Data Sheet
2.5-inch Tier 2/nearline drive
with the lowest enterprise power usage
500GB and 160GB • 7200 RPM • SAS 6Gb/s,
SAS 3Gb/s, SATA 3Gb/s and SATA 1.5Gb/s
Key Advantages
First 2.5-inch, 15mm nearline drive for space-constrained data centers
Lowest operating power and enhanced PowerChoice™ power options for
unprecedented power savings (up to 54%—as low as 1.1W) during idle
The highest-reliability 7200-RPM drive, designed for 24x7 operation
Best-in-class rotational vibration tolerance ensures unrivalled performance
in high spindle-density applications, and multi-drive firmware maximizes
system availability.
SAS offers seamless Tier 2 enterprise experience, with improved data
integrity. SAS 2.0 enables faster data access and larger topologies,
increasing system scalability, data throughput and connectivity.
Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) option cuts IT drive retirement expenses while
securely protecting data
FIPS Self-Encrypting Drive option provides all the benefits of SED and
is NIST certified to meet U.S., Canada and U.K. federal data encryption
compliance requirements.
1, 2
Best-Fit Applications
Storage-hungry business applications
Storage area networks (SAN) and network attached storage (NAS)
Government-grade, data-at-rest security when drives leave your control
Rich media content storage—audio, video, image
Drive retirement cost reduction and drive life extension strategies
Reference and compliance data storage
Enterprise backup and restore
1 Self-En cryp ting Dr ive and FIPS S elf-En cryp ting Dri ve option s on SAS mod els.
Requir es TCG- compli ant host o r contr oller su ppor t. Not avail able in al l countr ies.
2 See FIPS 140- 2 Level 2 Cer tificate at
http: //csr c.nist.g ov/gro ups/ STM/cmvp/ docume nts /140-1/1401vend.htm.
1, 2
2.5-inch Tier 2/nearline drive
with the lowest enterprise power usage
Built on Seagate Unified Storage architecture
Small form factor—15mm z-height provides a dense,
eco-friendly, robust platform for easy integration.
SAS 2.0—6Gb/s enables larger topologies at higher
throughput and provides a higher signal strength over
longer distances for improved scalability.
Enhanced Choices With Enterprise Capabilities
PowerChoice host-selectable power options (1 to 4)
reduce power consumption to a low of 1.1W.
Both SATA 3Gb/s and SAS 6Gb/s interfaces utilize
perpendicular recording technology to deliver the
industry’s highest-capacity 2.5-inch nearline drive.
Enterprise-class firmware features and best-in-class
rotational vibration tolerance maximizes system
availability and performance in multi-drive systems.
Seagate proprietary Workload Management™
technology helps systems keep drives cool.
The best 7200-RPM reliability for 24x7 business-critical
applications with an MTBF of 1.2M hours and an
nonrecoverable error rate of 1 sector per 10E15—from a
trusted source and backed by a 5-year limited warranty.
Strong Enough for National Security
The Constellation (SAS) drive is available in SED or FIPS
SED models; both eliminate the need to overwrite or
physically destroy drives, enable secure return of drives for
warranty or expired lease purposes, and allow organizations
to securely repurpose or sell hard drives. For added
physical security and more stringent regulatory compliance
needs, the FIPS SED model is FIPS 140-2 Validated™ for
use with sensitive but unclassified or protected (A or B)
class data.
Seagate Secure™ encryption models help OEMs and
system builders gain competitive advantage, differentiate
solutions (with strong data security), sell to new customers
(that require strong data security), and protect brand equity
(and customer confidence).
1 Self-En cryp ting Dri ve and FIPS Se lf-Enc ryptin g Drive op tions on S AS model s. Requi res
TCG-co mplian t host or co ntroll er suppo rt. Not a vailabl e in all cou ntries .
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
Model Numb er
Inter face
Inter face Acce ss Speed
Perfor mance
Spindle Speed (RP M)
Average La tency (m s)
Seek Time
Average Read /Write (ms )
Maximu m Sustain ed Transfer Ra te (MB /s)
Cache, Mul tisegmented (M B)
Configu ratio n/O rgan ization
Bytes pe r Sector
Reliab ility /Data Integrity
Mean Time Be tween Fail ures (M TBF, hours )
Reliabili ty Ratin g at Full 24x7 Opera tion (A FR)
Nonreco verable Re ad Errors per Bits Read
Error Co ntrol /Correctio n (ECC )
Inter face Por ts
Limited Warrant y (years )
Power Mana gemen t
Power Suppl y Requirements
Typical Oper ating, Random Read ( W)
Idle (W )
PowerCh oice
Enviro nmental
Rotati onal Vibr ation @ 1800 Hz (rad/sec
Vibrat ion
Operatin g, <40 0Hz (G s)
Nonoperating, < 500Hz ( Gs)
Operatin g, 2ms (Gs)
Nonoperating, 1ms and 2ms ( Gs)
Temperatur e
Operatin g (°C )
Nonoperating ( ºC)
Acoust ics
Typical Idle ( bels)
Typical Opera ting (be ls)
Encr yption
Self-En crypt ing Drive Opt ion
FIPS Sel f-Encr ypting Drive Option
Physica l
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/m m)
Depth (i n/mm )
Weight (lb /kg)
1 One gigabyt e, or GB, equals one billion by tes and one terabyt e, or TB, equals one trillion by tes when referring t o hard drive capacity.
