Data Sheet
Constellation® ES
High-capacity storage designed for seamless
enterprise integration
2TB, 1TB and 500GB • 7200 RPM •
3.5-inch form factor • 6Gb/s SAS and SATA 3Gb/s
Key Advantages
Fourth-generation, enterprise, nearline drive designed for 24×7 operation
Up to 2TB capacity for data-hungry enterprise business applications
Best-in-class enhanced rotational vibration tolerance ensures unrivalled
performance in high-density applications for continuous data access.
Enhanced efficiencies with PowerChoice™ host-selectable power options
for unprecedented savings (up to 92 percent) during slow or idle periods
Multi-drive firmware maximized for enterprise system availability
Robust performance with dual processor and ramp load technologies (35
percent average sustained throughput increase over previous generation)
Provides business sustainability with Seagate Unified Storage architecture
- 6Gb/s SAS performance with error detection and correction
(IOEDC/IOECC) capabilities for the ultimate in data integrity
- Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) option cuts IT drive retirement expenses
while securely protecting data and is one of the easiest, most
cost-effective security measures you can implement.
- FIPS Self-Encrypting Drive option provides all the benefits of SED
and is NIST certified to meet U.S., Canada and U.K. federal data
encryption compliance requirements.
1, 2
Best-Fit Applications
High-capacity data center storage
Mainstream enterprise external storage arrays (SAN, NAS, DAS)
Enterprise backup and restore—D2D, virtual tape
Centralized surveillance
Cloud storage
1 Self-En crypt ing Drive ( SED) and FIPS Se lf-Encr ypting Drive opti ons require
TCG-co mpliant host or co ntrolle r suppor t. Not available in a ll countr ies.
2 See FIPS 140-2 L evel 2 Certificate a t
http: //csrc.nist.gov /groups/ST M/cmvp/doc uments/140-1/1401vend.htm.
Constellation® ES
High-capacity storage designed for seamless
enterprise integration
Model Numb er
Inter face
Perfor mance
Spindle Speed (RP M)
Seek Time, Ave rage Read /Write (ms )
Maximu m Sustain ed Transfer Ra te (MB /s)
Cache, Mul tisegmented (M B)
Configu ratio n/O rganizatio n
Bytes pe r Sector
Reliab ility /Data Integrity
Power-On Hou rs (ann ual)
Mean Time Be tween Fail ures (M TBF, hours )
Reliabili ty Ratin g at Full 24
Nonreco verable Re ad Errors per Bits Read
IOEDC ( I/O Error Dec tectio n Code)
IOECC ( I/O Error Correction Code)
Load /Unlo ad Cycles ( at 40°C)
Inter face Por ts
Limited Warrant y (years )
Power Mana gemen t
Power Suppl y Requirements
Idle (W )
Typical Oper ating Power ( W)
Random Read
Random Write
PowerCh oice™ Option ( W)
Enviro nmental
Rotati onal Vibr ation @ 1500 Hz ( rad/sec
Shock, 2ms Operating (Read /Write) ( Gs)
Shock, No nopera ting (Gs )
Temperatur e, Operat ing (°C )
Temperatur e, Nonoper ating (°C)
Acoust ics Idle ( bels, ty pical)
Encr yption
Self-En crypt ing Drive opt ion
FIPS Sel f-Encr ypting Drive option
Physica l
Height ( in/m m)
Width ( in/m m)
Depth (i n/mm )
Weight (lb /kg)
1 One gigabyt e, or GB, equals one billion by tes and one terabyt e, or TB, equals one trillion by tes when referring t o drive capacity.
2 Self-Encr ypting Drive model ( only available in 6Gb /s SAS). Req uires TCG-comp liant host or controll er support. Not avail able in all countries.
3 FIPS Self- Encrypting Drive m odel (only available in 6 Gb/s SAS) . Requires TCG- compliant host or con troller support . Not available in all countr ies.
