hours MTBF
Key Specifications
Entertainment, information and navigation systems for
automobiles, marine vessels, and military and commercial aircraft
Ruggedized laptop PCs
Military, municipal and civil equipment exposed to vibration and
temperature extremes
Commercial/industrial control systems
Mobile or remote surveillance video systems
Digital signage
Medical devices
EE25.2 Series
Designed for reliable performance in extreme environments
Hard Drives in Extreme Settings
Entertainment, navigation and productivity/control data live side by side in emerging applications that are exposed to extreme conditions but expected to be accessible on demand. Automotive, marine and aircraft systems increasingly carry audio and video content; military systems and ruggedized computers deliver (literally) mission-critical information; and all require the hard drive’s capacity and value, even in hostile, extreme environments.
The second generation of 2.5-inch EE25 Series drives from Seagate
is designed for the temperature, vibration, humidity and other environmental requirements of these applications.
Operating temperature specifications of –30°C
to 85°C make the EE25 Series drive resistant to environmental conditions that would cause lesser drives to fail.
Operating altitude as high as 18,100 feet (5500
meters) and as low as –1000 feet (–305 meters) below sea level
Delivers reliability in environments with
operating vibration up to 2.0 Gs
RunOn™ technology reliably delivers
multimedia content under high-vibration, high­humidity, extreme-temperature conditions.
Markets and Applications
Automotive, military, aerospace, marine,
industrial and commercial applications requiring storage solutions capable of operating in extreme environments.
Embedded fanless computing systems (EE25
Series drives do not need add-on heaters or cooling devices.)
Partnership—Seagate Customer Experience Engineering assist OEMs with integrating the drive into hardened computing and entertainment systems designed for use in extreme environments.
Reliable Performance in Extreme Environments
The second-generation Seagate EE25 Series drive provides affordable, rugged digital storage with high reliability, in capacities up to 80 GB, with full operating capability from –30°C to +85°C and 2-G vibration robustness from 5 to 500 Hz, at altitudes from –1000 to 18,100 feet (–305 to 5500 meters). The EE25.2 Series drive, available in native PATA and SATA configurations, helps avoid the high costs of solid-state storage. The world of rugged storage is expanding quickly; take advantage of the growth with this extreme­environment hard drive.
Capacities (GB) 40 and 8 0
Interface PATA and SATA
Spindl e Speed ( RPM) 5400
Opera ting Temper ature ( °C) –30 to + 85
Opera ting Alt itude ( m) –305 to + 55 00
Opera ting Vibr ation (Gs, 5 t o 500 Hz) 2.0
Operat ing Shock (G s, 11 ms/2 ms) 150/300
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Dis c Drive, S cotts Val ley, Califo rnia 950 66, Uni ted State s, 831-43 8-65 50 ASIA /PACIFIC Se agate Techno logy Int ernati onal Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5, S ingapo re 56987 7, 65-648 5-38 88 EUROPE, M IDDLE EA ST AND AFR ICA Seaga te Technolog y SAS 130-136, ru e de Silly, 92 773 Boulo gne-Bi llanco urt Ced ex, Franc e, 33 1-41 86 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2009 Seagate Techn ology LLC. Al l rights res erved. Printed in U SA. Seagate, Sea gate Technology and th e Wave logo are re gistered tradem arks of Seagate Techno logy LLC in the United S tates and /or other countr ies. EE25 Seri es and RunOn are ei ther trade marks or registe red tradem arks of Seagate Techno logy LLC or one of its af filiated compani es in the United State s and/or other c ountries. All oth er trademarks or r egistere d trademarks are t he proper ty of their respe ctive owners. Whe n referring to hard d rive capacity, one gi gabyte, or GB, equa ls one billion byte s and one terabyte, o r TB, equals one tri llion byte s. Your compute r’s operatin g system may us e a differe nt standa rd of measu rement and r eport a lower cap acity. In addi tion, some of t he listed ca pacity is used for f ormatting and ot her funct ions, and th us will not be ava ilable for data sto rage. Quan titative usage exa mples for va rious app lication s are for illus trative pur poses. Actual qu antities w ill vary ba sed on vario us factors, incl uding file siz e, file format , features and app lication s oftware . Seagate re serves th e right to change, wit hout notice, prod uct offer ings or specifica tions. PO004 4.6-0904US, A pril 2009
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)