Data Sheet
DB35.4 Series
Quiet, reliable hard drives optimized
for digital entertainment
250 GB* • SATA
Key Advantages
250 GB on a single platter enables a cost-effective entry point while
delivering up to 50 hours of high-definition storage or up to 250 hours of
standard-definition T V capacity.
PVR acoustic profile as low as 2.5dB supports bedroom and living room
system usage models.
Capable of operating at drive case temperatures of up to 75°C
Proven Seagate reliability—designed for worry-free DVR operation, season
after season
Low-current spin-up for ease of integration and power supply design
Operational power consumption as low as 5.75W for reduced heat and
increased reliability
Supports up to 10 simultaneous high-definition or standard-definition
video streams
DynaPlay™ technology delivers the storage industry’s most comprehensive
set of features for the demanding DVR environment, including video
streaming performance, power optimization and content security.
Available Seagate Secure™ technology improves content security as part
of a system digital rights management strategy.
Seagate® SoftSonic™ motor technology and optimized seek profiles enable
years of quiet, worry-free operation.
*Compat ible with UD MA-2, -3 and – 4
DB35.4 Series
Quiet, reliable hard drives optimized
for digital entertainment
Best-Fit Applications
Designed and tested for DVR
and media centers applications—
Microsoft Windows Vista certified
External storage
Home theater PC
Multimedia hard drive recorders
Karaoke and audio jukeboxes
Seagate Global Customer Support
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at support.seagate.com.
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to common support questions.
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legacy drives.
Seagate also offers multi-lingual phone,
email and chat support.
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product performance and reliability while
increasing your time to market by solving
CE design issues quickly and efficiently.
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
Model Number
Interface Options
Cache, M ultisegment ed (MB)
SATA Data Tra nsfer Modes Su pport ed (Gb /s)
Simult aneous SDT V Stream s Suppor ted (Assum es 256K h ost buffer pe r stream )
Simult aneous HDT V Stream s Supported ( Assumes 2MB h ost buf fer per stream )
Power-O n to Ready ( typical, sec )
Standby to Read y (typical, sec )
Maxim um External Transfer Rate (MB /s)
Volta ge
Voltag e Tolera nce (inc luding noise)
Temperat ure (°C)
Opera ting (am bient min )
Opera ting (dr ive case max)
Nonoperating ( ambient min )
Nonoperating ( ambient max )
Temperat ure Gradient , Operating /Nonoper ating (°C per h our max )
Relative Humidity, Operating/Nonoperating (non-condensing, %)
Web Bulb Temp eratur e, Operat ing/Non operating ( °C max)
Opera ting: 2 m s (max , Gs)
Nonoperating : 1 ms (max, G s)
Vibration, Operating
5-22 Hz ( limited displ acement ) (Gs)
22-35 0 Hz (Gs)
350 -500 Hz ( Gs)
Vibration, Nonoperating
5-22 Hz ( limited displ acement ) (Gs)
22-35 0 Hz (Gs)
350 -500 Hz ( Gs)
Power Management
Star tup Current (12 V typical , amps)
Consu mer Stor age Profi le (W )
Idle Aver age (W)
Standby/Sleep Mod e (typical, W )
PVR Pr ofile (typi cal/max , bels)
Nonrecoverab le Read Err ors per Bits Re ad
Annua lized Fail ure Rate ( AFR)
Cont act Sta rt-St op Cycle s (25°C, 5 0% relative h umidity)
Height ( mm/in, ma x)
Width ( mm/in, ma x)
Depth ( mm/in, ma x)
Weight ( g/lb, max )
One gigab yte, or GB, equ als one billion by tes and one tera byte, or TB, equ als one trillion b ytes when ref erring to hard dr ive capacity.
250 GB
SATA 3Gb /s
5V ± 5% , 12V ± 10%
5 to 90 /5 to 95
37. 7
1 sector p er 10E14
20.2/ 0.794
382/0. 842
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Dis c Drive, S cotts Val ley, Califo rnia 950 66, Uni ted State s, 831-43 8-65 50
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techn ology In ternati onal Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5 , Singap ore 5698 77, 65-64 85-3 888
EUROPE, M IDDLE E AST AND AFR ICA Seaga te Technolog y SAS 130–136 , rue de Sil ly, 92773, Bo ulogne -Billa ncour t Cedex, Fr ance 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2008 Seagate Techno logy LLC. All rights r eserved. Print ed in USA. S eagate, Sea gate Technology and th e Wave logo are re gistered tradem arks of Seagate Techno logy LLC in the United S tates and /or other countr ies.
DB35 Ser ies, DynaPlay, Seag ate Secure a nd SoftSonic are e ither trademar ks or registered t rademar ks of Seagate Tech nology LLC o r one of its af filiated com panies in the Unite d States and /or other count ries. All other tr ademarks
or regis tered trad emarks ar e the proper ty of their respe ctive owners. Wh en referri ng to hard drive capac ity, one gigabyte, or G B, equals one billi on bytes and one ter abyte, or TB , equals one t rillion bytes. Your co mputer’s ope rating
system may u se a different st andard of me asurement and re port a lower capac ity. In addition, som e of the listed capac ity is used f or format ting and other func tions, and thus wil l not be availa ble for data s torage. Qu antitati ve usage
example s for various appli cations ar e for illustrative p urposes . Actual qua ntities will vary b ased on various fa ctors, includin g file size, file format , features a nd applica tion software. S eagate reserve s the right to change , without no tice,
produc t offerin gs or speci fications . DS1639.2- 0812US, December 20 08