Product Overview
Savvio® 10K.3
Lowest-power, high-capacity 2.5-inch drive
for the enterprise
Key Features and Benefits
Seagate® PowerTrim™ technology dynamically reduces power.
75% power savings over comparable 3.5-inch, 300-GB drives
70% smaller size over 3.5-inch drives reduces overall system
cooling costs.
40% reduction in $/IOPS over comparable 3.5-inch drives
60% improvement in system-level performance over 3.5-inch,
15K drives
Third-generation 2.5-inch, 10K-RPM enterprise drive with proven
Supports 6-Gb/s transfer rates and SAS 2.0 feature set
Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) option cuts IT drive retirement expenses
while securely protecting data and is one of the easiest, most costeffective security measures you can implement.*
Delivers on Seagate Unified Storage architecture strategy to converge
best-of-breed technologies (Serial Attached SCSI, small form factor
and SED security*) to enable powerful, yet simple external storage and
internal server storage solutions that strengthen business efficiencies
while cutting TCO and boosting ROI.
Key Applications
Mainstream enterprise servers and storage arrays
Power-constrained data centers
Transaction processing
Rack, tower, and blade servers
Space-constrained data centers
Government-grade, data-at-rest security when drives leave your
Drive retirement cost reduction and drive life
extension strategies*
*Requi res TCG-complia nt host or co ntroller suppor t
Lowest-power, high-capacity 2.5-inch drive for the enterprise
Lower power, higher performance
The Seagate Savvio 10K.3 drive offers the best
combination of power efficiency and enterprise
performance, with up to 300 GB of capacity
for mainstream server and external storage
applications for the enterprise. The Savvio 10K.3
drive with PowerTrim technology uses 75 percent
less power than a 3.5-inch 15K drive for the
lowest power profile of any Tier 1 mission-critical
drive. It is 70 percent smaller than 3.5-inch drives,
enabling more system airflow, which results in
lower cooling costs. This third-generation Savvio
drive gives you more than twice the number of
drives over 3.5-inch products within the same
rack configuration and delivers a staggering 60
percent system-level performance increase.
This is especially important in high-performance
and blade servers demanding optimized RAID
performance per U. These 2.5-inch advantages
translate into greater overall value and reduced
total cost of ownership for IT organizations and
administrators who wish to optimize their data
center’s power and performance efficiency.
Capacities (GB) 300 an d 146
Interface SAS 2. 0 (6 Gb /s)
Cache ( MB) 16
Spindl e Speed ( RPM) 10,000
Power ( W, idle) 3.5 (3 00 GB), 3 .2 (146 GB )
Ready for high-end networks
The industry’s first 2.5-inch drive to implement
the new SAS 2.0 feature set and the world’s first
drive to operate at 6-Gb/s transfer rates, the
Savvio 10K.3 drive is ideally suited for use in
high-end network storage applications. The SAS
2.0 feature set and 6-Gb/s transfer rate support
larger topologies by connecting more expanders,
host bus adapters and RAID controllers within or
across more storage arrays, by communicating
over longer distances with high signal integrity,
and by moving data two times faster, thereby
doubling data throughput.
Government-grade security available*
Delivering on the Seagate commitment to add
security features throughout its product portfolio,
the Savvio 10K.3 drives are offered with an SED
option that provides government-grade data-atrest protection through each drive’s entire life
*Requi res TCG-complia nt host or co ntroller suppor t
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Dis c Drive, S cotts Val ley, Califo rnia 950 66, Uni ted State s, 831-43 8-65 50
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techn ology In ternati onal Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5 , Singap ore 5698 77, 65-64 85-3 888
EUROP E, MIDDL E EAST AN D AFRICA Se agate Techno logy SAS 130 -136, rue de Si lly, 92773 Bou logne -Billa ncour t Cedex, Fr ance, 33 1- 4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2009 Seagate Techn ology LLC. Al l rights res erved. Printed in U SA. Seagate, Sea gate Technology and th e Wave logo are re gistered tradem arks of Seagate Techno logy LLC in the United S tates and /or other countr ies.
PowerTrim, Savvio a nd Seagate Secur e are eithe r trademar ks or registered t rademar ks of Seagate Tech nology LLC o r one of its af filiated com panies in the Unite d States and /or other count ries. All other tr ademarks o r registered
tradem arks are the p roperty of thei r respective owne rs. When referr ing to hard dri ve capacity, one giga byte, or GB, e quals one billion by tes and one teraby te, or TB, equals on e trillion by tes. Your computer’s ope rating system may
use a diff erent standard o f measure ment and re port a lower c apacity. In additi on, some of the l isted capa city is used for for matting and othe r functions, and t hus will not be a vailable fo r data stora ge. Seagate r eserves the rig ht to
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