7 Operati on (AFR)
ST320 00444S S
ST320 00445SS
ST320 00446S S
6Gb/ s SAS,
3GB/ s SAS
512, 520, 524, 528 512, 520, 524, 528 512, 520, 524, 528 512 512 512
1 sector per 10E15 1 secto r per 10E15 1 sector pe r 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15
Reads /Writ es Reads /Writ es Reads /Writ es Writes Writes Writes
+12V and +5V +12V and +5V +12V and +5V +12V and +5V +12V and +5V +12V and +5V
As low as 1.26 As low as 1.30 As low as 1.28 As low as 0.53 As low as 0.5 7 As low as 0.55
1.028/ 26.1 1.0 28/ 26.1 1.028 /26.1 1.028 /26.1 1.028 /26.1 1.028/ 26.1
5.787/146.9 9 5.7 87/146.9 9 5.787/146.9 9 5.78 7/146.99 5.787/ 14 6.99 5 .787/146.9 9
1.565/ 0.71 1.411/0.64 1.345/ 0.61 1.54 3/ 0.70 1.344 /0.61 1.289/ 0.585
7200 7200 7200 7200 720 0 7200
8.5/ 9.5 8.5/ 9.5 8.5/ 9.5 8.5/ 9.5 8.5 /9.5 8.5/ 9.5
150 150 150 140 140 140
16 16 16 64 3 2 32
8760 8760 8760 8760 876 0 8760
1.2 million 1.2 million 1.2 million 1.2 million 1.2 million 1.2 million
0.73% 0.73 % 0.73% 0.73% 0.7 3% 0.73 %
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
300,0 00 300, 000 300,0 00 300,00 0 300,0 00 300,0 00
Dual Dual Dual Singl e Single Single
5 5 5 5 5 5
8.0 6.0 5.6 7.0 5.0 4.6
12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
70/4 0
5 to 60
–40 to 70
2.7 2.2 1.9 2.7 2.2 1.9
Yes Yes Yes — — —
Yes Yes Yes
4.0/101.6 4.0/ 101.6 4.0 /101.6 4.0 /101.6 4.0/101.6 4.0 /101.6
ST3100 0424S S
ST3100 0425S S
ST3100 0426S S
6Gb/ s SAS,
3GB/ s SAS
70/4 0
5 to 60
–40 to 70
ST35 00414SS
ST35 00415SS
ST35 00416SS
6Gb/ s SAS,
3GB/ s SAS
70/4 0
5 to 60
–40 to 70
ST320 00644NS ST3100 0524NS ST35 00514NS
SATA 1.5Gb/ s
70/4 0
5 to 60
–40 to 70
— — —
SATA 3Gb/ s,
SATA 1.5Gb/ s
70/4 0
5 to 60
–40 to 70
SATA 3Gb/ s,
SATA 1.5Gb/ s
70/4 0
5 to 60
–40 to 70
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Sco tts Vall ey, Califo rnia 9 5066, U nited S tates , 831-43 8-6 550
ASIA /PACIFI C Seagate S ingap ore Int ernat ional H eadqu arte rs Pte. Lt d. 7000 A ng Mo Ki o Avenue 5, S ingap ore 569 877, 65-6 485 -388 8
EUR OPE, MI DDLE E AST AND A FRICA Sea gate Techno logy SA S 16–18 rue du Dôme , 92100 Bou logne -Bill ancou rt, Fr ance, 3 3 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2010 Seagate Technology L LC. All rights rese rved. Pr inted in USA . Seagate, Seaga te Te chnology and the Wave l ogo are register ed trade marks of Se agate Technology LLC in t he United States an d/or ot her coun tries.
Constel lation an d PowerChoice are e ither tr ademar ks or regis tered trademar ks of Seagate Technolo gy LLC or one of i ts affiliated com panies in the Unite d States an d/or other cou ntries. T he FIPS logo is a cer tificati on mark of NIST,
which doe s not imply produc t endorsement by N IST, the U.S., or Ca nadian go vernmen ts. All other trade marks or registe red trad emarks a re the prop erty of their re specti ve owners. When refe rring to drive capa city, one gigabyte, o r GB,
equals o ne billio n bytes an d one terab yte, or TB, e quals one trillio n bytes. Your computer ’s operat ing system m ay use a different s tandard of measu rement and repor t a lower capacit y. In addition , some of the listed ca pacity i s used
for forma tting and other fu nctions, and thus w ill not be available fo r data storage. The e xport o r re-export of ha rdware or softwa re containing en cryption may be re gulated by the U.S. Dep artment of Comm erce, Bur eau of Industry a nd
Securi ty (for more infor mation, visit ww w.bis.doc.gov), an d controlled for im port and use out side of the U.S . Seagate reser ves the right to chang e, without notice, p roduct offeri ngs or spe cificati ons. DS1697.3-1007US, Jul y 2010