2 Self-Encr ypting Drive model ( only available in 6Gb /s SAS). Req uires TCG-comp liant host or controll er support. Not avail able in all
countrie s.
3 FIPS Self- Encrypting Drive m odel (only available in 6 Gb/s SAS) . Requires TCG- compliant host or cont roller support . Not available in
all countri es.
option, 1 to 4 ra nge (W )
ST95 0043 0SS
ST95 00431SS
ST95 0043 2SS
SAS 6G b/s
SAS 3Gb/s
SAS 1.5Gb /s
7200 7200 720 0
4.16 4.16 4.16
8.5/ 9.5 8.5/ 9.5 8.5/ 9.5
97 95 95
16 32 32
512, 520, 524, 528 512 512
1.2 million 1.2 million 1.2 million
0.73% 0.73 % 0.73%
1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15
10 bit 10 bit 10 bit
Dual Single Single
5 5 5
+12V and +5V +12V and +5V +12V and +5V
4.0 3. 5 2. 8
2.9 2. 6 2. 3
1.3 to 2.9 1.1 to 2.4 1.1 to 2.1
16 16 16
5 to 55
–40 to 70
Yes — —
Yes — —
0.583 /14.8 0.58 3/14.8 0.583 /14.8
2.76/ 70 2.76 /70 2.76 /70
3.957/10 0.5 3.957/100. 5 3.957/10 0.5
0.43/ 0.196 0.43/ 0.196 0.41/0.188
500 GB
ST95 0053 0NS ST9160511NS
SATA 3Gb/ s
SATA 1.5Gb/ s
5 to 55
–40 to 70
160 GB
SATA 3Gb/ s
SATA 1.5Gb/ s
5 to 55
–40 to 70
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dr ive, Sco tts Vall ey, Califo rnia 9 5066, U nited S tates , 831-43 8-6 550
ASIA /PACIFI C Seagate S ingap ore Int ernat ional H eadqu arte rs Pte. Lt d. 7000 A ng Mo Ki o Avenue 5, S ingap ore 569 877, 65-6 485 -388 8
EUROPE, MI DDLE E AST AND A FRICA Seag ate Techno logy SAS 16 –18 rue du Dôm e, 92100 Bo ulogn e-Bil lanco urt , France , 33 1-4186 10 00
© 2010 Seagate Techn ology LLC. All right s reserved. Prin ted in USA. Seagat e, Seagat e Technology a nd the Wave logo are regi stered tradema rks of Seagate Technolo gy LLC in the United Sta tes and/or othe r countries.
Constel lation, Pow erChoi ce, Seagate Secur e, the Unified Stora ge logo an d Workloa d Manage ment are e ither tra demarks or regis tered trademar ks of Seagate Technolo gy LLC or one of i ts affiliated com panies i n the Unite d States
and/o r other countrie s. The FIPS l ogo is a cer tification mar k of NIST, which do es not imply produ ct endor sement by NIST, the U.S., or Ca nadian governme nts. All ot her trad emarks o r registe red trademarks a re the propert y of their
respec tive owners. When r eferri ng to drive ca pacity, one gigaby te, or GB, equals one b illion by tes and one teraby te, or TB, equals one tr illion bytes. Your com puter’s operating s ystem may us e a different sta ndard of measure ment
and repo rt a lower c apacity. In additio n, some of the listed ca pacity is used fo r format ting and other func tions, and thus wil l not be available for d ata stora ge. The exp ort or re-expo rt of har dware or so ftwar e contai ning encr yption
may be regu lated by the U.S. Depar tment of Commer ce, Burea u of Industry and S ecurity (for mo re information, v isit ww w.bis.doc.g ov), and control led for imp ort and use outs ide of the U.S Seagate re serves the right t o change, w ithout
notice, p roduct of ferings or spec ifications. DS1678.3 -1007US, July 2010