Scytek electronic ASTRA 777 Mobile Product Manual

ASTRA 777 Mobile
This vehicle security system is warranted to the original purchaser, to be free from defects in material and workmanship. The manufacturer will repair or replace at its option, and free of charge for the first twelve (12) months, any part that proves defective in material or workmanship under normal in­stallation, use, and service, provided the product is returned to the manufacturer freight prepaid. After the first 12 month warranty period there will be a maximum service charge of $25.00 per calen­dar year (if required) for repair and/or replacement of any defective parts.
A copy of the original purchase and installation receipt must accompany any products re­turned for warranty service. Warranty is limited to defective parts and/or replacement parts only
and excludes any incidental, and consequential damages connected therewith. The manufacturer of this theft deterrent system makes no warranty against the theft of the vehicle or its contents. This warranty is not to be construed as an insurance policy against loss.
Note: This Warranty is voided if the product was not installed by an Authorized ScyTek Dealer.
LLiimmiitteedd LLiiffeettiimmee WWaarrrraannttyy
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
Congratulations on your purchase of this state-of-the-art vehicle security system from ScyTek Electronics. With proper installation this system will provide superior protection and performance for many years to
The Astra 777 Mobile is a Vehicle Tracking System System Features:
• Unlimited Real-time GPS tracking with user-friendly internet software
• Fast Response Time
• High gain GPS/Cellular antenna
• Issue commands via internet or web enabled Smart Phone
• Door Lock/Unlock, remote start, starter disable/enable, flash horn
• Notification alerts sent to cell phone and email address
• Excessive speed , theft daily curfew, geo-fencing, Alarm triggers
• Engine on /off reports
• Multi vehicle monitoring
System Contents:
Main Unit One 5-Button Random Code Remote Transmitter 2-Way Pager Transceiver Antenna High Output 6-tone Siren Dual Stage Shock Sensor Status LED Coded Emergency Override/ Valet Switch/Call Button built into the antenna
*May require additional parts and/or labor, see store for details.
Options and Accessories
Some of the features described in this manual may require additional parts and/or labor, and may not be included as part of the standard installation of this unit. Additionally, many features of this security system have selectable options that must be activated or programmed during the system’s installation. These items will be identified in the follow­ing sections. Please discuss these features and any questions you may have regarding the installation of this product with Your Authorized Dealer.
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AAbboouutt YYoouurr SSyysstteemm
· Second Car Operation
· Remote Door Locking
· Two Stage Door Unlocking
· Starter Defeat
· Horn Honk
· Illuminated Entry
· Remote Window Control
· Extended Range Antenna
· Power Trunk / Hatch Release
· Glass Breakage Sensor
· Radar Sensor
· Auxiliary Lighting Control
· Back-up Battery Siren
System Registration:
To Register your Astra 777 Mobile:
Login on to
Click on the “Click to register”
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QQuucckk SSttaarrtt GGuuiiddee ffoorr AAssttrraa MMoobbiillee
New Master Account Registration screen. In the “User ID” area type in your login ID, then complete the rest of the information. After completing Master Account registration page, click on “O.K” at the bottom far right side.
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NNeeww MMaasstteerr AAccccoouunntt RReeggiissttrraattiioonn PPaaggee
New Vehicle Registration screen
In the “Vehicle’s ID ” area type in the Vehicle name such as Johny’s Car or Vehicl’s model, then com­plete the rest of the information.
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NNeeww VVeehhiiccllee RReeggiissttrraattiioonn PPaaggee
Billing information screen. In the Service Term Area, select the yearly plan that you like. then complete the rest of the informa­tion.
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BBiilllliinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPaaggee
Subuser account allowes for additional users to manage the fleet vehicles with varies degrees of con­trol.
Click on Subuser Management to edit the page.
Register the sub user and assign the vehicles and checkmark the desired privilege of the user. More then one sub user can be assigned to that vehicle group.
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SSuubb UUsseerr PPaaggee
login page Astra 777 Mobile GPS Login Page: Login: input your Login ID and your Password. “you may changeyour password at any time for your personal security” Click on the field marked “Sign in” and you will then be taken to your Astra 777 Mobile GPS Home Page.
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AAssttrraa MMoobbiillee PPaaggee
Your Astra 777 Mobile GPS Home Page will have your vehicle(s) listed and look very similar to this. Click on the Vehicle name to select that particular vehicle, the screen will refresh displaying the map with the breadcrumb trail showing the last locations of the vehicle.
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HHoommee PPaaggee
Vehicle Alert Window:
Vehicle alert window is located bellow the map, it contains;
Number of events displayed on the map Select the number of events on the map by selecting 1, 10,
40 of 80, recorded events will be displyed showing the state of the vehicle and tthe dirction of
the motion. Contract expiration date Current state of the subscrption. Current alert state alrerts that are enabled are hilighted. Edit the alert selection by clicking on any of
Alert buttons.
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VVeehhiiccllee AAlleerrtt PPaaggee
System Alerts
1. Geo Fence Alert setup: Type in the address of the Geo Fence window and the boundary size, chose if alert is for antry into or exit from the boundaries. Select the Geo Fence Alert.
2. Time Fence Alert: Set the time alert window, when alert is on, if the vehicle ignition is turned on within the time win­dow an alert will be set.
3. Speed Alert: Select the speed threshold, when the alert is set, if the vehicle speed exeeds the set speed Alert is set.
4. SMS Alert: SMS alert sends all alerts as a text message to the preset SMS and Email
addresses specified in the vehicle setup window, note: that multiple Emails and text messages are al­lowed.
5. Input Alerts:
There are four alert inputs that can be selected. Inputs 1 2, and 3 are negative (ground). Input 4 is
Positive (12V), this input when the Skytrak system is connected to ScyTek Astra 777 Mobile Se­curity System is automatically reports an Alarm Alert. In stand-alone mode an alert will be set only if the input is valid for over 5 seconds. connect this input to the siren of vehicle alarm.
After completion of alert setup, Press the save button on the bottom of the screen to save the setup in the remote unit. The Success responce indicates the unit received the alert setup.
Renaming Input Alerts
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