Change the modes by pushing the lever with
your fingers front ward and release them
by tapping the release button
(one mode per push/release)
For the different parts of the T WINLOC lever
mentioned in the following instruction please
refer to the drawing with parts names below:
The TWINLOC remote control lever is the
evolution of the already outstanding TRACLOC
system of Scott.
While TRACLOC allows the change on the Scott
rear shocks Nude TC and Equalizer 2 between
the Scott patented Lock-out, traction and
full-mode on the fly from the handlebar, the
TWINLOC now allows also the remote control
of the front fork to shift between lock-out and
open mode at the same time when you change
the modes on the Scot t rear shox.
The 3 modes on the lever and suspension
units are:
- Full Travel Mode:
full travel rear, full travel front
- Traction Mode :
traction mode rear, full travel front
- Lock-out Mode :
lock-out rear, lock-out front
Therefore Scott offers 3 dif ferent TWINLOC
levers with following fork/rear shock
- Equalizer 2 with adapters for SRAM / Rock-
Shox fork and FOX fork/DT Swiss fork ( Scot t
Article number: 216350)
- Nude TC with adapters for SRAM /RockShox
fork and FOX fork/ DT Swiss fork
(Scott Ar ticle number: 216351)
- DT M210 with adapters for SRAM /RockShox
fork and FOX fork/ DT Swiss fork
(Scott Ar ticle number: 216352)
Please note that the DT Swiss M210 rear shock
does not offer a traction mode, but only lock-out
and full-mode.
Important : you can only assemble the TWINLOC
remote lever in “left side upward position” on
the handlebar.
You have 3 positions of the TWINLOC remote
- most forward position:
lock-out rear, lock-out front
- middle position:
traction mode rear, full travel front
- most backward position:
full travel rear, full travel front
Regarding the installation and adjustment of
the rear shock remote cable please follow the
instructions of the different shox attached to
your bike.
Please note that the cable for the rear shock is
ALWAYS the upper cable on the lever as shown
in drawing below. There are 3 dif ferent versions
for different rear shock models.
Please make sure that your lever fit s to the rear
shock of the bike.
Lock Out Mo de
Traction Mod e
All Travel Mode
Press to rele ase
Shock remot e control cable
Shock cabl e tensien screw
Remote lever
Fork remote c ontrol cable
Fork cabl e tensien screw
Release but ton
Fork cabl e