A HEAD TUBE ANGLE 69.0 ° 69.0 ° 69.0 °
B HEA D TUBE LENGTH 95.0 mm 3.7 in 100.0 mm 3.9 in 115 .0 mm 4. 5 in
C TOP TUBE HORIZONTAL 575.0 mm 22.6 in
23.6 in 625.0 mm 24.6 in
D STANDOVER HEIGHT 726.0 mm 28.6 in 756.0 mm 29.8 in 784.0 mm 30. 9 in
E BB O FFSET -46.0 m m -1.8 in -46.0 m m -1.8 in -46.0 m m -1.8 in
F BB HEIGHT 305 .5 mm 12.0 in 305. 5 mm 12.0 in 3 05.5 mm 12.0 in
1,073 .7
42.3 in
43.3 in 1,125 .2 mm 44.3 in
H BB CENT ER TO TOPTUBE CENT ER 325.0 mm 12 .8 in 375.0 mm 14. 8 in 415.0 mm 16.3 in
I BB CENTER TO TOP OF SE ATTUBE 390.0 mm 15.4 in
17.3 in 480.0 mm 18.9 i n
J SE AT ANG LE 73.2 ° 73.2 ° 73.2 °
K CH AIN STAY 425.0 mm 16 .7 in 425 .0 mm 1 6.7 in 425.0 mm 16. 7 in
L R EACH 401.0 mm 1 5.8 in 424.6 mm 1 6.7 in 445.3 mm 17.5 in
M STACK 575 .0 mm 22.6 i n 579.6 mm 22.8 in 593.6 mm 23.4 in
N STEM LENGTH 60.0 mm 2.4 in 70.0 mm 2.8 in 80.0 mm 3 .1 in
0 TRAIL 87.8 mm 3.5 in 87. 8 mm 3. 5 in 87.8 m m 3.5 in
From the Carbon fiber to the manufacturing process to the f inal result- the new S cale
has been completely rede signed. Th e result: a new benchmark for race hardtail frames.
The Scale R C 700 SL weighs in at only 849 grams. The incredible light weight frame
characteristics and two dedicated frame platfo rms for 1x and 2x drivetrains lif t the standard
of hardtail mountain bikes to a new level.
A mix of high- end carbon fibers has been used on all Scale C arbon frames in orde r to
achieve incredible results . The HMX-SL fr ame utilizes MR70, YS60 and HR40 C arbon
fibers. HR40 is a strong an d light filament which, used together with M R70 fibers, attains
unachieved ten sile strength values. In order to achieve the set stiffness targets, YS60 layers
are added into the lay-up. Af ter choosing the Carbon f ibers, th e enginee rs are using spe cific
tools, like FE A software , to map out the carbon lay-up. Thanks to SC OTT 's proprietar y
EvoLap-Technology, diffe rent forces can be applied on a virtual mo del and the f rame
construction is adjusted accordingly.
The SDS2 technology achieves comfort in c arbon fra mes without adding parts or sacrificing
stiffne ss characteristics. In order to achieve this , the engineers use dif ferent tube sh apes in
combination with a strategic alig nment of the carbon fibers to avoid any undesired flex that
can impair performance.
The Boost standard improves wheel stiffness and a llows for increased tire clearance. The
new Scale frame has been developed around the Bo ost standa rd in order to maximize the
advantage s of the new norm . The three millimeter outboa rd chain ring ad ds clearan ce to the
chainstay area allowing for a significant increase of the chainstay cross-sec tion for both, the
1x and 2x models. This of fers more possibilities to find the right position of the rear whe el in
the frame in o rder to achieve improved structural stiffness.
The new Scale is available in t wo different versions. The HMX-SL and HM X frames are
optimized for 1x drivetrains only an d therefore ded icated to race-oriented riders. The HMF
line-u p is designed and optimized around a double chain ring setup. These models can,
however, accommodate a single chainrin g configuration.
On the new Scale introduce a sp ecific brake mount adapter which is linked dire ctly to the
chainstay an d thru-axle in order to increase stiffness.
Routing the cables internally avoids bulky external hardwa re and looks cl eaner. Due to the
improved protectio n, the cabl es have a longer lifetime.
The new Scale chain guide weighs in at just 23 grams, is easy to assemble thanks to a smart
mounting system and can accommodate 30T to 36T chainrings.
The new Scale dropouts are designed to be integrated on the thru-axle system thanks to a
hollow tube design that allows a sim ple and light weight struc ture.
Seatpost Diameter 31.6mm
Seattube clamp 34.9
Headset bearing s: 51.9x40x8 45 ° x 45 °/
41.8x3 0.5x8 45 ° x 45 °
Fork travel 100mm
BB housing BB PF92
Front derailleur Shiman o high direc t mount side
swing (none RC m odels only)
Additional parts needed
Chainring size 38T max
Max tyre wi dth 2.3/57mm
Please note:
Tire size s often vary from
brand to b rand. Ensure t he tire
clearan ce is adequate wh en
replacing your tires!
Only a bot tle with 0.55L c apacity will
have the cle arance to fit a sma ll frame
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