Figure 2. Option select jumpers
4. Connect the drive activity LED (optional)
Connect the Drive Activity LED cable to J6 pins 11 and 12 (see Figure 2), or
conne ct a drive ID and Dr ive Activit y LED cable to J5, de pending on host
system requirements.
5. Check the other available jumper settings
Select other options on J2 as illustrated in Figure 2. Do not change these
unless instructed to do so by the host system documentation.
6. Mount the drive in the host system and connect cables
LC and LCV drives are designed to be attached to a carrier or
tray and in ser ted into t he host system without I /O or pow er
a. Mount LW and LWV model drives to the host system’s chassis
using four 6-32 UNC screws. Two mounting holes are in each side
of the dr ive and t her e are fou r m ounti ng ho les in t he bo ttom of t he
drive. Do not over-tighte n or force th e screws. You can mount the
driv e in any orientation.
b. Connect th e SCSI I/O cable in to the drive’s SCSI connector. Take
care not to stretch or crimp this cable, and do not block the system’s
cooling air flow with the cable.
For Ultra2 and faster operation, special twisted pair LVD
cables are
c. Connect the DC power cable to the driv e. See Fi gure 3.
Figure 3. Cable connections and external termination
7. Format the drive
The drive has been
low level
formatt ed at the fact ory. You do not need to
perform another low level format on this drive unless you decide to perform
cert ai n diag nos tics thr ough the hos t adap te r. If you do dec ide to pe rfor m a
low level format, d o not abor t the format as thi s is likely to make the dr ive
inoperable. A low l evel format, with ver ify tur ned on, wi ll typical ly take four
Protect against power failure or other power interrup tions during the format.
a. Turn on DC power to the host system.
b. Boot t he system from a system flo ppy, CD, or from a previously
insta lled hard disc dri ve if there is one.
c. Format the drive.
Formatt ing a dr ive eras es all user data. B e sure tha t you un derstand t his pr in ci ple before fo r ma t ti ng any ha rd d is c drive. It is not
necessary to format a drive that previously has been used to
store data, unless your intention is to erase all user data. Seagate
is not responsible for lost user data.
Cheetah disc drives are desi gned to operate with a variety of oper ating systems. Pl e as e refer to your sy st em or SC SI contro ller man ua l for info r m at i on
about formatting and setting up the drive. Some quick desktop system notes
are provided below.
Set the drive typ e in CMOS to “
Zero,” “None,”
or “
No hard
drive installed
.” Use FDISK.EXE and FOR MAT.EX E. Sy stem s using Win-
dows 98 or later can create one single partition (drive letter) on the drive.
Use a third-party drive utility (most revisions of Apple’s HD
Setup utility only work with drives having special Apple firmware).
Drive does not spin up.
Check cables and all jumper settings. Make
sure cable pin 1 (edge st ripe) matc hes PCB pin 1.
Drive spins, but no LED on/off activity.
Check SCSI ID setting. Set the
ID so that each device on the SCSI chain has its own unique ID. See also
the next item below. Host I/O controller is usually ID7.
Computer does not seem to recognize the drive.
Verify that the d rive
is enabled by the SCSI host adapter setup utility.
FDISK do es not det ect the dri ve.
Run the FDISK program located on
your Windows startup diskette. Type fdisk/status to verify that your hard
driv e is present.
Seagate support services
For online information about Seagate products, visit or email your disc questions to
If you nee d he lp insta lling yo ur dri ve, con sult your deal er firs t. If you need
additio nal help, ca ll a Seagat e technica l suppor t specia list. Befo re calling ,
note your system configuration and drive model number (
LWV or ST173404LC/LCV) .
Africa +31-20-316-7222 Poland 00 800-311 12 38
Australia +61-2-9725-3366 Spain 900-98 31 24
Aus tria 0 800-20 12 90 Sweden 0 207 90 073
Belgium 0 800-74 876 Switzerland 0 800-83 84 11
Denmark 80 88 12 66 Singapore +65-488-7584
France 0 800-90 90 52 Taiwan +886-2-2514-2237
Germany 0 800-182 6831 T urkey 00 800-31 92 91 40
Hong Kong +852-2368 9918 United Kingdom 0 800-783 5177
Ireland 1 800-55 21 22 USA/ Canada/ 1-800 SEAGATE or
Italy 800-790695 Latin America +1-405-936-1234
Middle East +31-20-316-7222 Other European
Nether lands0 800-732-42 83 countries +31-20-316- 7222
Norway 800-113 91
Contact your place of purchase or our web site (above).
Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA).
Before returning t he d r ive, verify th at i t
is defective. Seagate Worldwide customer service centers are the only facilities authorized to service Seagate drives. Contact nearest center for return procedures and trade
Shipping the drive
Back up the data before shipping. Seagate assumes no respons ibility for
data lost during s hipping or serv ice. Shipping dr ive in an una pproved container voids
the warranty. Pack the drive with ori ginal box and packing materials. Use no o ther
materials. This prevents electrical and physical damage in transit.
© 1999 Seagate Technology, Inc. All rights reserved
Publication number: 83329479, Rev. A, December 1999, Printed in U.S.A.
Seagate, Seagate Technology, the Seagate Logo, and Cheetah a re either regist ered
trademarks or tra demarks of Seagate Technology, Inc. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
Enable parity check of SCSI bus.
Disable parity check.
Pin 1
Reserved Positions
Parity Check option
Single-ended I/O
Terminator Power
Write protect = Off (enables writing).
Write protect = On (disables writing).
Write Protect option
Disable the Delay Motor Start option.
Motor start delay equal to the
SCSI ID multiplied by 12 seconds.
Delay Motor Start option (valid
only if the Enable Motor Start
jumper is not connected)
Enable motor start. The drive waits for
the Start Unit command from the host
before starting the spindle motor.
Disable motor start (default). The
drive starts according to the Delay
Motor Start option.
Motor Start option
Pin 1
Drive with
down, viewed
from front
Pin 1
DC Power
Drive Front
Pin 1
Shipped with cover installed.
Do not remove.
Do not install jumpers
on these four positions.
J6 Jumper
J2 Jumper
A jumper here forces single-ended
I/O operation.
No jumper allows host to select either
single-ended or LVD operation.
Host adapter or other device provides
term. power to external terminator.
Term. Power to SCSI Bus
Pin 1
(check your
adapter for
Pin 1 location)
Twisted Pair
LVD Cable
Ultra160 or Ultra2 LVD bus segment
SPI-2 compliant
active LVD
external terminator
on the end of
the cable
Ultra SCSI SE bus segment