Data Sheet
Cheetah NS
Optimum capacity at the lowest power
consumption with superior 10K-RPM
400 GB and 300 GB • 10K RPM • 4-Gb/s FC
3-Gb/s SAS (400 GB)
Key Advantages
400 GB of transactional storage enables 33 percent more
capacity in a single drive.
Smaller platters and 10K spindle speed allow 33 percent
savings in operational power.
The Seagate® Cheetah® NS drive design is based on the
15K-RPM platform, allowing up to 21 percent improvement
in transactional performance over standard 10K drives.
10x improvement in unrecoverable error rate at 1x10E16
The industry’s highest reliability in the 3.5-inch form factor
Best-Fit Applications
Network attached storage (NAS)
High-capacity, performance and application servers
Clustered systems
Medical imaging, CAD, simulation
Rich media content storage—audio, video, image
Collaboration—email, messaging
Infrastructure—Web, print, file

Cheetah NS
Optimum capacity at the lowest power consumption
with superior 10K-RPM performance
Seagate Is the Trusted Leader
in Enterprise Storage
Using perpendicular recording, the
400-GB Cheetah NS drive provides 33
percent more capacity than standard
10K-RPM drives while offering best-inclass transactional performance and a
substantial reduction in operating power.
A tenfold improvement in unrecoverable
error rate together with a 1.4M-hour MTBF
provides unsurpassed reliability for the
network storage market.
Seagate Global Customer Support
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Visit our knowledge base for answers
to common support questions.
Find documentation for current and
legacy drives.
Utilize our online troubleshooting and
diagnostic tools.
Download DiscWizard™ to help migrate
data from an older drive.
Seagate also offers multi-lingual phone,
email and chat support.
Seagate Design Service Centers (DSC)
help companies transform innovative ideas
into viable products.
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
Model Number
Format ted 512 Kbytes /Sector ( GB) 400 300
External Tran sfer Rate (G b/s )
4-Gb /s Fibre Cha nnel
3-Gb /s Serial At tached SCS I (SAS)
Spindl e Speed ( RPM)
Average L atency (ms )
Seek Tim e
Average R ead/Write (ms )
Track-to-Trac k Read/Wr ite (ms)
Transfer Rate
Maxim um Internal ( Mb/s)
Maxim um Sustained ( MB/s)
Cache, M ultisegment ed (MB)
Reliability/ Data Integrity
Mean Time Betwe en Failures (M TBF, hours)
Annua lized Fai lure Rat e (AF R)
Nonrecoverable Read Er rors per Bits Read
Error Control/Correction (ECC )
Inter face ports
Power Management
Typical ( W)
Idle Aver age (W)
Temperat ure (°C)
Operatin g
Shock ( Gs)
Opera ting : 2 ms
Nonoperatin g: 2 ms
Acous tics Idle (be ls—s ound power)
Rotational Vibration (Rad/s2)
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/mm)
Depth ( in/mm)
Weight ( lb/g)
One gigab yte, or GB, equ als one billion by tes when refer ring to hard driv e capacity.
400 GB
10,07 5 10,07 5
2.98 2.98
16 16
1.4 million 1.4 million
0.62% 0.62%
1 sector p er 10E16 1 sector p er 10E16
10 bit 10 bit
Dual Dual
12.1 11. 8
8.1 7.6
5 to 55
–40 to 70
3.2 3.0
21 21
1.0 2/ 26 .11 1.0 2/ 26 .11
4.0 /101. 85 4.0 /101. 85
5.78 /147 5.78 /147
1.5 /0.7 71 1.5 /0.7 71
300 GB
5 to 55
–40 to 70
A MERIC AS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dri ve, Scot ts Valley, Ca liforn ia 950 66, Uni ted Stat es, 831-4 38- 6550
ASIA /PACIFI C Seagat e Technolog y Intern ation al Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5 , Singap ore 569 877, 65-6 485- 388 8
EUROPE , MIDDL E EAST AN D AFRICA Seaga te Technolo gy SAS 130 –136, rue de S illy, 92773 , Boulo gne-B illan cour t Cedex, Fr ance 33 1- 4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2007 Seagate Technol ogy LLC. All rights r eserved. Print ed in USA. Seagate , Seagate Technology a nd the Wave logo are reg istered tradem arks of Seagate Techno logy LLC in the United S tates and/or o ther countries . Cheetah
and DiscW izard are either t rademarks or re gistered trade marks of Seagate Techn ology LLC or one of its a ffiliated compa nies in the United St ates and/or oth er countries. A ll other tradema rks or registere d tradema rks are the proper ty of
their res pective owners . One gigabyte, or G B, equals one billi on bytes when refe rring to hard drive c apacity. Access ible capacity m ay vary dependin g on operating envi ronment and form atting. Seagat e reserves the ri ght to change, witho ut
notice, p roduct offeri ngs or spec ifications. DS1628. 2-0812US, December 2 008